Title: Team Effectiveness Criteria
1Team Effectiveness Criteria
- 1. Does the teams output meet the standards of
those who have to use that output? - 2. Does the team experience enhance the
capability of the members to work together in the
future? - 3. Does the team experience contribute to the
personal well-being and development of the
2Common Characteristics of Effective Teams
- Shared Goals and Clear Group Identity
- High Felt Responsibility and Accountability
- Open and Two-Way Communication
- Shared Decision Making
- Encouragement of Dissent
- Explicit Attention to Process
- Flexibility
- Continuous Improvement
3 Immature group poor dysfunctional low inflex
ible poor unclear not accepted independent lo
w low
Mature group excellent functional high flexi
ble excellent clear accepted interdependent h
igh high
1. Feedback mechanism 2. Decision-making
methods 3. Group loyalty/cohesion 4. Operating
procedures 5. Use of member resources 6.
Communications 7. Goals 8. Authority
relations 9. Participation in leadership 10.
Acceptance of minority views
4Types of Work Groups
Work groups
Formal work groups
Informal work groups
Command groups
Task forces
Self- managed work teams
Friendship groups
Interest groups
5Designing Managing a Team
- Setting and communicating the agenda
- Determining the type of teamwork needed
- Choosing the right mix of people
- Shaping the teams culture
- Coaching the team and providing feedback
- Managing the teams boundaries
6Factors Affecting Team Effectiveness
- External Context
- reward system
- organization structure
- org. culture and politics
- time pressures
- physical resources
- Team Process
- norms
- conflict
- conformity
- development
- Team Outcomes
- Performance
- Satisfaction of Members
- Membership
- personalities
- motivation levels
- skills and knowledge
- Team Structure
- size
- diversity
- Roles
- cohesion
7A Teams Actual Performance Does Not Always Equal
its Potential Performance
Actual Performance
Potential Performance
Process Gains
Process Losses
Potential performance The level of performance
that one would expect given the capabilities of
the individual members Process gains Increases
in performance resulting from effective
coordination and motivation Process losses
Performance difficulties that a group experiences
due to coordination and motivation problems (e.g.
social loafing)
8Keeping a Team Small
- Advantages
- Easier coordination
- More input from members
- High motivation and commitment
- Less diffusion of responsibility and social
loafing - More satisfied members
- Disadvantages
- Less resources at the teams disposal (ideas,
perspectives, labor) - Less potential for division of labor
9Effects of Team Diversity
- Advantages
- Multiple Perspectives
- More Ideas
- Greater Creativity
- Less Conformity
- Disadvantages
- Distrust
- Miscommunication
- Conflict
- Stress
10When is Diversity Most Likely to be an Asset?
- When need for creativity is greater than need for
cohesion or agreement - For complex tasks that require specialized roles
- When despite diversity, members share a common
goal and some common values - When the diversity is openly recognized, talked
about and actively managed
11Group Cohesiveness
12Cohesiveness and Productivity Norms
MODERATE PRODUCTIVITY Partial agreement on
norms that favor high group productivity
HIGH PRODUCTIVITY Strong agreement on
norms that favor high group productivity
Group Productivity Norms
MODERATE PRODUCTIVITY Partial agreement on
norms that favor low group productivity
LOW PRODUCTIVITY Strong agreement on
norms that favor low group productivity
Group Cohesiveness
13Potential Advantages of Using Decision Making
- Greater Range and Diversity of Information and
Ideas - Better Memory and Error Detection
- Synergistic Problem Solving (where solution is
superior to the ideas of any one individual) - Greater Buy-in which May Facilitate Decision
14Potential Disadvantages of Using Decision Making
- Process can be time consuming
- Personal or political agendas
- Domination by one or more members
- Diffusion of responsibility
- Conformity pressures and/or Groupthink
- Dysfunctional conflict
- Dysfunctional roles
15A Model of Group Formation and Development
Reasons for Group Formation Security
need satisfaction Social need satisfaction Proxi
mity and attraction Group goals Economic reasons
Types of Groups Formal 1. Command 2.
Task Informal 1. Interest 2.
Stages of Group Development 1. Mutual
acceptance 2. Communication and decision
making 3. Motivation and productivity 4.
Control and organization
Some Group Characteristics Structure Status hi
erarchy Roles Expected Perceived
Enacted Norms Leadership Cohesiveness Intergro
up conflict
Potential End Results Individual performance Gr
oup performance Organizational performance and ef
16Stages of Group Development