Title: Medieval History
1Medieval History
- Introduction to chapter 10
2500-1500 Common time frame
- No true consensus on dates.
- 476-1453 are generally considered.
- Each date marked the fall of an empire.
- 476-The fall of Rome.
- 1453-Eastern Empire fell, Constantinople to the
3Dark Age Age of Faith "Middle Age"
between classical Greece Rome 15th C.
revival of those ideas.
4- From a historical perspective, the Renaissance
cannot be clearly separated from the middle ages.
5Throughout the medieval era
- Only (1) institution came close to uniting all of
Europe - The Catholic Church
6306 Constantine Caesar co-ruler of Roman
7Born 2-27-271,2,or 3. In 312 AD
- Converted to Christianity.
Died 5-22-337
8392 AD
- Christianity became the official religion of the
state. - A cult became the established religion.
9325 AD
- Council of Nicaea.
- 1st ecumenical (world-wide) council of the
church. Bishops from all over the known world
attended. - Issued Nicene Creed.
- Solved controversy over timing of Easter.
10Mercenary for Rome. Revolted overthrew Romulus.
Seized Rome in 476.
11590 AD
- Pope Gregory, the Great.
- Born 540, died 3-12-604.
- Established the Papacy as a strong,
socio-political force
121517 AD
- Martin Luther
- posted 95 theses criticizing the Catholic Church.
- Beginnings
- of the Protestant Reformation.
13Justification by faith
- If you believe, God accepts you and forgives your
sins. - Eternal life by faith.
- Luther criticizes sale of indulgences. Buying
people out of purgatory and getting them into
heaven. (church practice)
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151521 AD
- Luther was excommunicated.
- Appeared before the Diet of Worms.
- Asked to renounce his teachings.
- He refused. Says scripture doesnt support the
authority of the pope.
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17Ultimately, the Protestant Reformation split the
western church, then religious wars
spread throughout Europe.
Ultimately the Protestant Reformation split the
western church, then religious wars spread
throughout Europe.
- Wars ended with the Peace of Westphalia.
19Series of treaties to end 30 years war
- Netherlands is independent.
- Calvinists get legal recognition.
- 3 new powers Sweden, France the Netherlands.
- Switzerland is independent.
- Begins the modern system of nation states.
20Medieval studies are eurocentric. The Medieval
era is a European concept. The rest of the world
is important, but more as how it affected
events in Europe.
21Europe is not a distinct geographic entity
during the middle ages. Was considered
22(No Transcript)
23Borders were shifting often
- No political force controlled everything.
- By late 15th C. westward exploration of the new
world created an awareness in Europeans of their
old world.
2415th Century a turning point
1453 end of 100 Years War. Unification of France.
251485 War of Roses
- Between Houses of Lancaster York ends in
Britain. Begins extensive peace within.
26Ferdinand Isabella
1492 Moors driven from Spain. Jews
expelled. Catholic unity prevailed.
27Moors were Muslims living in Spain.
- Came from present day Morocco western Algeria.
- Defeated by Charles Martel, Charles the Hammer
at the Battle of Tours in 732.
28Changes were everywhere. Nations established
modern identities. Europe took on a cohesive
identity of its own.
29Nation state
- A political state whose people share the same
language and culture.
30Medieval Era
- Divided into 3 periods.
- Early middle.
- High middle.
- Late middle.
31Early Middle Ages
- From the Fall of Rome to the 11th century.
- Dark Ages
- Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, Viking Activity,
Iconoclastic controversy, expansion of Islam,
Christianity spread, Papacy evolved into powerful
political entity.
32High Middle Ages
- 11th to 14th centuries.
- Norman conquest, Crusades, Investiture
Controversy, Magna Carta, establishment of
universities, feudalism firmly established, trade
33Late Middle Ages
- 14th to 17th centuries.
- 100 Years War, Black Death, Italian Renaissance,
Peasants Revolt, Joan of Arc, Fall of
Constantinople, War of the Roses, Columbus,
Protestant Reformation, Shakespeare.
34By the end of the era
- Regard for the value of the individual over
groups was growing. Seeds of the idea of human
rights had been sown.
35Other terms to know
- Ano Dominae the year of our lord.
- BC before Christ.
- Common Era time beginning with birth of Jesus.
- BCE before common era.
- Millennium 1000 year period.
- Century 100 year period.
- Decade 10 year period.
- Is there a year Zero?
3646 BC, Julius Caesar
- Reformed the calendar.
- Added Leap year.
- Julian calendar.
- 365 days, 6 hours longer than a solar year.
Created error over years. - Date of equinox shifted.
371582 Pope Gregory XIII
- Dropped 10 days (Oct 5-14) and fixed the leap
year problem. - The reformed Julian (Gregorian Calendar) was not
used by England colonies until 1752. - Centuries ending in hundreds not leap year unless
divisible by 400.