Title: Suspension Feeding
1Suspension Feeding
- Mostly mechanics and foraging theory
- Definition feeding on particles by removing
them from suspension - Active create own feeding currents
- Passive use ambient fluid motion and (or)
gravity - Beware of classifications/dichotomies
- Nobody make a living by swallowing seawater.
Good particles must be concentrated.
3Suspension, like Deposit, Feeding Says How, not
- Phytoplankton
- Detritus
- Bacteria
- Protists
- Animals
- More than one of the above
- One or more from column A, plus something
acquired in another feeding mode (e.g., deposit
feeding or osmotrophy)
4Passive Active SF
Many benthic phyla
Many benthic phyla
In the plankton, thecosome pteropods
In the plankton, copepods, salps, some fishes,
5More terms and concepts
- BEWARE of volume filtered or volume cleared.
- It comes from the practice of measuring C(t). If
you know C (x) and C (x y), then from the
geometric mean concentration over the interval y
and the time y and the volume of the experimental
container you can calculate what volume has been
cleared of cells in that time. - Just because you can do the calculation does not
mean that the animal actually filters that volume.
6Where to forage
- Planktonic suspension feeders, where C is high,
but observation is that they forage where
production is high. - Benthic suspension feeders where Cxu is high
- Benthic suspension feeders cant chase patches
7What Particles to Take
- For feeders on living organisms, take particles
larger than the mean size - For detritivores, take smaller particles and ones
lower in specific gravity - If sorting is moderately expensive, show partial
preference - Sorting may be an issue for benthic suspension
feeders that experience high concentrations of
poor foods
8How Fast to Feed
Recall the digestion lectures and reprints
Filter only fast enough to keep the gut full
- Aerosol filtration theory (Rubenstein and Koehl
1977) has a different goal and flow geometry - The flow is often unbounded in filtration of
hydrosols by suspension feeders - Beware of early aquatic applications that focus
on efficiency of encounter and fail to use excess
particle density
10Flow and Collector Geometry
11Direct Interception
The only mechanism that does not cross streamlines
12Inertial Impaction
Fl 2Culs lc . ls lt rc
Fl 2Curc lc . ls rc
13Gravitational Deposition
14Diffusional Deposition
- The mechanisms can be interactive rather than
additive (but often one will be so dominant that
it does not matter). - The mechanisms are linear in particle
concentration. - The velocity you need is a face velocity, not a
bulk velocity. - The concentration you need is local to the
collector. - Per particle, bacteria are hard to encounter by
any mechanism.
16Fenchel Closes the Microbial Loop (Bombannes 1982)
17But leaves out fluid motion
Shimeta and Jumars (1993) added shear, and
showed as is true for most suspension feeders
and sit-and-wait predators that an intermediate
shear rate maximizes rate of ingestion
(effective encounter).
18Exceptions to the 5-10 µm rule for bacterivory
- Tunicates that use very fine meshes and so have a
small pressure drop (and other thin mucus strand
makers) - Viruses
- Shear from decaying turbulence pushes it up
- Ability to use ambient flow (benthos)
- FW daphnids (charge effects?)
19For benthos, encounter and ingestion rates hard
to match
- Local u and C poorly known
- Re often gt 1
- Vertical gradients are strong, and food can be
depleted near the bed by dense assemblages of
suspension feeders. - Unsteady, active motions can be important for
encounter - Calculated rates do match for one brittlestar
species and some protists
20Bivalves are a mess
- There are no intelligible, mechanistic models of
encounter. - Particle detection and unsteady motion is
involved but not modeled. - Controversy over mechanisms and rates has raged
for gt 20 yr
21Medium-scale flow issues
- Rejection (exhalent) jets fast high
- Induced flow (Venturi effect)
- Lee feeding
- Vortex trapping
- Induced resuspension
- Location relative to obstacles bedforms
- Depleted boundary layers