Algonquin Middle School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Algonquin Middle School


Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle School ... 2. Give your child more responsibilities for decision-making tasks at home as ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Algonquin Middle School

Algonquin Middle School
  • 2008-2009 Programs

Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle
  • Start talking about the differences between
    elementary and middle school early and with

Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle
  • 2. Give your child more responsibilities for
    decision-making tasks at home as preparation for
    increased deadlines, demands, and expectations in
    middle school.

Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle
  • 3. Supplement schoolwork with additional reading
    and writing projects at home in readiness for
    lengthier school assignments.

Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle
  • 4. Talk about the fun of changing rooms and
    teachers several times a day. Explain that each
    class is a separate subject.

Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle
  • 5. Help your child understand that students have
    to adapt to different teachers, not the other way

Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle
  • 6. Visit the middle school several times together
    to help your student become comfortable with the
    changes from his or her current school. Algonquin
    Middle School summer hours are 630 a.m. 300

Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle
  • 7. Attend all new school orientations. Make the
    transition seem like an adventure and a step
    forward in your youngsters education. 6th Grade
    Orientation will be held on the following date
  • August 25, 2008
  • 500 630 p.m.

Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle
  • 8. Discuss the fact that your child will be
    moving to a bigger school where they are once
    again the youngest. Preparation for this makes it

Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle
  • 9. Find out who your childs teachers will be and
    see if you can make appointments to meet them
    prior to the new year. Schedules will be given to
    students at orientation. The office is open the
    remainder of the week for you to set up times to
    visit teachers.

Ten Ways to Help Your Child Transition to Middle
  • 10. Make a list together of your childs
    expectations for middle school. Make a plan to
    ensure that the expectations are met.
  • Studying/Homework
  • Socially
  • Lunchroom
  • Communication between school and home

New/Adapted Programs at AMS
Lunch Program
  • No pop machines in hallway
  • Move away from pop to healthier choices or
    non-carbonated choices
  • No bathroom during lunch
  • May use bathroom on way to/from lunch with teacher

Lunch Program
  • Students need to be supervised by teacher at all
    times to and from lunch
  • Assigned seats by teacher teacher that picks
    them up
  • Students will be escorted down through Home
    Economics Hallway and released to teachers down
    the Office hallway.

Lunch Program
  • 30-minute breakdown for lunch
  • 10 minute activity time in gym or outside
    student choice
  • 5 minutes through the line new service lines
    for lunch
  • 15 minutes to eat

Lunch Program
  • Gym time once you are outside, you stay
    outside. We dont want mess in the gym from
    outside water, snow, dirt, etc. (again, student
  • Students outside will come in through Entrance 4
    students in gym will exit through gym doors and
    proceed to lunch line.

Lunch Program
  • New lunch service lines
  • No separate snack sales
  • 2 lines to service students
  • 1 full service line with regular choices
  • 1 self service line with snack, nachos, small
    food items, drinks not cash any more
  • New Zangle meal program
  • Check balance and purchases online

Lunch Program
  • Teachers/Administrators will determine if area is
    picked up before we release. No food or drinks
    outside cafeteria.

  • The Seminar program will revolve around the
    philosophy of allowing students time during their
    normal school day to receive tutoring,
    assistance, and/or enrichment in one of the seven
  • The Algonquin staff will analyze student data and
    progress thus far and assign students to the
    appropriate seminar period. Again, this
    seminar period will take place during your
    childs normal school day.

  • Start seminar at the beginning of the year for
    6th and 7th grade students in areas of
    MEAP/academic need.
  • Students that are proficient in all areas of the
    MEAP and show academic success may select
    student choice.

  • In grades 6 and 7
  • Once a week on Wednesday
  • Will re-assign students after each progress
    report marking
  • Academic and student choice offering

ELA Block
  • Algonquin will remain dedicated to an increased
    time for students in ELA.
  • In 2008-2009, Algonquin will offer ELA in two
    separate, non-blocked, classes in both reading
    and writing.
  • In 7th and 8th grade, a student may not have the
    same teacher for both reading and writing.
  • In 6th grade, this may be possible, but we will
    not know until scheduling is done this summer.

