Title: Individual Development Accounts for Immigrants and Refugees
1Individual Development Accounts for Immigrants
and Refugees
- Strategies, special considerations, and resources
for practitioners
2Diversity in Kansas and Missouri
- In Kansas, 5 of the total population is
foreign-born 3.3 is non-citizen. In Missouri,
these figures are 2.7 and 1.6, respectively. In
some parts of these states, however, the new
American population is considerably larger. - Only 7 counties in Kansas and 5 in Missouri
failed to see increases in the Hispanic origin
population category between 1990 and 2000. 40
counties in Kansas and 56 in Missouri saw their
Latino populations increase by 100. In
Missouri, 3 counties saw growth of more than
3Starting with the Basics
- What is an immigrant?
- An immigrant is a foreign-born individual who has
been admitted to reside permanently in the United
States as a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR). - Many people who are considered immigrants are
actually non-immigrants under law students,
tourists, temporary workers
4Starting with the Basics
- What is a refugee?
- A refugee is a person outside of the U.S. who is
granted protections on the grounds that he/she
fears persecution in his/her homeland (based on
race, religion, social group membership,
political opinion, national origin). - What is an Asylee?
- An asylee is a person who comes to the U.S.
because of a similar fear and is granted similar
protections after arrival.
5Why IDAs with immigrants and refugees?
- Fights Poverty
- The poverty rate among native born Americans is
11.2. - The poverty rate for non-citizen immigrants is
21.3. - Builds Stable Connections to New Home
- Provides an anchor and buffer for recent arrivals
- Orients to U.S. Financial System
- Same Positive Outcomes as Other Participants
6IDA Programs and Policy with new Americans
7Special Considerations in Program DesignLanguage
- Most adults need approximately 4-5 years to
become proficient in English. During this time
of language acquisition, they will need services
in their native languages and/or use of
interpreters. - Translated documents should be tested with native
speakers. Interpreters competency should be
independently verified. - Many immigrants have low literacy levels in their
native language, making oral communication
8Special Considerations in Program DesignStatus
- Many immigrants and refugees experience times of
being out of status in respect to their
immigration permission. This affects - Work authorization
- Eligibility for public benefits
- Willingness to engage with agencies
- IDA programs should, wherever possible, utilize
alternative documentation and verification
processes to facilitate immigrant participation.
9Special Considerations in Program DesignCulture
- An IDA program or financial literacy class may
have many diverse cultures represented, all of
which may be different than that of the
instructor. - Discussions about money are particularly
culturally-sensitive for many people. - Seek multicultural staff, but also build program
on life experiences, allow for flexibility, learn
from participants as experts.
10Special Considerations in Program DesignCulture
- Newcomers often need to build, rather than
repair, a credit history. - Unfamiliarity with our consumer culture requires
learning about scams how to advocate for self. - Comfort level can be raised through exposure to
banking professionals (as volunteer trainers or
guest speakers).
11Special Considerations in Policy Development
- Wide range of allowable assets
- Sensitivity to status, documentation
- Flexible timeline for purchases
- Continue protections against public charge
- Additional administrative dollars for
translations, multilingual staff
12New Americans and Asset Investments
13Immigrants/Refugees and Entrepreneurship
- Often strong tradition of self-employment, but in
very different business culture. - Culturally and linguistically appropriate
business assistance - Possible community resistance to
minority/non-citizen businesses - Often fails to lift families out of poverty,
particularly for large extended families
14Immigrants/Refugees and Postsecondary Education
- Some immigrant categories considered foreign
students despite years of residence in a state - Language challenges with entrance exams and
coursework - Difficulty transferring credits from foreign
institutions - Cultural isolation for new Americans at some
15Immigrants/Refugees and Homeownership
Home is sweet in all languages!
Homeownership Rate Among Native Born
Homeownership Rate Among Naturalized Citizens
Homeownership Rate Among Non-citizens
U. S. Census Bureau 1997
16Immigrants/Refugees and Homeownership
But once I can say it in your language
Homeownership Rate Among Naturalized Citizens Who
Entered Before 1978
Homeownership Rate Among Native Born
Homeownership Rate Among Non-citizens Who Entered
Before 1978
U. S. Census Bureau 1997
17Immigrants/Refugees and Homeownership
Growth of the homeownership/population ratio by
Race (1996 - 2001)
Based on 2000 Census
18Immigrants/Refugees and Homeownership
- May or may not have tradition of private property
ownership - Multigenerational households and shared ownership
- Property maintenance, codes, safety
- Stigma of indebtedness
- Prejudice and discrimination in housing markets,
19Immigrants/Refugees and Homeownership
- Victims of bad business practices
- Lack of consumer skills
- No credit history
- Employability issues
- Access to cash
- Strong extended family relations
- Less consumer oriented than American culture
- Motivated determined
- Strong survival skills
20IDA Outcomes with Immigrants
- El Centros program serves, in partnership with
HAFS, 131 individuals, of whom 88 are recent
Latino immigrants. Average income is 26, 594
for immigrant participants. - To date, these immigrants have saved, with match,
158,815 (between January 2002 and April 2003). - 41 of these immigrants are saving for
homeownership 8 for post-secondary education, 14
for a small business, and the rest for multiple.
21IDA Outcomes with Refugees
From May 2000 to March 31, 2003
22Resources to get started
- Melinda Lewis, El Centro, Inc.
- 913-677-0100 x.119 mlewis_at_elcentroinc.com
- Web Resources about Immigrants
- http//www.immigrationforum.org/
- http//www.nilc.org/
- http//www.ncsl.org/programs/immig/
- http//www.ilrc.org/
- http//www.cliniclegal.org/
23More Resources
- Betsy Slosar
- (314) 773-9090 x156, slosarb_at_intlinst.org
- Web Resources about Refugees
- http//www.refugeesusa.org
- http//www.ised.org
- http//www.irsa-uscr.org
- www.unhcr.ch
- www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/orr