Title: nitrogen and irrigation management of potatoes
1nitrogen and irrigation managementof potatoes
- Sarah Sinton, Bruce Searle
2N and water are the main drivers
- Both N and water in the right amounts are needed
to grow a great potato crop. - Optimise tuber yield and quality.
- Accurate irrigation enhances N uptake.
- Minimise wastage, leaching.
- Crop needs change every year.
3How crops are managed
- Focus has been on maximising yields.
- Putting plenty of N on to cover all bases.
- Potato roots can reach 70 cm.
4Yields, N applied, N left
5How crops are managed
- Focus has been on maximising yields.
- Putting plenty of N on covered all bases.
- How much N is already in the soil?
- How much will be mineralised?
- The Potato Calculator.
6Canopy development
Full Canopy
Full Senescence
7Partitioning of resources
100 partitioned to tops
25 tops 75 tubers
100 tubers
tuber biomass
tuber initiation
tops biomass
Thermal time
8The soil model
Field capacity
Wilting point
9Early deficit 2003-04, Canterbury
Yield reduction between 4.5 and 14.6 t/ha
10Later deficit 2004-05, Canterbury
Yield reduction between 0.5 and 6.3 t/ha
11How crops are managed
- Focus has been on maximising yields.
- Putting plenty of N on covered all bases.
- How much N is already in the soil?
- How much will be mineralised?
- Experience with Canterbury crops.
- Emphasis on N when in fact water was limiting.
12Lysimeter installation
13Rainfall and drainage
N treatments applied
N at planting
210 mm drainage
90 mm drainage
14N Leached at 80cm
Leaching from N treatments
Leaching from N already in the soil
N treatments applied
Leaching from N at planting
15Final points
- You need to understand the interaction between
the crop, soil and weather to best optimise N and
water use. - You need to know
- - What the soil can supply
- - How much is needed (if theres a shortfall)
- - When to apply them
- The Potato Calculator can help you do this.
- Sustainable Farming Fund
- HortNZ
- Ballance Agri-Nutrients
- McCain Foods Ltd
- Environment Waikato
- Horizons
- Hawkes Bay Regional Council
- HortResearch
- Eurogrow
- Many potato growers
- gt A decade of Public Good money for earlier