Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Optical noise of a 1550 nm fiber laser as an
underwater acoustic sensor B. Orsal,
N.P.Faye, K. Hey Tow, R. Vacher, D.
Dureisseix Research team Bruit
Optoélectronique, Institut dElectronique du Sud
(IES), CNRS UMR 5214 / University Montpellier 2,
CC 084, Place Eugène Bataillon, F-34095
Montpellier Cedex 05, France Société
détudes, de recherche et de développement
industriel et commercial (Serdic), 348 avenue du
Vert-Bois, F-34090 Montpellier, France
Research team Systèmes Multi-contacts,
Laboratoire de Mécanique et de Génie Civil
(LMGC), CNRS UMR 5508 / University Montpellier 2,
CC 048, Place Eugène Bataillon, F-34095
Montpellier Cedex 05, France
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
- The goal of this presentation is to provide the
first results we got concerning the optical noise
of a distributed feedback fiber laser (DFB FL )
used as an underwater acoustic sensor. The main
sensor characteristics are - - A sensitivity allowing detection of all signal
levels over background sea noise (the so-called
deep-sea state 0). Among other applications, one
may mention seismic risk prevention, oil
prospection, ship detection, etc. - - An optical noise reduced to its minimal value
it is the lower bound below which no acoustic
pressure variation is detectable. - - To show that sufficiently low Relative
Intensity Noise (RIN) can be obtained from DFB FL
with a good choice of 1480 nm pump lasers powered
with a very low noise current source in order to
minimize Phase Noise detection due to DFB FL .
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
- Introduction
- SensorDistributed Feedback fiber laser (DFB
FL) - DFB FL with acoustic amplifier
- AcoustoOptic Sensitivity SAO
- Experimental Set Up
- Détection Unit
- The optical intensity detected by the photodiodes
- Detected phase noise dF versus acoustic frequency
f - Optical sensor noise sources
- DFB Fiber Laser intensity noise
- DFB Fiber Laser frequency noise
- Detected Phase noise resolution versus acoustic
frequency f - Deep Sea State Zero Noise (DSS0 Sea Noise)
dFDSSO - RIN Detected Phase NoisedFRIN
- Frequency Detected Phase Noise dFfreq
- Laser Noise Equivalent Pressure dPNEP
- Conclusion
4Bare Distributed Feedback fiber laser (DFB
FL)and Acoustic Amplifier
Laser Cavity Lenght L 5 cm with distributed
BRAGG reflector GainErbium Doped Gain Zone
lB2neffL where L
Pump light at 1480nm
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
5Bare DFB FL without acoustic amplifier
- Mechanical Sensitivity e / Dp
- ( Frequency dependance)
- acousto-optique Sensitivity Dl / Dp of bare
DBF FL - without acoustic amplifier.
- The deformation of the DFB fiber laser is small
when a bare fiber laser is placed directly in
water. It is not sufficient to detect Deep See
State Zero Noise (DSS0). -
UPON2008 ENSLyon 2-6 June 2008
6Bare DFB FL with acoustic amplifier
Its sensitivity can be increased by using an
acoustic amplification. Typically we have
calculated for underwater surveillance
applications, an amplification of the sensitivity
of about 500 1000 times is required to approach
the deep sea state zero noise level (DSS0).
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
7AcoustoOptic Sensitivity SAO
where A is the sensitive surface area, k is
the equivalent fiber sensor stiffness, ?B is the
wavelength and LFL is the cavity DFB laser length
equal to 5 cm.
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
8Experimental Set Up
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
9Détection Unit
- The unbalanced in-fibre Mach-Zender
interferometer(MZI) converts the pressure induced
wavelength shift of the radiation emitted by the
DFB fiber laser, into a phase delay which is a
function of the FL output wavelength shift ?? and
of the optical path difference OPD neff. L,
where L is the length unbalance of the two
interferometer arms. - The wavelength modulation is analyzed by means of
a FFT spectrum analyzer coupled with a phase
meter. -
- Where is the phase delay which corresponds to
the pressure induced wave length shift and is
the noise component associated with the signal
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
10The optical intensity detected by the photodiodes
- It is important that the interferometer is in
quadrature (multiples of p/2) to have linear
responses hence we can use a sinusoidal phase
carrier signal to carry the phase delay created
in the interferometer
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
11The optical intensity detected by the photodiodes
- The even harmonics of the carrier are all
amplitude modulated by the cosine of the phase
delay while the odd harmonics are amplitude
modulated by the sine of phase delay. - The phase meter gives Y(t) and X(t) as output.
