Title: Accretion disks, BLR and compact jets in AGN
1Accretion disks, BLR and compact jets in AGN
Third Granada Tapas Workshop
2(No Transcript)
3A. Lobanov
The age of innocence
Nuclear region
is no more ...
and so is the NLR
The BLR is a multicomponent complex
There are also those things called corona
but they are probably not launched the way we
think they are
Jets are everywhere
and ergosphere
and they affect almost everything
4Jets as probes of the nucleus
A. Lobanov
Mbh 5108 M?
- Event horizon 1-2 Rg 10-5 pc
- Ergosphere 1-2 Rg 10-5 pc
- Corona 101 102 Rg 10-4 10-3 pc
- Accretion disk 101 103 Rg 10-4 10-2 pc
- Broad line region 102 105 Rg 10-3 1 pc
- Molecular torus gt 105 Rg gt 1 pc
- Narrow line region gt 106 Rg gt 10 pc
- Jet formation 102 Rg 10-3 pc
- Jet visible in the radio gt 103 Rg gt 10-2 pc.
5Why should we bother?
A. Lobanov
- M-s is the new game in town
- Barth it works down to s 30 km/s ?
104M? - Present favorite
(Tremaine et al. 2002)
6Signatures of accretion disk
A. Lobanov
- X-ray Iron line (MCG-6-30-15), comes from 6Rg
(Iwasawa et al. 1996, Fabian 2004) - X-ray radio correlations (3C120),
- Optical spectroscopy
- H20 maser spots (NGC 4258)
Marscher et al. 2002
7Variability from the disk
A. Lobanov
- Fe Ka line is variable, indicative of strong GR
effects (Fabian 2004) - Continuum X-ray variability in MCG-6-30-15
probably comes from the disk (Arevalo et al.
2005) - Radio in 0917624 can also be fit(!) Does
this mean we can see the radio continuum
from the disk (or corona?)
Arevalo et al. 2005
8Disk variability and flares
A. Lobanov
- Flares and ejections of new jet components in
3C345 may be related to the characterstic
instability timescales in the disk at 20-200
Lobanov Roland 2005
9Structure of the BLR
A. Lobanov
- Complex and variable broad line profiles
(Stirpe 1990 Eracleous Halpern 1994,
2003, Shapovalova et al. 2000) - Explanations disk, outflow, binary black hole
3C 390.3
Akn 120
Shapovalova et al. 2000
Popovic et al. 2001
10BLR in 3C390.3
A. Lobanov
Shapovalova et al. 2000
11Radio emission of 3C390.3
A. Lobanov
Data from 15GHz VLBA survey Kellermann et al.
12Component motions in 3C390.3
A. Lobanov
13C5, S1, S2
A. Lobanov
14Jet moprhology in 3C390.3
A. Lobanov
15Optical and radio variability
A. Lobanov
- Optical continuum correlates with flux density
of S1(!)
16Variability and jet components
A. Lobanov
- Optical maxima correlate with the passages of
the moving components through S1 - An X-ray minimum is found close to the ejection
epochs of C5 and C6
17What does this all mean?
A. Lobanov
- It looks like the jet powers a BLR associated
with a subrelativistic outflow from the
18What to do?
A. Lobanov
- Combined radio-optical monitoring of a number
of suitable objects with double-peaked
lines (there are about 15 such objects in
the sample of Eracleous and Halpern alone). - Search for VLBI scale counterparts of the
optical variability and try to costrain the
location and properties of the broad- line
emitting material - Try to add X-ray observations for at least a
few objects, in order to piece together
the evolution of the BLR and the accretion
disk - Look into 3C390.3, 0917624 and other sources
to find out whether it is indeed possible
to observe radio emission coming directly
from the central engine or the corona
A. Lobanov
Subrelativistic outflow
Relativistic jet
BLR 2 (outflow)
VLBI core
BLR 1 (disk)