Title: Chew Magna
1Chew Magna Moving towards a zero waste society
A service village 8 miles south of Bristol
commuter belt 450 houses, 1200 inhabitants 2
banks, P.O., Doctors, Dentists, Opticians, Vets,
Co-op store, Travel Agent, 4 Estate Agents,
assorted small businesses, 3 churches, funeral
director, secondary primary schools and a
café. Wealth considerable, Traffic intolerable,
Carbon emissions enormous. Sustainable not by
2Origins of Go Zero
- Parish plan - survey for the future
- RSA Coffeehouse Challenge to create a zero
waste society - Coffeehouse conversations (some in the pub)
- Larger and larger meetings
- Open day
- Four groups formed
3Four Groups
- Energy Transport
- Waste Recycling
- Consumption People
- Converging World
- Newsletters
- Meetings
- Open days
- Website www.gozero.org.uk
- Email list
- Media coverage
- Fund raising - revue, raffle, sales
- Schools involvement
- The Converging World
5Success ?
- General awareness - up
- Waste recycling - up
- Energy savings up
- Solar panels up
- Local food up
- Fair trade up
- Trees up
- School links up
- Church links - up
- Global links up
- Wind turbines up (in India)
- Local development green
- Plastic bags down
- Travel no change
- Congestion worse
- Public transport - abysmal
- Car / lift sharing - minimal
- Dragon Flyer - minimal
- Biofuels stalled
- Community renewables nil
- Community energy saving nil
- Business involvement - low
Presentations to other communities - many
6(No Transcript)
Phase 1 excitement, campaigns, easy changes,
then energy wanes (realise that there are some
things we cant do yet) (diminishing returns on
efforts to promote change, green fatigue) Phase
2 consolidate, long term perspective, small
projects (becoming part of the community
establishment) (link to other groups share
ideas, organise, develop a united voice) Phase
3 plan and implement community scale
changes (requires champions, personal energy,
funding and partnerships)
- Them and Us
- Green Police
- Doom mongering
- Hypocrisy
- Inflated expectations
- Busy bodies - its local authority and central
governments job
9The Future is an experiment
- Its an old community listed buildings back
to the Domesday book - High inertia - change is slow, people are
settled, little new construction - Wealth means no pressures to change
- Might require a sustained crisis
- Plan
- Continue with phase 2 - especially linking and