Elective Tier Policy
  • In Grades 6 and 7
  • All students will receive one semester of
    rotating elective classes in no particular order
    for one hour of their day. After MEAP scores are
    released, students will enter our new PLUS tier
    of academic programming for the second semester.
    Students will transition into an additional hour
    or Plus Hour to receive focused instruction in
    the subject area of the MEAP that they shown the
    greatest need. These targeted areas are math,
    writing and reading. Students that receive a
    score of one (1) or two (2) in math, reading,
    and/or writing will have the option to jump to an
    elective tier for the second semester.

Plus Hour
  • 6th 7th Grade Students
  • 2nd semester only
  • Floating change date due to fluctuating MEAP
    results release.
  • Math no concern with grade change
  • ELA no concern with grade change
  • Common stopping point for curriculum
  • Students may switch classes/teachers

Plus Hour
  • If failing more than one subject (reading,
    writing, or math), seminar must be second option
  • Using MEAP scaled score
  • Most proficient will go to seminar
  • Least proficient will go to Plus Hour
  • If fail 2 may switch at marking period, but
    team meeting to determine if appropriate to make
    change to other subjects.

Plus Hour
  • Seminar student may opt out of seminar in
    subject they are in plus hour.
  • Band students and parent, if they choose to
    continue in band, must sign an educational
    contract detailing educational plan.
  • Special Education will not be involved in this
    program as they will receive additional
    accommodations within the Special Education

New Elective Tier Option
  • Electives offered to students who show academic
    success in four (4) core classes.
  • Informational Literacy
  • Based in media center
  • Curriculum based on State of Michigan Technology
    standards (available)
  • Offering aligns with Algonquin goal of giving
    students more access to the media center and
    concepts they need to be successful.
  • Other Elective Tier offerings will be Computer
    and Physical Education (students are required to
    dress for P.E.)
  • Computers will be three days in computer lab, two
    days in classroom (tentative).

STRIVE Program(Student Tutoring and Rigorous
Intervention for Valued Enrichment)
  • Time 6 weeks before MEAP, not counting first
    week of school
  • Frequency At least two a week for each subject  

STRIVE Program
  • Student involvement is optional however, if you
    commit, student will also have to commit to the
    STRIVE attendance policy.
  • Intervention will be made with MEAP data.

STRIVE Program
  • MEAP data will drive instruction.
  • STRIVE will function with assistance from a
    computer-based curriculum when possible.
  • Data Director for assessment and targeted gain

Daily at Algonquin
  • 6th and 7th grade will be on a separate schedule
    than 8th grade.
  • 6th and 7th grade will have 56 minute classes
    with 4 minutes passing.
  • 8th grade will have 50 minute classes and four
    minutes passing.
  • 30 minute lunch period with four minutes
    scheduled to travel both to/from lunch see new
    lunch program.
  • School day will last from 745 a.m. 234 p.m.
  • 2009-2010 Projected All grades on same

Tentative Daily Schedule of Classes
Tentative Daily Schedule of Classes - Wednesday
  • Core class in 8th grade
  • Part of new State of Michigan graduation
  • Need one (1) credit of foreign language in middle
  • No opt-out

Breakfast Program
  • Your student will have the option of purchasing
    breakfast each morning.
  • Our breakfast program stops serving at 740 a.m.
    and cafeteria is closed at 742 a.m. and students
    are to report to class. (Exceptions are made for
    students arriving on verified late buses.)
  • Breakfast must be eaten in cafeteria to maximize
    academic time in class.
  • No food/beverage leaves the cafeteria.

