Title: Middle School Philosophy
1Scheduling for Eighth Grade Parent
2Students Receive Instruction
Algebra or PreAlgebra
Language Arts
American History
Career Awareness
Physical Education
8 Electives
Life Skills
3Eighth Grade Math Pre Algebra - Covers 8th Grade
Level Content Expectations set by the State of
Michigan Algebra (High school course) covers
the Algebra I high school content expectations
set by the state of Michigan. Successful
completion of Algebra I will result in one high
school math credit.
4- Eighth Grade Math Placement
- The factors which will be used to determine
placement for eighth grade math are the
following - Scores on unit assessments from 7th grade math
- NWEA assessment score
- Classroom performance including work completion
and effort. - Our goal is to mail home letters indicating each
student's placement in mid-May.
5Elective Guide
Do not pick same courses for alternates that you
did for first choices!
6Scheduling Online
- Visit Internet Site
- http//ps.dexter.k12.mi.us/public
- While on the PowerSchool page, enter the
following information
Click on the Class Registration icon..
7Scheduling Online
Click on the Class Registration icon..
8Scheduling Online
9Master Schedule will be created based on your
Power School will prioritize Top 8 over
alternates, but will not rank one course over
another in the Top 8
10Print Your Request Sheet out!
11Your courses didnt get saved!
If you get the Login page after you hit submit
- Read Course Descriptions and fill in sheet
- Do not list same courses for alternates as first
choices - Log in to power school and choose courses from
drop-down boxes - Hit Submit and make sure you get a confirmation
sheet - Due no later than March 28, 2008
13Teacher Recommendation required for the following
courses Cadet / Peer Teaching How to Read Get
It Individual Learning Hour Math Power
Hour Studio Art Write it Right
14Band, Orchestra, Chorus, and Foreign Language are
YEAR LONG electives.
15Do I really HAVE to pick 8 electives?!
16How Do I Decide Which Classes I Should Take?
- Course Description Book
- Ask Friends, Relatives
SUGGESTION Read Course Description Book Cover
to Cover First.
17Read the Course book CAREFULLY
you are interested in making a difference and
gaining leadership skills, this class is for you!
You will be asked to plan and participate in
special activities such as athletic pre-game
festivities, spirit week activities, after school
dances, staff recognition activities, and school
and community service projects. You will be
required to perform ten (10) hours of community
service outside the regular school day. This
class takes the place of a traditional student
council program. Students are only allowed to
take this class once a year, unless special
advisor permission is granted.
STUDIO ART (two period class) Do you love art?
Do you want to devote more time to your creative
self? If so, then this class is for you. Two
consecutive class periods will be devoted to
projects such as wax batik, henna tattoos or
smoke fired pottery. In this class you will be
challenged to try different kinds of art
experiences with the help of the art teacher.
Both two-and three-dimensional works are
encouraged. As a way of self-evaluation, you
will write about the areas of art you have
explored. This class will be offered as a
two-hour block to enable you to work
uninterrupted during the elective hours.
18Choosing Sports Electives
You may end up having Phys Ed for Focus, a Sports
Elective (ITS or PF) AND an after-school sport
all in the same day. Choose carefully - no
changes will be made!
- Making uninformed decisions.
- I didnt know what this class was about.
- (Personal Fitness CSL)
- 2. Deciding you are no longer happy with the
schedule you chose. - Music
- I dont know what I was thinking.
- 3. Randomly listing classes as alternates.
- (I only listed that class because I thought I
wouldnt get it.) - 4. Not listing any alternates
- 5. Choosing classes you arent interested in
because you think a friend is going to be in the
20Eighth Grade Washington DC Trip
- Fall Meeting following Curriculum Night
- Cost Approximately 670
- Trip Date - First week in May
- Payments in installments (Oct 15, 2008 100)
- Fundraisers
- Bulb Sale
- Buschs Card (5) - Barb Watkins Linda Toth
Co- Coordinators
21Scheduling Information
- Parent Input Forms - Due March 28
- Online Scheduling - Due March 28
- Elective Course Book - Available online