Title: April 12 - 13, 2006
1The GLAST Archive
2GLAST Overview
- GLAST (Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope)
observations of celestial gamma-ray sources in
the 10 MeV 100 GeV band - NASAU.S. Department of Energy institutions in
France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Sweden.
3GLAST Instruments
Description Energy band FOV Localization
Large Area Telescope (LAT) PI P. Michelson (Stanford) 16 tracker towers of silicon strip detectors CsI calorimeter Anti-coincidence detector (ACD). 20 MeV-300 GeV 2.4 Sr 0.5 arcmin
GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM) PI C. Meegan (MSFC) 12 sodium iodide (NaI) scintillation detectors and 2 Bismuth Germanate (BGO) scintillation detectors few keV 1 MeV (NaI) 150 keV to 30 MeV (BGO) 10 Sr 3 deg.
4GLAST Status
- GBM being delivered Spring 2006
- LAT totally integrated and undergoing instrument
level testing at SLAC - ACD Complete
- GBM, LAT ACD spacecraft integration summer
2006 - Launch Sep 7 2007?
5GLAST Reviews
- Since 2004
- GSSC Detailed Design Peer Review (July 2004)
- GLAST Ground System Design Review (Aug 2004)
- GLAST Users Committee (GUC) meeting at GSFC
(08/04, 06/05, 11/05) - Mission Operations Review (3/06)
6GLAST Data Elements
7Mission Phases
- Phase 0 On-orbit checkout (L to L2 months)
- Phase 1 Sky survey (L2 months to L14 months
Dec 07 - Dec 08) limited number of GI pointed
observations - Phases 0 and 1 restricted access period. no
LAT level 1 data (events) will be available to
any GIs who are not LAT team members. During
Phase 1 Level 2 data characterizing transients
will be public Non-transient data and transient
level 1 data will be public at start of phase 2. - Phase 2 GI phase (L14 months Dec 08)survey
mode, pointed mode all data available
immediately - The first GI proposals will be due March 2007.
8Expected Data Volumes
- Level 1 data 75 MB/day (LAT) 0.5MB/day (GBM)
75.5MB/day (276 GB/Year) - Level 2 data 2 MB/day (0.7GB/year)
- and a smaller volume of Level 3 data to give a
total expected yearly data volume of about 300
Gbytes/year. Assuming a 10 year mission life the
GSSC will need to provide about 3 Tbytes of data
storage for the Level 1, 2 and 3 data archive.
9Data Access Overview
10Data Access
- FITS event files downloaded from GSSC web
Or search for bursts sources using BROWSE, and
download LAT/GBM data
Science Tools (currently version 7 release 0
patch 3) for selection, binning, likelihood
analyses, exposure map generators, pulsar
analysis etc available for Linux
Windows Documentation, user guides and science
threads (source analysis, burst analysis, etc.)
under development Software uses standard HEASoft
interface Burst spectra format compatible with
XSPEC Compatibility with XSELECT under development
12Tasks in Progress
- Science file formats for LAT and GBM data being
finalized - Data Challenge II (March-May 2006) exercises
processing pipeline, data retrieval, data
analysis - GSSC-HEASARC MOU being finalized
- GSSC-HEASARC Interface Control Document under
development - Prototype HEASARC archive being used for DC II
- Browse tables being defined
- Prototype LAT CALDB constructed
- all should be ready L-7 months (Feb 2007) for
expected first release of Phase 0/1 data in Dec