Title: Attracting Students to STEM Careers
1Attracting Students to STEM Careers
- Gabriela C. Weaver, Chair
- Kamyar Haghighi, Co-Chair
- Douglas D. Cook
- Christian J. Foster
- Sidney M. Moon
- Pamela J. Phegley
- Roger L. Tormoehlen
2Factors and Pathways in STEM Education
3Three Main Initiatives
- STEM Student Experience and Success
- STEM Public Policy and Leadership
- Research and Scholarship in P-20 STEM Teaching
and Learning
4STEM Student Experience and Success
Three inter-related components.
Better Preparation and Increased Diversity of
Entering Students
Student Support Services and Mentoring
Reformed Pedagogy and Corresponding Reward
5Entering Class Preparation and Diversity
- Increase preparation and diversity of entering
classes. - Work with the state and states teachers and
schools to increase level of math preparation of
students and encourage the Core 40 curriculum for
students interested in STEM majors. - Increase out-of-state recruiting, especially in
high diversity areas, and create substantial
financial assistance packages for high-ability
out-of-state students - Adjust mechanisms for applying to take more
factors into consideration - Develop an attractive and inspirational
recruiting message about STEM careers try to
capture top students who are admitted but dont
6Student Retention and Support
- Change the learning experience (yrs 1 2)
- Reduce class sizes
- Increase small-group experiences, such as LCs
- Reduce DFW rates to lt25 maintain standards
- Provide experiential learning opportunities to
all - Increased and Centralized Student Support
- Center for mentoring/advocacy/peer advising
- Increase number of academic advisors
- Increase use of Learning Communities
- Increase reach of support programs for women and
7Faculty Development and Reward Structure
- Need a major cultural shift from teaching to
learning and to thinking about the student
experience - Revise PT policies for increased emphasis on
pedagogy/teaching/educational activities - Engage faculty in professional development in
pedagogy - Establish oversight body at the University level
and guidelines for review of teaching - Develop uniform standards for TA training
8Three Main Initiatives
- STEM Student Experience and Success
- STEM Public Policy and Leadership
- Research and Scholarship in P-20 STEM Teaching
and Learning
9STEM Public Policy and Leadership
- Establish a multi-disciplinary Institute for STEM
Public Policy and Leadership - Address the urgent and well-documented national
need to stem the rapid erosion of scientific and
technological leadership in the United States. - Build support for educating a competitive
workforce for a global, technologically complex
knowledge economy.
10P-20 STEM Research and Scholarship in Teaching
and Learning
- Articulation to Classroom Practice.
- Catalyze and support translational research
- Combine under a unifying body (e.g., DLC)
- Increase targeted cluster hiring of STEM
education researchers. - Create public forum for exchange of ideas between
education researchers and education practitioners
(all who teach).