Title: Accretion%20vs%20Star%20Formation
1Accretion vs Star Formation
2The Little Gas Particle
- What is your fate?
- Accrete to the black hole?
- Become part of a star and
- be saved...
- Forever?
- A little while longer?
- Continue into the black hole?
- To determine the critical radius of competition
between accretion and star formation around a
supermassive black hole - To determine if the star, once forms, accretes
onto the black hole or maintains a stable orbit.
4Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)
- Galaxies have supermassive black holes (SMBH) in
their centers - Accretion onto the SMBH releases electromagnetic
radiations ? creates quasars and AGN - AGN are smaller versions of quasars
- Low Luminosity AGN (LLAGN)
- not accreting as much
- undergoing inefficient accretion
- Sgr A the SMBH in the centre of our galaxy
the lowest luminosity LLAGN.
- Low Luminosity AGN (LLAGN)
- not accreting as much
- undergoing inefficient accretion
- Sgr A the SMBH in the centre of our galaxy
the lowest luminosity LLAGN.
- Process of gathering matter onto a central body
- Gas / dust must lose angular momentum and energy
to accrete onto the SMBH (or the Earth would
8Sources of Friction for Accretion
- Friction between gas particles ? too low to
account for quasars - MHD (Magneto-hydrodynamic turbulence) ? magnetic
fields within the disk allow for the transfer of
angular momentum without direct contact between
- Shakura-Sunyaev prescription ? hide all physics
in the parameter alpha - Alpha is between 0 and 1
- Gives us radial dependence of
- Temperature
- Density
- Radial velocity
10Star Formation Requirements
- High Densities (approx gt 10-22 kg/m3)
- Low temperatures (approx lt 100K) ? molecular
hydrogen gas - Possibly a trigger
- ? self-gravitating disk which can form stars
Star Formation Thresholds and Galaxy Edges Why
and Where Joop Schaye The Astrophysical
Journal, 609667-682, 2004 July 10
11Stars near a SMBH are special
- Initial Mass Function (IMF) is top-heavy ? stars
are bigger on average - More gas
- Less difference between the velocity of the gas
and star ? less angular momentum to lose
12Stars near a SMBH are special
- Initial Mass Function (IMF) is top-heavy ? stars
are bigger on average - More gas
- Less difference between the velocity of the gas
and star ? less angular momentum to lose
13Gap formation in an accretion disk
- Nearby gas is accreted onto the protostar
- Once the star has formed, stellar winds push gas
away from the star ? a gap may be formed
14Gap prevents accretion of the star
- Little or no source of friction
- Stars around the SMBH become like the Earth
around the Sun
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24Collision zone
- Near the SMBH, stellar densities are very high
- Region becomes a stellar collider ? collisions
occur frequently - Stars pushed into an eccentric orbit out of plane
of accretion disk - In our Galactic Center, we see stars at
0.002-0.04pc from Sgr Ain highly eccentric orbits - (animation ?)
25Finding the critical radius of competition
- Want radius at which
- Densities gt 10-22kg/m3
- Temperature lt 100K
26Radial Dependence of Density
- ? k a-7/10 M11/20 m5/8 R-15/8 f11/5 g/cm3
- 0 lt a lt 1 Shakura-Sunyaev parameter a 0.3
- M Mass accretion rate
- mMass of the Black Hole
- f 1-(R/R)1/21/4
- R G MBH / c2 Gravitational radius
27Radial Dependence of Density
- ? k a-7/10 M11/20 m5/8 R-15/8 f11/5 g/cm3
- 0 lt a lt 1 Shakura-Sunyaev parameter a 0.3
- M Mass accretion rate
- mMass of the Black Hole
- f 1-(R/R)1/21/4
- R G MBH / c2 Gravitational radius
28Radial Dependence of Density
- ? k a-7/10 M11/20 m5/8 R-15/8 f11/5 g/cm3
- 0 lt a lt 1 Shakura-Sunyaev parameter a 0.3
- M Mass accretion rate
- mMass of the Black Hole
- f 1-(R/R)1/21/4
- R G MBH / c2 Gravitational radius
29Radial Dependence of Density
- ? k a-7/10 M11/20 m5/8 R-15/8 f11/5 g/cm3
- 0 lt a lt 1 Shakura-Sunyaev parameter a 0.3
- M Mass accretion rate
- mMass of the Black Hole
- f 1-(R/R)1/21/4
- R G MBH / c2 Gravitational radius
30Density vs Radius
31Radial Dependence of Temperature
- T k a-1/5 M3/10 m1/4 R-3/4 f6/5 K
- 0 lt a lt 1 Shakura-Sunyaev parameter a 0.3
- M Mass accretion rate
- mMass of the Black Hole
- f 1-(R/R)1/21/4
- R G MBH / c2 Gravitational radius
32Radial Dependence of Temperature
- T k a-1/5 M3/10 m1/4 R-3/4 f6/5 K
- 0 lt a lt 1 Shakura-Sunyaev parameter a 0.3
- M Mass accretion rate
- mMass of the Black Hole
- f 1-(R/R)1/21/4
