Title: Ergonomic design of a portable musical instrument
1Ergonomic design of a portable musical instrument
- NIME 2003 Montreal, Canada
- Motohide Hatanaka
- Center for Design Research
- Stanford University
- California, USA
2Dont you want one?
- No time to play instruments?
- Dont you have time
- during commute?
- on a long plane ride?
A Walkman that you play!
3Two messages!
Lets develop a Walkman that you play.
Electronic instruments can create a new market.
- Design by co-satisfaction of
- task (demand),
- technology, and
- human ergonomics.
4Desirable properties for playing in public
- For the user
- Compact light
- Comfortable
- Fun
- For the neighbors
- Quiet
- Small range of motion
5Benchmarking competitions
Handheld video games
Mobile phone
6Initial conceptwith intuition
- Round shapes are ergonomic
- ? Spherical
- Sensors on surface
- (e.g. buttons, touchpad)
- Use wrist to twist
- Compress inwards with palms
7Testing shapes with mockups
8Choosing pivot location
9Choosing sensor location
Finger exercise
10Matching human input, function, and hardware
11Hardware with acrylic sandwich structure
12Hardware setup
13System setup
14Problems identified
- Not comfortable to play
- Too heavy
- Too thick
- Palm contact location inappropriate
- etc
15Next generation?
Thinner body with narrowing bottom
Touch strip
16Things to remember
- Be an advocate of the concept
- Realize Walkman-like
- portable instruments
- Round does not mean ergonomic
- Fingers have varying dexterity
- The palm deforms a lot.
- Mockup building helps!
- Project teammates
- (Seth Nickell and Katia Zarrillo)
- Class teaching team at Stanford CCRMA
- (Professors Bill Verplank and Max Mathews,
- TAs Michael Gurevich and Wendy Ju)
- My research advisor, Professor Mark Cutkosky
18Ergonomics fundamentals
- Avoid
- bad posture
- high stress (force)
- frequent repetition
- long duration
Maintain straight wrist
Know your limits. Take time to rest.
19Things to remember
- Be an advocate of the concept
- Realize Walkman-like
- portable instruments
- Round does not mean ergonomic
- Fingers have varying dexterity
- The palm deforms a lot.
- Mockup building helps!