F.I.T. Focused Intervention Team
  • Algonquins new special education pre-qualifying
  • Systematic student intervention program for
    student success
  • Students identified by teachers and/or student
    instructional/behavioral data

Lunch Intervention Programs
  • Started in the Winter of 2008 school year.
  • Tuesday and Thursday are Lunch Study Hall days
    teacher recommends students based on missing
  • Monday and Friday are designed reward activity
    days in the gym for students who have all
    assignments student choice.
  • Follow through with study hall director and
    classroom teacher

Schedule Changes
  • None made once school starts
  • Schedule change forms available in main office
  • Schedule change forms will only be accepted for
    consideration on 8/26/08 8/28/08
  • Office hours are 630 a.m. 300 p.m.

Grade Level Hallways
  • Will no longer be a priority in terms of and
    because of room movement

  • If in Band cant be in Choir and vice versa
  • This will be the students elective all year
  • No Choir in 6th grade
  • Incoming 6th grade students should have signed up
    for Band in May with Mr. Gras in their 5th grade
  • If interested, contact Mr. Gras at 810-794-9317

Parent Documents/Information
  • Parent Connect sign up with us in AMS office
  • Planner first one is free / 5.00 for any
    additional (Sample) How is it used.
  • Progress Reports four times a year (Handout)
  • Parent Connect Meetings

Extra-Curricular Opportunities 6th Grade
  • Intramurals
  • NJHS
  • Yearbook
  • Student Council
  • Cross-Country
  • Band
  • Wrestling (practice only)
  • Handouts

Changes to Winning Warriors Organization and
Student Trips
  • No undue financial burden on families
  • Must have a focus/point to trip
  • Whenever possible/practical will hold functions
  • If students leave school property for a trip, a
    priority will be placed on student returning
    before the end of the school day.

MEAP Testing/Calendar
  • Toolboxes to start the year
  • Change in calendar puts emphasis on students not
    being absent in October
  • October 14, 2008 - Math
  • October 16, 2008 - ELA
  • October 21, 2008 - ELA
  • October 23, 2008 - Science/Social Studies

New Attendance Line
  • Phone number will handle grades 6-12
  • Report the reason for the students absence
  • Call must be made within 24 hours of absence.
    After that, the absence will remain an unexcused
  • 5 minutes after class period starts student is

Bond Update _at_ AMS
  • Parking lot
  • Auditorium
  • Technology
  • Science Labs
  • New office area

Forms Documentsyou or your child needs to
start the year
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Emergency Card(s)
  • Sports physical dated after 4/16/08, good for
    2008-2009 school year
  • Free/Reduced Lunch Program Form

Algonquin in 2007-2008
  • Reading Zone
  • Parent Group March is Reading Month 829 Books

Annual Events
  • NWEA testing twice a year (Fall and Spring)
  • Average 3-4 dances per year No formal dances
  • Students do take final exams at the end of the
  • Share Lockers

How to Be Involved
  • Parent Connect Meeting
  • Schedule Handout

Phone Policy
  • Students should report to the office from the
    classroom only if they are sick.
  • When a student comes to the office, they should
    have a planner with them, initialed by their
    teacher, allowing them to report to the office.
    If they do not have a planner, they will be sent
    back to their classroom for a planner/pass.
  • Before they are allowed to call home, they will
    have their temperature taken to determine whether
    they have a fever.
  • Once the student has called home, they may go to
    their locker and return to the office to wait for
    the parent/guardian to pick them up (providing
    that will happen in a short time.)
  • Students will have ten (10) minutes to lay down
    in the nurses room. After 10 minutes, the
    student will go back to class or go home if
    necessary. Determining factors may include fever,
    vomiting, headache, etc.

Medication Policy
  • Students who require administration of medication
    should have a Permission for Medication Form on
    file in the office.
  • Upon receipt of permission form, office staff
    will administer prescription and/or
    non-prescription medication (with a witness).

Medication Policy
  • Students are not to have any form of medication
    in their possession, or to take medication
    unsupervised at any time.
  • Any parent who wishes to have their child keep an
    asthma inhaler in their possession must file a
    written request in the school office.
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