Title: Stereochemistry: Part I
1Stereochemistry Part I
Chem 313Spring Semester 2009
2Isomers and Stereochemistry
- Why Study Stereochemistry?
- Understand and appreciate the three-dimensional
aspect of organic structures built on
combinations of units of sp3, sp2 or
sp-hybridized carbon atoms. - Three dimensional aspect is
- - imprinted by structural features which are
intrinsic to the structure - or
- - may arise via different kinds of reactions
involving planar (two- dimensional) substrates - Vitally important!
- - crucial to a vast number of chemical and
biological chemical processes e.g. - - formation of a pair of enantiomers (mirror
image isomers) or diastereoisomers
(stereoisomers which are not mirror images). - - formation of one of two possible enantiomers
- - nature and function of enzymes
- - nature and function of small biomolecules
e.g. - co-factors such as NAD(P)H, intracellular
messengers etc. - - crucial for synthesis of drugs, food
additives, perfumes, etc.
3Isomers and Stereochemistry
Background Reading McMurry 6th Edition - Ch.
4, all sections - Ch. 6, Sections 6.5 and 6.6,
especially sequence rules and (E)- and
(Z)-stereochemical descriptors for alkenes. -
Ch.9, all sections, especially chirality and
prochiralty, and assignment of (R)- and
(S)-stereochemical descriptors to chiral
centres - Ch. 19, pages 720-721, concept of
enantiomer excess. - Ch. 25, Section 25.2
Fischer projections of carbohydrates and
relationship with D-glyceraldehyde. - Ch. 26,
Section 26.1 Fischer projections of amino
acids You must take care with descriptors
stereogenic, stereoselective and
stereospecific (textbook definitions not
4Isomers and Stereochemistry
Stereochemistry describes spatial relationships
between constituent atoms or groups of a molecule
in two and three dimensions
Isomers (McMurry 'Organic Chemistry', Chapter
4) - Same molecular formula - Same composition
- Different 'structures' constitution or
Constitutional isomers differ in 'constitution'
- different bonds or - different sequence of
Stereoisomers same constitution - sequence of
bonding is the same - differ in spatial array of
atoms or groups - may be subdivided into
'conformational' or 'configurational'.
5Constitutional Isomers
Bond region of electron density between
atoms.sometimes difficult to determine! -
bonds drawn to satisfy normal valencies of
atoms - take into account what is known about
bonded and non- bonding distances between
atoms - bonding for distance of less than 1.6 Å,
not greater than 2.7 Å (normally less than 1.6
Pauling definition chemical bond between two
atoms or groups of atoms.. leads to an aggregate
. with sufficient stability to make it
convenient for a chemist to consider it as an
independent molecular species (L. Pauling 'The
Nature of the Chemical Bond', 3rd Edition,
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY)
6Constitutional Isomers
Constitution - defines nature and or
sequence of bonds - constitutional isomers
differ in nature and/or sequence of bonds.
C1 C2 C1-O O-H1 etc.
C1 O C2 O etc.
7Constitutional Isomers (cont.)
Constitutional isomers may be in equilibrium!
Non-bonded distance of 2.25 Å in 1! Bond length
of 1.81 Å in 2!
2.25 Å
1.81 Å
.. .. tautomerism'
... tautomerism'
8Constitutional Isomers (cont.)
Some valence bond 'tautomers' are degenerate !
Homotropilidene -rapid Cope rearrangement gives
a 'product' identical with the 'starting
compound' degenerate structures identical!
The Cope reaction concerted pericyclic reaction
(McMurry, Ch. 30) - bond reorganization through a
chair-like transition state (McMurry, Ch. 30, p.
1149 6th edition)
'Conformation' and 'Configuration' CHEM 111
McMurry Ch. 4 and Ch. 9 read!
- conformational isomers 'usually can't be
isolated because - they interconvert too rapidly at room
temperature' - by rotation about single bonds ..
(McMurray, Ch. 4!)
- configurational isomers double bond isomers or
geometric - isomers e.g. (E)- and (Z)-2-butene cis-trans
isomers - (e.g. cis-and trans -1,2-dichlorocyclopropane)
- enantiomers e.g. (R)- and (S)-2-chlorobutane
'cannot be interconverted' by rotation about
bonds, by inversion at a chiral centre etc.
