Title: Initiating research careers in Maths
1Initiating research careers in Maths
2Initiating research careers
- Doctoral training
- Postdoctoral fellowships
- First grants
3Mathematical Sciences Programme Priorities
- The exploitation and generation of new knowledge
are both recognised as key components of
research - Researchers can develop skills and build research
capabilities to address challenges now and in the
future - Collaboration with colleagues in other
disciplines or in other countries is welcomed and
encouraged - Current and future leaders of research are
motivated and supported
4Doctoral Training
- The panel found that a typical UK PhD Programme
is of shorter duration and more narrowly focused
than those in other countries. As a result, new
PhDs from the UK usually have less breadth and
experience than their peers from other countries
and have difficulty competing for research
fellowships and academic posts - -IRM Panel
5PhD training
- Universities responsible for quality
- is only one of the resource providers
- cannot require universities to change their
teaching strategy - can choose to distribute our resources to those
universities that we believe provide the best
6PhD training
- Need to maximise the resources we have to benefit
the UK - Pump priming PhD taught course centres
- pilot programmes
- EPSRC funding short term (one-off)
- Any investment conditional upon the universities
committing to a continuing effort after the
initial investment - Closing date 25th May
- Courses available to their first intake of
students Oct 07.
7PhD taught course centres
- Aim
- Add breadth and/or depth
- Raise the international academic profile of the
UK PhD - Add value to existing provision
- As a result PhD students should be
- Broadly trained, competitive in international
market - Making mature/informed decisions about future
8PhD taught course centres
- How
- This is up to you
- Deliberately flexible within some constraints
- Not one size fits all
- Subject focussed / broad
- Regional / national
- Real/virtual
- Centres provide leadership
- Improving quality
- Sharing best practice and expertise
- Access to students from a range of institutions
9Doctoral Training Accounts- Why?
- To provide universities with maximum flexibility
in managing their research studentship
population. - Wide range of options in the way that funds are
used. - offer stipends above EPSRC's required minimum,
- offer longer support if a project requires it
- can switch funding to other areas of related
expenditure, such as consumables, travel,
conferences, external training courses and career
guidance - can be used to provide taught elements
- pool with other departments and/or leveraged
against industrial funding - can be used for MRes
- offer summer internships for 2nd year
undergraduate - In Maths there is also some level of guaranteed
income for most departments- so you can appoint
the best students at an early stage
10DTA Allocation Mechanism
- All Departments with any current or announced
research grant or fellowship income from the
Mathematical Sciences Programme at (1 September
2005) are eligible to receive DTA funding. - There is an INSTITUTIONAL threshold of 3
studentships, below which the DTG is not
announced. Any doctoral training money earned
and not awarded is held (in the bank) and added
to the next years allocation.
11How can I increase my departments studentship
funding from EPSRC?
- Research grants jointly funded with other EPSRC
Programmes earn DTA funding via the algorithm - Project studentships on research grants (can be 4
years) - Maths CASE
- CASE for new academic appointees
12DTA Allocation Mechanism
- Current mechanism developed by Adrian Smith et al
prior to the introduction of DTAs in 2001. - An algorithm based on research grant income is
not an appropriate way of allocating the
Mathematical Sciences Programme doctoral training
grant funds - Training resources allocated primarily on the
basis of data and information provided by
departments, advised by peer review.
13DTA Allocation Mechanism
- the amount of funding a mathematical sciences
department receives from this exercise is
determined by the information in the proforma,
taken with data provided by EPSRC, judged against
the published criteria.
14Example Research Environment and Departmental
- Department provides details of
- New appointments
- research and student recruitment strategies,
- joint research training with other departments
- marks of research distinction including esteem
factors and non-EPSRC fellowships, - major non-EPSRC research funding,
- external research collaborations etc.
- Number of mathematical sciences students
irrespective of funding source. - EPSRC provides
- Number and value of EPSRC research grants funded
through the Mathematical Sciences Programme. - No. of EPSRC Postdoctoral, Advanced and Senior
15DTA Allocation Mechanism- Resources
- Baseline for all departments based on 80 of
previous years allocation from the Mathematical
Sciences Programme (total allocations can include
DTG funds from other EPSRC Programmes) - unless this takes the allocation below 1
studentship (60k) when baseline is zero. - First two years allocations based on studentship
pool data. - Redistribution of top-sliced 20 to move away
from historical profile reward excellence in
16DTA Allocation Mechanism
- Messages from departments and the allocation
panels that - Profile no longer accurate
- Based on data now approaching 10 years old
- Time for a re-evaluation, or comprehensive review
of the allocations
17DTA Allocation Mechanism the way forward?
- Programme to decide the allocations to
departments from the bottom up - NOT via an algorithm
- When? RAE 2008?
- What data would be needed to do this properly?
- What should the criteria be?
- What happens in subsequent years?
- Do you think this is a good idea? SAT
consultation later in 2006.
18Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Awarded to talented young researchers to enable
them to establish an independent research career
directly or shortly after completing their PhD.
19Postdoctoral Fellowships 2006 awards
20Postdoctoral Fellowships 2006 exercise
21Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 77 of applicants rejected before interview
- 20 of applications sift rejected before panel
- Consequences
- high cost (time money) of
- Preparing application, including JeS, HoD time
etc. - Peer review of low quality PDF applications
- How to
- Reduce number of low quality applications
- e.g. Departmental cap- but disadvantages to
this too - Increase number of high quality applications
- e.g. Support from departments shown to increase
funding rates e.g. Kent 50
22Early career researchers- new appointments
- First grant funding rates
23Early career researchers- new appointments
- First grant applications
- Some excellent, others disappointing
- Should never be a badly written proposal
- Make contact with EPSRC at an early stage
- Mock panels
- Departmental visits (team or APM)
- How to nurture early career researchers?
24Summary and Key Messages
- Early stages of research careers vitally
important for achieving future goals - Investment in pump priming taught courses
- Rethinking the DTG allocations profile to better
reflect current situation - Need to reduce numbers of low quality PDF
applications - Support for new academic appointments