Title: Summary Points and Recommendations from the Child Health Track
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2Summary Points and Recommendations from the Child
Health Track
3Summary Child Health Track
- What have we learned since ICIUM I?
- What can we say to Programs and Policy Makers?
- What Dont We Know?
- What are our Priority Research Issues and
4The Crash of New Knowledge What have we
learned since ICIUM I
This is where a large graphic or chart can go.
5Improving the Use of Medicines for Children (I)
- ARI and Pneumonia
- We can reduce unnecessary/inappropriate use
- Short course antibiotic therapies
- Efficacious, Cost effective Improve adherence
Reduce side effects and Reduce pressure on AMR
emergence - Oral antibiotic therapy can be used to treat
Severe Pneumonia in hospitalized children - Expanded use of Bronchodilators will reduce the
inappropriate use of antibiotics for wheezing
children - In vitro data on pneumococcal resistance does not
predict clinical outcomes
6Improving the Use of Medicines for Children (II)
- Malaria
- Artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) is
efficacious in management of malaria (though
global data on children is limited) - Rectal artesunate suppositories are potentially
life-saving in stabilizing children with severe
malaria prior to presentation at an inpatient
facility - ACT drugs may appear to be expensive but may be
cost-effective given extensive use of ineffective
7Improving the Use of Medicines for Children (III)
- Micronutrients (especially vitamin A and Zinc)
- Extensive data on vitamin As efficacy on
improving MCH - Zinc is an effective therapeutic adjuvant for
improving diarrhea case management - Encouraging (though not-yet definitive data) on
zinc as a therapeutic adjuvant for pneumonia
8Improving the Use of Medicines for Children (IV)
- Behavioral Intervention Research
- Numerous small-scale education-based
interventions showed an ability to change
knowledge and short-term behaviors in - Health Professionals
- Health Para-professionals
- Mothers and Caregivers
- Students
- Drug Sellers (both licensed and unlicensed)
- Peer-to-peer interventions are effective in
changing professional practices
9The Calm Waters of Policy Advice and Program
10Policy Recommendations and Programme Guidance
- Policy and Programmes
- WHO-defined non-severe pneumonia should be
treated with three-day therapy - Acute diarrhea should be managed with low
osmolarity ORS and Zinc - Joint WHO-UNICEF statement on extending
antibiotic use to CHWs for the management of
pneumonia to reduce mortality - Global recommendations need to be locally adapted
as appropriate
11The Ebb of the Waters What We Do Not Know and
What Pulls Us Back
This is where a large graphic or chart can go.
12Major Gaps in Knowledge
- Lack of impact data for knowledge-based
interventions - Too little attention to economic issues
- Little clarity on approaches to modify the
economic incentives driving commercial drug
seller activities - Trade-offs between expanding access to
antibiotics and impact on resistance - Sustainability of ACT for malaria
13Research Issues and Concerns (I)
- How to take our known technologies and
interventions to public health programme scale? - How to increase both coverage and quality?
- How to use Mass Media effectively to improve drug
use practices? - What interventions are feasible at the health
system level to improve the use of medicines?
14Research Issues and Concerns (II)
- ARI case management in HIV endemic areas
- How to strengthen referral systems to allow for
appropriate case management for inpatient
conditions? - How to expand use of STGs and DTCs to improve
inpatient care of childhood illness? - Social science research on household behavior on
access, utilization, and adherence - Research on micronutrient drug interactions
15Methodologic Issues
- Drug intervention trials (both clinical and
behavioral) need to consider - Clinical outcomes
- Pharmacoeconomics
- Impact on resistance (microbiological issues)
- Patient adherence
- Clinical trials need to have better (and
standardized) definitions of clinical failures - Need better tools to improve specificity of
pneumonia diagnosis - Need expanded use of costing guidelines/ tools
16 Are we sitting too peacefully on the beaches of
small-scale knowledge-based interventions while
the Tidal Waves of commercial interests
supporting inappropriate use and antimicrobial
resistance prepares to crash over us?
This is where a large graphic or chart can go.
- Participants in the Child Health Track Sessions
- Major Funding Agencies for Child Health Track
- WHO Child and Adolescent Health
- WHO Essential Drugs and Medicines
- USAID Office of Health
18Thanks to our Thai colleagues