'at room temperature'
However problems with these definitions!
10Conformational Isomers
- Conformers differ in energy through
- torsional strain through space, repulsive
interaction between bonding electrons in adjacent
?-bonds. - ii. 'Steric strain or van der Waals strain
through space interaction between filled orbitals
on groups attached to adjacent atoms. - iii. Dipolar repulsion.
- All are function of . or .. angle ?
a. ethane
11Conformational Isomers (cont.)
Equilibrium between gauche and anti conformers
?H 0.8 kcal mol-1
The anti conformer ? two gauche conformers that
are ..! - entropy change ?S - R ln2
where R (gas constant) 1.987 cal K-1 mol-1
can calculate equilibrium concentrations at 298
K ?G ?H - T?S - 0.8
kcal mol-1 - 298 (-R ln2) -
0.8 kcal mol-1 0.41 kcal mol-1
- 0.39 kcal mol-1 Therefore, as ?G
-RT ln K K 1.9 anti/gauche
Mixture consists of 66 anti, 34 gauche at 298 K
12Conformational Isomers (cont.)
In general, lifetimes of individual conformers
According to rate theory k 2.084 x 1010T
e-?G/RT where R 1.987 cal K-1 mol-1 and t1/2
0.693/k for first order reaction For ?G
20 kcal. mol-1, interconversion rate 1.3 x 10-2
s-1 at 25 C half-life (t1/2) ? 60 sec For
?G 25 kcal. mol-1, interconversion rate 2.9
x 10-6 s-1 at 25 C half-life (t1/2) ? 66 hr
Note that if we express height of barrier in
terms of ?H , this has to be converted to ?G
by inclusion of entropy term. Rotational
barriers generally given by ?G (determined
experimentally by NMR spectroscopy, other
spectroscopic techniques)
13Conformational Isomers (cont.)
? 180
? 0
Barrier to rotation (?G) from 'anti' - 'syn' -
'anti' ? 22.9 kcal mol-1
slow interconversion at room temperature very
large steric or van der Waals strain!!
14Conformational Isomers (cont.)
25 C
25 C
NO interconversion at room temperature very
large steric or van der Waals strain!! shows
distortion away from sp3 angle of 129 28'. The
two isomers A and B can each be isolated, and are
stable!!!!! - barrier to rotation gt 66 kcal
15Conformational Isomers (cont.)
Dibenzobicyclo2.2.2octadienes and biaryls-
no interconversion at room temperature barrier
to rotation 36.6 kcal mol-1
25 C
very slow interconversion at room temperature
barrier to rotation 23.5 kcal mol-1 rapid
interconversion at melting point160 C!
25 C
Isomers which differ by rotation about single
bonds, and which can 'isolated' ('detected') at
'room temperature' are called 'atropisomers'
16Conformational Isomers (cont.)
no interconversion at room temperature barrier
to rotation 36.6 kcal mol-1
25 C
Common in o-substituted aromatic compounds with
large substituents
Barrier to rotation ? 27 kcal mol-1
17Conformational Isomers (cont.)
Amides and thioamides
- Barrier to rotation
- 21 kcal mol-1
- established by NMR
- spectroscopy
- Barrier to rotation
- 25.1 kcal mol-1
- isomers can be
- isolated!
In these special cases 'single bond' may have
some 'double bond' character
so called 'amide-resonance easily detected by
NMR spectroscopy
18Conformational and Configurational Isomers
Conformational Isomer or Conformer
- Definition of conformational isomers?
- 'usually can't be isolated because they
interconvert too rapidly - at room temperature' by rotation about
single bonds .. - (McMurray, Ch. 4)?
Compare with
Configurational Isomer
Definition of configurational isomers? - 'cannot
be interconverted' by rotation about bonds, by
inversion at a chiral centre etc. 'at room
Above definitions are inadequate ?
19Configurational Isomers Reexamined
1. 'Geometric Isomers'
Consider (E)- and (Z)-2-butenes no
interconversion at room temperature!