- R G MBH / c2 Gravitational radius
33Radial Dependence of Temperature
- T k a-1/5 M3/10 m1/4 R-3/4 f6/5 K
- 0 lt a lt 1 Shakura-Sunyaev parameter a 0.3
- M Mass accretion rate
- mMass of the Black Hole
- f 1-(R/R)1/21/4
- R G MBH / c2 Gravitational radius
34Radial Dependence of Temperature
- T k a-1/5 M3/10 m1/4 R-3/4 f6/5 K
- 0 lt a lt 1 Shakura-Sunyaev parameter a 0.3
- M Mass accretion rate
- mMass of the Black Hole
- f 1-(R/R)1/21/4
- R G MBH / c2 Gravitational radius
35Temperature vs Radius
36Temperature vs Radius
- Mass accretion rate 1 solar mass/yr
- Mass of Black Hole varies
37Temperature vs Radius
- Mass of Black Hole
- 108 solar masses
- Accretion rate varies
- Mass accretion rate 1 solar mass/yr
- Mass of Black Holes varies
38Critical radius
- Temperature is the critical factor
- Depends on both Mass of Black Hole and Mass
Accretion Rate by a factor of about 0.3. - Ranges from 10-4pc (for our galactic centre) to 4
pc for large mass black holes with high accretion
39Our Galactic Centre
M 10-8 solar masses/yr m 3.3106 solar masses
40Comparison with our Galactic CentreTemperature
- Our graph and equations suggest a critical radius
of 210-4 pc. - Stars observed at least as close as 210-3 pc
from the BH. - Observations are consistent with the model
41Testable Predictions
- Prediction stars will form up to 210-4 pc from
the black hole, but not any closer - Experimental Test examine our Galactic Centre at
resolutions lt 4.8 milliarcseconds. - May be possible using
- Very Large Baseline Array (VLBA) radio
telescope (10 microarcseconds) - Sydney University Stellar Interferometer (SUSI)
optical telescope (70 microarcseconds)
42Using the Very Large Baseline Array (VLBA) Radio
- Test critical radius of star formation
- Look for spectroscopic signatures of star
formation in the radio, most promisingly, the
presence of molecular line emission of CO or H2.
43Using the Sydney University Stellar
Interferometer Optical Telescope
- Test Whether or not stars accrete once formed
- Look for spectroscopic signatures of stars most
obviously of the absorption lines of young hot
blue (O or B) stars
44Comparison with our Galactic CentreDensity
- Predicted vs Observed
- Discrepancies of around 4-5 orders of magnitude!
Distance (pc) Predicted(solar masses/pc3) Observed(solar masses/pc3)
0.04pc 4.89102 3107
0.004pc 3.66104 8108
45Why the discrepency?
- Equations make assumption of steady state
accretion. - Time-varying accretion rate?
- Densities are actually more consistent with a
mass accretion rate of 0.1-1 solar mass/yr. - If observations through VLBA revealed a different
critical radius, it may be possible to infer the
mass accretion rate when the stars were formed.
46Other Testing Grounds
- Nearby galaxies with large black holes and
reasonably high accretion rates are ideal! - Unfortunately, these 3 parameters are rarely all
- M87 is
- nearby (16Mpc)
- large black hole (3109 solar masses)
- reasonably low accretion rate (110-4 solar
48Temperature profile for M87
- Critical Radius approx 0.1pc
- Required resolution lt1.2 milliarcseconds
- This would be a good confirmation of the model!
50Competition between accretion and star formation
- Stars can form outside a certain critical radius
(10-4 4pc) - If mass accretion rate decreases, then star
formation is favoured (e.g. Our GC?) - Stars, once formed, are unlikely to accrete onto
the black hole.
51Your Fate as the Little Gas Particle
- Outside Rcritical ? You may be saved!
- form a star
- stay as gas without accreting for about the
lifetime of the stars in the inner regions. - Inside Rcritical ? You will die!
- accreted to the black hole in less than a million
52Time for Inflow vs Radius
53So do stars accrete onto the black hole?
- I conclude tentatively that they dont.
- Literature seems to say either
- Assumption of continued accretion of the star,
without extensive justification. - Development of a gap model, which would hinder
star accretion ... Probably.
54Why cant we be sure?
- Our model of accretion in quasars and AGN is
still incomplete, despite recent developments.
Until the source of accretion is known
conclusively, we cannot say whether or not the
star will be subject to the friction and accrete.
- More observations of nearby galaxy centres with
high resolution are needed.
- To my supervisor Zdenka Kuncic for all her help
in discussing the issue and preparing the project - Andrew Hopkins for discussions regarding star
56Accretion vs Star Formation