Both signals can be connected to two channels of
a FFT analyser from which the phase delay can be
extracted both in time and frequency domain in
order to plot frequency noise dF versus acoustic
frequency f.
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
12Optical sensor noise sources
- A noise source refers to any effect that
generates a signal which is unrelated to the
acoustic signal of interest and interferes with
precise measurement. - In the remote interrogated optical hydrophone
sensors, there are several optical noise sources
that contribute significantly to the total sensor
noise. - i) laser intensity noise, ii) laser frequency
noise. -
- Other noise sources such as optical shot noise,
obscurity current noise, oscillator phase noise
and fiber thermal noise and input polarization
noise are generally less significant and will be
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
13DFB Fiber Laser intensity noise
- Fluctuations in the intensity of the laser
contribute to the sensor noise and generate a
noise current on the detection indistinguishable
from the sensor phase signal. -
- is the spectral density of the optical power
fluctuations and is the mean optical power
generated by laser near ? 1.55?m. - For the case where the RIN occupies a bandwidth
much less wide than the homodyne beat frequency,
RMS induced phase noise is given by -
- Measurements carried out on a single DFB FL
pumped at 1480 nm with a power of 140 mW -
- A typical spectrum is shown in figure 4.The
noise of the DFB fiber laser was found to exhibit
an f -? relationship where ? 0.5 for
frequencies up to 10 kHz. Our measurements have
given that RIN(f,?) levels less than 110 dB/Hz
between 10kHz and 100kHz thanks to a RINPump lase
r is lower than 10-13 s. - This behavior proves that sufficiently low RIN
can be obtained from DFB FL with a good choice of
pump lasers powered with a very low noise current
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
14 A typical frequency noise S(f,?) is shown at
1552.06 nm. The frequency noise of the laser was
measured using experimental set. S(f,?) is
related to Laser linewidth d?1/2 by the
DFB Fiber Laser frequency noise
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
15Interferometric Phase Resolution When a
hydrophone is placed in the ocean, the background
acoustic noise will contribute to the total
detected phase noise. The phase noise generated
due to sea state is given by where f
is the acoustic frequency and GMZI is the gain of
imbalanced interferometer given by the
relationshipwith the values ? 1552 nm, neff
1,465, L 300m, GMZI 1,149. 106 rad/nm.
Interferometric Phase Resolution
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
16 Phase noise resolution versus acoustic
frequency The acoustic pressure resolution of
the hydrophone can be computed for the two cases
limited by the sensor self noise (red) and
ambient acoustic noise (green) in the ocean
versus frequency for different DFB FL sensitivity
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008
17Laser Noise Equivalent Pressure
- We compute the laser noise equivalent pressure
(Pa/?Hz) given by the model - In order to compare with see noise equivalent
pressure (Pa/?Hz) - When sensitivity is high, we can detect the DSSO
noise on all acoustic frequency range. - When sensitivity is lower than 1,5 10 -6 nm/Pa,
laser noise is detected on all range.
Sao(nm/Pa) f(Hz) dFfreq dFdsso (rad/vHz) (µPa/vHz)
1,50E-06 1 0,1 58479
3,00E-06 10 0,03 87781
5,00E-06 38 0,015 2631
7,50E-06 100 0,01 1169
1,50E-05 800 0,0032 187
4,00E-05 9000 0,0012 26
- In this paper, we have shown the first frequency
noise measurements of a single mode DFB FL used
as an underwater hydrophone which is pumped with
a 1480 nm laser with a very low RINPump lt 10-13
s. - .
- The low frequency pressure resolution in water
becomes limited by Deep See State zero ambient
acoustics if the acousto-optic sensitivity is
sufficiently high (gt 1.5. 10-5 nm/Pa). - If the sensitivity is lower than 1.5. 10-6 nm/Pa,
then the frequency resolution is limited by DFB
FL noise which is nearly equal to frequency
noise. - The phase noise related to relative Intensity
noise is negligible because the DFB fiber laser
is pumped with a 1480 nm laser with a very low
RINPump lt 10-13 s - .
- This type of system can be adapted for any
applications requiring networks of sensor
elements to be efficiently multiplexed. In
particular, for seismic surveying arrays such as
those positioned on ocean floor, for instance
plugged to the Deep Sea Net used by Ifremer.
UPON2008 ENS Lyon 2-6 June 2008