Title: Bridging the GAP between stakeholders and science
1Bridging the GAP between stakeholders and science
- Charlotta Järnmark, WP4 leader, communications
officer - Science in Society programme
- EU FP 7
- Start 1st April 08 End 30th Sept 09
2Charlotta Järnmark, Sweden
- GAP1 Communications Officer - Outreach
- Independent consultantOver 10 years of Medial
working experience, news editor and television
research, webmaster, photographer - Academic training at Stockholm University2000
MSc Marine Systems Ecology1997 BSc Natural
resource management - Latest achievements 2005-2008 Workpackage
leader INCOFISH WP1, Data, Tools and
outreachhttp//www.incofish.org 2003-2004
International Fisheries Secretariat, project
officer http//www.fishsec.org - 2003 Swedish FishBase, research assistant
- http//www.fishbase.se2001-2002 Swedish
National Television, News graphics and Mitt I
naturenhttp//svt.se/2.105671/nyheter - 2000-2001 Teaching natural history for
Stockholm university http//www.su.se/pub/jsp/pol
opoly.jsp?d2529a12040 - 1999-2000 Research technician, AMANDA
3Outline of talk
- Outreach techniques
- GAP1 Communication and dissemination outcomes
- Future plans GAP 1 Outreach event, GAP2
41. Outreach techniques
- Pressreleases
- Press conference
- Press event
- PR activities
- Webpublications
6Writing a press release
- Headline
- Introduction
- News value
- Angle
- Quotes
- Edited text all sources included keywords,
contacts, dates and background - 1 page maximum
7News value
- Disasters
- Success stories
- Solved conflicts
- New conflicts
- Relation to other news issues
- More
8News value
- 4 Reasons for press releases not being published
- a) The journalists didnt grasp the concept
- b) The editors didnt have other news to relate
yours to - c) Another greater event crushed your news value
in the last minute. Try again! - d) Intake disregarded it due to over-information
9Be catchy!
- Provide most important information on headline
and introduction - Note NOT necessarily your scientific news, it
might as well be your angle that takes up all
this space.
10Follow up
- Purpose to correct mistakes before they are done
- Additional information background articles and
other information - Consider easily obtainable format
- Nurture your press contacts!
11Press conferences
- Attention span
- Timing
- Invitation
- Press release
- Venue food included
- Follow up
12Attention span
- Invitation sent
- a week before expect local attention
- a month before expect regional attention
- 3 months before expect national attention
- 6 months before multinational attention.
- Promotion of results, conference
- Involves more stake holders than media
- Includes commercial interests
- News value, sharing common platform
- Increases momentum to the topic
- Enlargens the audience
- Scientific integrity negotiable?
- Larger risk with message
14Event Marketing
- Consumers
- Public attention Attractors
- Vectors
- Producers Market
152. GAP1 Communication and dissemination outcomes
- Communication strategy
- Website prototype, site and structure
- Press releases
- Newsletter
- Interviews
- Event
- Issues
162.1. Communication strategy
172.1. Communication strategy
- WS1 2008 Who?
- EU officials (EU Commission, Scientific officers,
DG MARE, FP7 programme coordinators Science in
Society, Environment, Food and Biotechnology - European Ministers of fisheries/agriculture
- Regional advisory councils North Sea RAC,
NWWRAC, SWWRAC, Mediterranean RAC, Baltic RAC. - National management agencies
- National stakeholder bodies, NGOs
- New collaborators, Possible funders, Fishing
182.1 Communication strategy
- Steering meeting April 2008 What?
- Primary message not case studies
- Concept, Competence, Capacity
- Bridging the knowledge gap between fishermen and
science - Ecological knowledge
192.2. Website greek
- URL www.gap1.eu
- Software Dreamweaver
- Frontend html, no backend
- Ftp protocol, host ftp.gap1.eu
- Webhotel host ballou.se
- Host directory register.eu
20Information feed
- Website is repository of project information and
data - Submission challenges
- Websites
- Photos
- Links
212. 2 Website
- Home
- About us
- News
- Participants
- Workpackages
- Results
- Case Studies
222. 3. Press releases
- 2008-07-22 Fishermen and scientists explore
common ground in new project, GAP1, including
event information - URL http//cordis.europa.eu/wire/index.cfm?fuseac
tionarticle.Detail - Statistics Wired free on CORDIS Wire -None
232. 3. Press releases
- 2. 2009-01-30, Benefits of Stakeholder
Participation in Fisheries Management - http//www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/bene
agement-85244.php - Stats Wired commercially on 24/7 Pressrelease
808 Full Displays
242.2 Press releases
- 3. 2009-05-03, Benefits of Stakeholder
Participation in Fisheries Management with Event
advertisement - CORDIS (EU) web http//cordis.europa.eu/wire/inde
x.cfm?fuseactionarticle.Detailrcn19210 - Stats None
252.4. Newsletter
- Distributed to participants, EU officials, NGOs,
media contacts - Monthly issues
- GAP1 Newsletter December 2008
- GAP1 Newsletter January 2009
- GAP1 Newsletter February 2009
- GAP1 Newsletter March-April 2009
262.4. Newsletter
- Media contacts?
