Title: Coinspiracy
- Community Education
- SD 62 (Sooke)
- Coin 022
2Making a difference
- The Coin-spiracy Project has inspired
- the staff and students of Community Education to
- take action on a number of fronts.
- Donna Miller, Principal of Community Education
- committed herself to get involved in the
- Coin-spiracy Project because she values the Pay
It - Forward concept.
- Donna believes that everyone can
- make a difference and in posing the challenge to
her - staff, many things began to occur. The coin was
1st - passed along to the entire staff who
brainstormed how - Community Education as a team and individually
might - make a difference in the community.
- Ideas from the staff and
- students Random Act of Kindness
- Board
- Self School potlucks, student created lunch and
Christmas breakfast, Fall Barbecue - Others student focused community conference
(Power of Community), Afghanistan Project
Building Futures through Education - Environment clean up a park or beach, recycling
program, beautification project
4First Nations Graduation class Kind Act for
School Coin 022
- The First Nations Graduation Program decided to
treat - the school to a lunch of Indian Tacos. Bannock
was - baked by one of the students mothers, and the
students - prepared the meat,vegetables and sauce.
5Student Council hosted a Halloween Potluck - Kind
Act for Selves
6Fast Forward to Graduation ClassKind Act for
Self and Others Coin 022
- Fast Forward to Graduation,
- an adult learning class,
- decided to do something
- special for the staff at
- CEC. They invited the
- entire staff to come to a
- Christmas breakfast.
- Students arrived early to
- set up their classroom
- to host over 20 Community
- Education staff members.
7Cooking in the testing centre
- Students prepared and
- served a delicious array
- of breakfast snacks
- including
- Christmas Scramble,
- Indian Vegetables Dish,
- bagels,fruit plate,
- coffee, juice.
8Coin 022 The Power of Community A Kind Act for
- The Coin-spiracy project inspired Community
- Education CEC, SD 62 (Sooke) to feature a student
- focused community conference, The Power of
- Community as a way of supporting student success.
- Our keynote speaker, Jacob Beaton,
- shares his thoughts with us,
- "Each person is the center of their family - each
family is the centre of their community - each
community is the centre of their country - each
country is the centre of the world.
9Power of Community Thurs. Feb. 13, 2003
- Conference Format
- 830 Networking, Display Tables, Coffee
- 900 Master of Ceremonies - Robin
AdairIntroduction Welcoming Remarks - Donna
Miller, Principal of Community Education
Esquimalt Dancers Singers - 915 The Power of Community Keynote - Jacob
Beaton Icebreaker Activity - Sandy
Webster-Worthy Pace/Coin-spiracy - 1030 Nutrition Break - Displays
- 1100 Workshop Sessions
- 1200 Community Sponsored Lunch
- 1230 Community Leadership Panel Power of
Community Visions - 140 - 255 Workshop Sessions
- 300 Wrap up - Extreme Kindness Touring Crew
- 330 Coin-Spiracy Presentations
- Location Colwood Activity Centre 2610
Rosebank off Ocean Blvd) - Please contact, Heather Ratcliffe Hood,
(250-391-9002 or - hratcliffehood_at_sd62.bc.ca)for further details.
10Community Leadership Panel
- If you could be ruler for a day
- What would you identify as the key issue in your
local community? - What is your vision for change? What would this
vision look like?
11Power of Community Workshops
Dean Fortin Community Leadership Project
features many unique initiatives created
including a Community Chest Fund, outreach to
homeless women and children, affordable housing.
- Bob Aitken, Vancouver Vocational College
InstructorThe Brain - The New Frontier The
brain is responsible for your intelligence,
impulse control, reasoning ability, moral
decision-making, planning, and wisdom. Recent
brain research has helped us learn how we can
improve learning and develop our cognitive,
emotional intelligence skills and wisdom.
Julie DeVries, Community Education student
Empowerment Within the Medicine Wheel - Learn
the basic teachings of the First Nations Medicine
12Supporting student success
Jessi Zielke Learn how a portfolio can help you
in career and employment preparation.
Kelly Knister Start Training and Earning Dollars
Now! Find out the benefits of apprenticeship,
how it works, and how to start as early as 15
years of age.
Susie Biro -Discover your passion and personal
definition of success - learn tools you can apply
to your own life as you go after your own goals
and dreams.
Making a living in the Arts is possible! Robin
Hopper, Jimmy Wright, and Pat Cook in an
exciting, information-packed presentation
complete with lots of follow-up resource
13Extreme Acts of Kindness Crew Tour from Victoria
to Newfoundland
14Afghanistan Project Building Futures in
Education Acts of Kindness for Others
- Road to Kabul community information evening
project needs donations of school materials,
toothbrushes, tooth paste, pencils, pens,
erasers, lined paper, spelling and math books
(Langford Fire Hall/ Community Education Office). - Islamic Religion Panel
- Presentation of the Afghanistan Project