Title: Modlisation numrique multichelle des coulements MHD en astrophysique
1Modélisation numérique multi-échelledes
écoulements MHD en astrophysique
- Romain Teyssier (CEA Saclay)
- Sébastien Fromang (Oxford)
- Emmanuel Dormy (ENS Paris)
Patrick Hennebelle (ENS Paris) François Bouchut
(ENS Paris)
2Les équations de la MHD idéale
- Conservation de la masse
- Conservation de la quantité de mouvement
- Conservation de lénergie
- Conservation du flux magnétique
- Pression totale
- Energie totale
3Godunov method and MHD
- Euler equations using finite volumes decades of
experience in robust advection shock-capturing
schemes Godunov MUSCL (Van Leer) PPM (Woodward
Colella) Toro 1997 - Ideal MHD Euler system augmented by the
induction equation - Finite volume and cell-centered schemes
- div B cleaning using Poisson solver
- div B waves (Powells 8 waves formulation)
- div B damping Crockett et al.
2005 - Constrained Transport staggered grid (Yee 66
Evans Hawley 88) - 1D Godunov fluxes to compute EMF
BalsaraSpicer 99 - 2D Riemann solver to compute EMF
LondrilloDelZanna 01,05 Ziegler 04,05 - High-order extension of Balsaras scheme
Gardiner Stone 05 - Our goal design fast, second-order accurate,
Godunov-type, - for a tree-based AMR scheme with Constrained
Transport - Teyssier, Fromang Dormy
2006, JCP, in press - Fromang, Hennebelle Teyssier 2006,
AA, in press - Applications Kinematic Dynamos and astrophysical
4Godunov method for 1D Euler systems
Finite volumes conservation laws in integral form
- Piecewise constant initial states
- self-similar Riemann solution
Modified equation has diffusion term
52D schemes for Euler systems
2D Euler system in integral form
- 2D Riemann problems
- ? self-similar (exact ?) solution relative to
corner points - Flux function is not self-similar (line
averaging) ? predictor-corrector schemes ?
- Godunov scheme
- No predictor step.
- Flux functions computed using 1D Riemann problem
at time tn in each normal direction. - Courant condition
Runge-Kutta scheme Predictor step using Godunov
scheme and ?t/2 Flux functions computed using 1D
Riemann problem at time tn1/2 in each normal
Corner Transport Upwind Predictor step in
transverse direction only Flux functions computed
using 1D Riemann problem at time tn1/2 in each
normal direction
6The induction equation in 2D
Finite-surface approximation (Constrained
Transport) Integral form using Stokes
- For piecewise constant initial data, the
- flux function is self-similar at corner points
For pure induction, the 2D Riemann problem has
the following exact (upwind) solution Numeric
al diffusivity and
Induction Riemann problem
7RAMSES a tree-based AMR parallel code
- Fully Threaded Tree (Khokhlov 98)
- Cartesian mesh refined on a cell by cell basis
- octs small grid of 8 cells, pointing towards
- 1 parent cell
- 6 neighboring parent cells
- 8 children octs
- Coarse-fine boundaries buffer zone 2-cell thick
- Time integration using recursive sub-cycling
Parallel computing using the MPI library Domain
decomposition using space filling curves Good
scalability up to 4096 processors Euler
equations, Poisson equation, PIC module Cooling
module, implicit diffusion solver Induction
equation Ideal MHD needs 7-wave Riemann solvers
Lax-Friedrich and Roe
8AMR and Constrained Transport
Divergence-free preserving restriction and
prolongation operators Balsara (2001) Toth
Roe (2002) Flux conserving interpolation
and averaging within cell faces using TVD
slopes in 2 dimensions EMF correction for
conservative update at coarse-fine boundaries
9Compound wave (Torrilhon 2004)
??? 2 solutions 2 shocks or 1 c.w.??? 2
shocks onlyDissipation properties are
crucial.Only AMR can resolve scales small enough
within reasonable CPU time.
10Field loop advection test (Gardiner Stone 2005)
11Current sheet and magnetic reconnection
12ABC flow and the fast dynamo towards Rm106 ?
13Magnetized molecular cloud collapse
Rotating, magnetized spherical cloud embedded in
low density medium. Barotropic equation of
state.AMR with 15 to 20 levels of refinements.
Questions for star formation theory1- angular
momentum transfer2- fragmentation (binary
formation)3- jets and outflows
14Details in the outflow structure
Conical jet (Roe) versus cylindrical jet
(Lax-Friedrich) ?Sensitive to small-scale
(numerical) dissipation.
Lax-Friedrich Riemann solver
Roe Riemann solver
15Conclusion and perspectives