- Send to cjarnmark_at_gmail.com
272.5. Case Study Interviews
- Case Study UK Crab fisheries
- Case Study Germany Shrimp fisheries
- Case Study France/ Spain Tuna/FADs
282.5. Case Study Interviews
- Preconditions for interview
- Free photos of your case study provided to
cjarnmark_at_gmail.com - Schedule a phone interview
- Provide 5 links/ Top references
292.6 GAP1 Event
- MARE V, Amsterdam July 9-11 2009 People and the
sea Living with uncertainty and adapting to
change - 1. Transformations in fisheries and aquaculture
- 2. Transformations in coastal and deltaic
landscapes - 3. Governing under conditions of uncertainty
- 4. Culture and imaginations of coasts under
change - 5. Whose needs count in adapting to change?
302.7. Communication Issues
- Translations
- Distribution network, contacts
- Feedback from participants, mechanisms
- Quality control
- Automatic processes for feedback, control and
submission - Internal communication, future needs
313. Future plans Outreach event
- MARE V, Amsterdam, July 9-11, 2009
- Audience Scientists, NGOs, Media, Policy makers
- Press release
- 2 scientific sessions
- Exhibition - Highlighting GAP1 Outcomes posters,
brochures, PP, Quizmore?
32Future plans Communication strategy
- Internal communication
- Involving participants in outreach
- Internal reporting incentives Pride, Greed,
Envy - Blog? All inclusive. Drive?
- Twitter? Who would twit
- Regional workshops dialogue/ teaching mgm
practice to decision makers
33Future plans Communication strategy
- INVOLVE NGOS/ CSOs to review and communicate
messages further - NGOs to bring out the message diversity!
- Challenge1 Never mind the angle!
- Challenge2 Outreach efficiency
- Neutral basis of communication necessary to
consider all interests in GAP2
34To do
- Keep Trust
- Lose Fear to fail
35- Thank you
- Tack så mycket
- Grazie
- Gracias
- Merci
- Danke
- Takk
- Grazzi
- Paldies
- Tänän
36(No Transcript)
37Charlotta Järnmark, Sweden
- GAP1 Communications Officer
- Over 10 years of Medial working experience, news
editor and television research, webmaster,
photographer - Academic training at Stockholm University2000
MSc Marine Systems Ecology1997 BSc Natural
resource management - Latest achievements 2005-2008 Project leader
WP1, Data, Tools and outreachhttp//www.incofish.
org 2003-2004 International Fisheries
Secretariat, project officer http//www.fishsec.o
rg - 2003 Swedish FishBase, research assistant
- http//www.fishbase.se
- 1999-2000 Research technician, AMANDA
- Dialogue vs parallel monologues
- Mutual interests and benefits
- Known platform
- Exchange of knowledge
- Respect
- What does science give back?
39Communication strategy
- Purpose
- GAP programme advocacy. Raise profile. attract
attention, facilitate funding, e.g EFF, National) - Support partners in communication activities at a
national level - Develop a strong communication strategy for GAP 2
GAP Communications
40Communication strategy
41Communication strategy
- Who?
- EU officials (EU Commission, Scientific officers,
DG Fish, FP7 programme coordinators Science in
Society, Environment, Food and Biotechnology - European Ministers of fisheries/agriculture
- Regional advisory councils North Sea RAC,
NWWRAC, SWWRAC, Mediterranean RAC, Baltic RAC. - National management agencies
- National stakeholder bodies, NGOs
- New collaborators, Possible funders, Fishing
- What?
- Primary message? (Not case studies)
- Concept, Competence, Capacity
- Bridging the knowledge gap between fishermen and
science - Ecological knowledge
44WP4 Effective communication Deliverables
45Communication methods
- PR Website, Media activities, Prints (Brochures,
Posters, Banners, Flyers) - Press work (Press releases, Press conferences,
Events) - Publications/Media articles (The Parliament
Magazine, Wikipedia, Local/regional specialist
magazines, Faculty prints, Scientific Journals ) - Strategic Meetings (Events, National Agricultural
Ministers) - Internet Outreach http//www.gap1.eu
46Website purpose and orientation
- Purpose
- To capture interest of the public and provide up
to date information for partners - Approach
- Simple but effective
- http//www.gap1.eu
47(No Transcript)
48Activity plan
- List of dissemination contacts from all
participants (name, email address, institution)
email now and in September. - List of interests from industry? Email now and in
September. - Outreach activity 1
- Press releases from regional meetings
- Website finalized
- The Parliament advertorial
- Outreach activity 2
- Final advertorial
- Final meeting