Title: Bridging the GAP between stakeholders and science
1Bridging the GAP between stakeholders and science
- Science in Society programme of the
- EU Framework 7
- Start 1st April 08 End 30th Sept 09
2Whos who?
Coordinator WP 1 - Bridges and best-practice
(Steve Mackinson, Cefas) WP 3 - Planning
embedding (Doug Wilson, IFM) WP 5 Project
co-ordination (Suzanna Neville) and Financial
management (Sue Bramford and Jane Medler, Cefas)
- WP 2 - Knowledge and perspectives (Juan Freire,
UDC) - WP 4 - Effective outreach
- (Charlotta Järnmark)
3Outcomes from GAP1 and future expectations
4Workshop 1, June 2008
5(No Transcript)
638 Regional meetings
OUTCOMES understanding, trust and commitment to
address problems of shared interest
7Tuna, FADs, behaviour selectivity
- Victims of the precautionary approach
- Re-define long-standing working relationships
8Sustainable crab fisheries
- Why do crabs move to deep water in winter?
- Reproduction size ratio and its link to
9Incorporating stakeholder knowledge on management
of herring
10Habitats in coastal Spain
- Benthic habitats, distribution fishing grounds
- Integrating fishers scientific knowledge of
coastal resources
11EU Parliamentary meeting A stronger dialogue
between scientists and fishermen for a renovated
Common Fisheries PolicyBrussels, September
- Understand how the dialogue works in different MS
and what best-practice is - Consider mobilising financial resources of EFF to
strengthen RACs role - Urge scientists to develop common standards in
methods (???) - Consider possibility for delegating aspects of
quota management to RACs
12Engaging Stakeholders in Fisheries and Marine
ResearchBrussels, Feb 09
- Establishing the communications and culture
conducive to problem solving - Accessing the governance system - building
capacity and aligning it with delivery of
collaborative research - Regional Advisory Councils developing their
strategic culture clarifying their role in
facilitating and enabling research to meet their
needs - Getting it down to the people that matter
connecting expectations with delivery that is
meaningful to stakeholders and policy makers
OUTCOMES well attended, understanding of what
is needed, reflection and planning, documents
widely distributed
13Newsletter, presentations, web, press releases,
interviews, MARE event
OUTCOMES profile, positive feedback from EU,
improved awareness of the need and value of
participatory research, understanding the roles
of stakeholders and scientists
14What we will do and hope to achieve
- Share experiences
- Reflect and take stock of achievements learning
- Plan to make a difference
15(No Transcript)
16EU Parliamentary meeting A stronger dialogue
between scientists and fishermen for a renovated
Common Fisheries PolicySeptember 2008