Title: abysmal
(adj) informal and extremely bad.
(noun) originally from the Latin word for
bymall meaning scary and watery
(adj) full scale and creates fear.
2The correct definition isinformal and
extremely bad.
3The correct definition is
- A
- Informal and extremely bad.
(noun) a small cave.
(adj) an Indian treat given at weddings and
festivals to Allah.
(verb) when you grot something you have
sincerely hurt and been forgiven for your
5The correct definition isAa small cave.
(adj) from the word poly meaning many and pi
meaning fruits. Therefore is a fruit tree growing
in southern Madagascar.
(noun) from the Greek word Polypus meaning a
tube-like growth
(adj) Many captives and prisoners.
7The correct definition isBPolypus tube-like
growth (single)
(adj) Preparing for action or crisis
(adj) Laying down in a heavy sleep.
(adj) Hitting something repetitively
9The correct definition is
- A
- Prepare for action or crisis
- (adj) To get rid of undesirable parts.
(adj) To win a competitive event.
(adj) A male who has lost his wife and has been
left with no possessions.
11The correct definition is
- A
- To get rid of undesirable parts.
12- Thank you for watching and joining in with our
educational game !!!
By Adam Taylor (7MWH) Becky Love (7MWH) Miriam
Adams (7KHP) Fleur Young (7MWH)