Title: The Sylvania Veterinary Hospital
1The Sylvania Veterinary Hospital
- Presentation prepared by Stacey Marie Moritz
2- Basics
- Where is Sylvania Veterinary Hospital?
- Sylvania Veterinary Hospital is located in
Sylvania, Ohio. - How did I learn about this opportunity?
- Actually, I was referred to Dr. Bob when I was
looking for a place to volunteer during high
school. I volunteered with Dr. Bob during my
senior year of high school and returned this past
summer for a more in depth experience.
3Meet the Doctors
Dr. Bob
Dr. Robert Esplin is the owner and founder of the
Sylvania Veterinary Hospital, and is a graduate
of The Ohio State University. His areas of
interest are orthopedic and laser surgery,
ferrets, dental care, dermatology, behavioral
consultations and cancer treatment.
4Meet the Doctors
Dr. Ross
Dr. Ross Mahowald also graduated from The Ohio
State University. His areas of interest are
reptile medicine, ferrets, cancer treatment,
ultrasound, internal medicine, neurology,
cardiology, and orthopedic surgery.
5Meet the Doctors
Dr. Jen
Dr. Jennifer Tate graduated from The University
of Missouri. Her areas of interest are internal
medicine, endoscopy, oncology and operation the
blood bank at SVH.
6Meet the Doctors
Dr. Sabra
Dr. Sabra Lucas graduated from Ross University.
Her areas of interest are dermatology, emergency
medicine, and birds.
7Meet the Doctors
Dr. Love
Dr. Kirsten Love graduated from the University of
Minnesota. Her areas of interest are birds,
rabbits, ferrets, reptiles, and pocket pets.
8History of the Hospital
The hospital was first opened by Dr. Bob in 1970.
The current hospital, which opened for business
on January 12th, 2004, was designed and built by
Dr. Bob. It is not just a hospital but rather in
the words of Dr. Bob himself, a pet destination.
to New
9Lets take a tour..
10Separate entrances and waiting rooms
11This is one of the 8 exam rooms
12This is our dog treatment facility
13This is the dog ward for patients that must stay
for the day or sometimes longer.
14And this is the Cat Hospital where Dr. Tate is
neutering a cat.
15This is the lab where samples such as blood,
urine, and ear wax are processed.
16This is the x-ray suite.
17This is the ultrasound room.
18This is the canine pharmacy. There is also a
feline / exotics pharmacy.
19This is the dental suite.
20This is the surgery prep corridor.
21This is one of the two sterile surgery suites.
22Another view of the surgery suite
23This is the break / lunchroom that people rarely
24- Daily Activities
- Morning Treatments
- Surgery Prep
- Surgery / Dental Observation and Assistance
- Surgery Recovery
- Appointments
- Cleaning
- Prescription filling
- Fecals
- Feeding
25One of my most common tasks was recovering
animals after surgery.
26- Most Interesting Experiences
27Observing unusual surgeries
28A closer look at the knee cap.
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31Doggy Daycare
32- More Interesting experiences
- Behavioral Consultations
- Emergencies
- Blood Bank
- And of Course
33The Patients
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39- Conclusions
- This was an excellent learning experience.
- Learned techniques, procedures, and symptoms.
- Gained a lot of hands on experience in animal
handling. - Worked with patients, clients, and staff.
- Learned a lot about the pros and cons of a large
40Pros -Wide variety of patients. -Many areas to
observe -Lab -Surgery -Hydrotherapy -Behavio
ral Consultations -Boarding -Dentistry -Groomin
g -Daycare -Emergency -X-Ray -Exotic
Animals -Blood bank -5 doctors to observe,
compare techniques, and of course get helpful
hints from. -Never at a loss for something to
do. -Great learning environment.
41- Cons
- Always hectic
- Never a moments rest
- Not as personal
- Emergencies dont always happen during the day.
- Very, very busy
- It takes patience, flexibility, and a willingness
to go with the flow to work in a large animal
42Contact Information Volunteers are always
welcome. Pet Pals Interns Aloha
Volunteers Contact Dr. Robert Esplin The
Sylvania Veterinary Hospital 4801 N. Holland
Sylvania Rd. Sylvania, OH 43560 Phone (419)
885-4421 Questions about my experience feel free
to contact me Moritz.34_at_osu.edu
43Credits Some information and pictures taken from
the Sylvania Veterinary Hospital Website
www.sylvaniavet.com Thanks to Dr. Bob for
giving me this great opportunity.