20 C
Rotational barrier (? energy required to break
?-bond) ? 56.5 kcal mol-1 if temperature of
environment is ? 500 C, then interconversion
does occur!
Therefore, what happens on the surface of the
planet Venus (t ? 800 C)? - does 2-butene
behave as a conformational isomer?
20Configurational Isomers Reexamined (cont.)
Other examples and barriers to rotation
? 42.8 kcal mol-1
? 25.7 kcal mol-1
? 20.6 kcal mol-1
- 10.0 kcal mol-1 rapid rotation at room
- temperature
? 15.3 kcal mol-1
So-called 'push-pull' alkenes EDGEWG with
resonance contributor imparting 'single-bond'
character to 'double bond'
21Configurational Isomers Reexamined (cont.)
Inversion barrier 8 kcal mol-1 at room
Inversion barrier gtgt 80 kcal mol-1 -
..at room temperature!
Inversion barrier 32 kcal mol-1 at
room temperature!
22Configurational Isomers Reexamined (cont.)
Ring inversion barrier ? 12 kcal mol-1
Room temperature!
Equilibrium concentration of at 25 C
is 50 of each enantiomer ? racemic mixture!
23Configurational Isomers Reexamined (cont.)
Enantiomers with no chiral carbon atoms
Rotational barrier 0.8 kcal mol-1
...at room temperature!
A and B are ..!
. at room temperature barrier to
rotation 36.6 kcal mol-1
.. at room temperature barrier to
rotation 23.5 kcal mol-1 . at
melting point 160 C!
25 C
24Configurational Isomers Reexamined (cont.)
(2R,3R )- 2,3-dihydroxy- butanedioic
acid or (2R,3R)- tartaric acid
(2R,3S)- or meso- 2,3-dihydroxy- butanedioic
acid or meso-tartaric acid
m.p. 170 C
m.p. 140 C
at room temperature barrier to
inversion gtgt 80 kcal mol-1
Inversion barrier ? 8 kcal mol-1
.at room temperature!
25 C
25Configurational Isomers Reexamined (cont.)
Diastereomers (cont.)
Rotational barrier ? 1.4 kcal mol-1 rapid
interconversion at room temperature!
ring inversion barrier ? 12 kcal mol-1 rapid
ring inversion at room temperature!
inversion barrier ? 8 kcal mol-1 rapid
inversion at room temperature!
26Redefining Configuration and Conformation
- 1. We are chemists working on the surface of the
planet earth! average - laboratory temperature may be about 25 C
('ambient temperature')! - Any stereoisomer which is able to be isolated at
a designated temperature - (usually 'ambient temperature') may be termed a
'configurational isomer' - - then subdivided according to geometric,
cis-trans, diastereomer, - atropisomer, enantiomer, etc.
- Use conformation' to describe isomers which
differ in torsion angles - (irrespective of the nature of the bond) about a
designated bond or axis in - conjunction with a further descriptor
'enantiomer', 'diastereomer', etc. - providing that the isomers undergo rapid
interchange at the designated - temperature (usually 'ambient temperature').
Isolation criterion measurable lifetime (usually
t1/2 1000 sec) at 298 K, ?G ? approx. 22 kcal.
Note that the clear and unambiguous distinction
between 'configurational' and 'conformational' is
difficult, and the matter is still under debate!
27Redefining Configuration and Conformation (cont.)
. at 25 C ?G ? 0.8 kcal
.. - at 25 C ?G gt 66 kcal
. at 25 C ?G ? 12 kcal
. at 25 C ?G ? 12 kcal
28Redefining Configuration and Conformation (cont.)
.. at 25 C ?G ? 23.5 kcal
.. - at 25 C ?G ? 25.1 kcal
.. at 25 C ?G ? 8 kcal
at 25 C ?G ? 32 kcal mol-1.
29Redefining Configuration and Conformation (cont.)
.. at 25 C ?G ? 8
kcal mol-1
Residual stereoisomerism subset of total set of
stereoisomers that can be distinguished under a
specified set of conditions by a given technique
(R)-2-Chlorobutane large number of
conformations, but chiral centre at C2 is the
only stereochemical feature observable at 25 C
(by NMR spectroscopy in a chiral solvent) this
is the 'residual stereoisomerism'.