Title: Presidential Diversity Awards
1Presidential Diversity Awards Nomination Form 2008
This form is to be completed by faculty, staff or
students who would like to nominate a faculty
and/or staff member for the Presidential
Diversity Awards. Faculty and staff who wish to
self-nominate should also use this form.
Nominees must demonstrate a commitment to
promoting diversity on campus. One faculty
member and one staff member will be selected to
receive an award. Each award recipient will
receive 500 and other recognition. If you have
any questions, please contact University
Diversity Compliance at (248)
370-3496. Applicants and/or nominees may be
contacted by the nomination Committee. Nominee
Information Name _______________________________
Address ____________________________ Phone
_________________________ Check the category
that best applies Faculty
Staff Provide both of the following (1) and (2).
- Typewritten statement, not to exceed one page,
describing how the nominee has either (1)
demonstrated diversity in teaching, research or
service and/or (2) created a diverse and
inclusive work and learning environment through
initiatives, programs and other means. - One letter of support, not to exceed one page,
from a member of the Oakland University community
(faculty, staff or student).
Prior recipients of the Presidential Diversity
Award are excluded from participation. A
completed nomination package is due to University
Diversity Compliance, 203 Wilson Hall, by March
21st, 2008.