Title: NES ePortfolio
1NES e-Portfolio Karen Beggs e-Portfolio
Projects Manager, NES December 2007
- Foundation Doctors
- Physicians - Core Medical Training
- in partnership with Joint Royal Colleges of
Physicians Training Board - Paediatricians
- in partnership with Royal College of
Paediatrics Child Health - General Practitioners
- in partnership with Royal College of General
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7What do the healthcare professions want from an
e-portfolio? (the standard stuff)
- Reflection
- Learning
- Monitoring
- Competencies
- Assessment
- Supervision
- Personal / prof development
8- Linking learning with assessment
9Increasing e-Portfolio activity (18,288 trainees)
10Linking learning to competencies - Medicine
Comment self assessment
Curriculum area
11Linking learning to competencies - Medicine
Click here to see the actual assessments
12(No Transcript)
13Linking learning to competencies - Dentistry
14Linking learning to competencies - Pharmacy
Apply to this entry
Pick curriculum or competency list
Review and select the descriptor(s)
15Selected items added here
16- Personal Development Planning
17Personal development planning - Medicine
18Personal development planning - Dentistry
19Personal development planning - Pharmacy
20What do the healthcare professions want from an
e-portfolio? (the extras)
- Customisation
- Interoperability
- Quality assurance
- Communication
- Data exchange
- Data in eg e-Learning
- Data out eg moving to new e-Portfolio system /
new stage of training - DOTS / e-LfH / standards group
23Portfolio framework changes with career
Career progression
Portfolio framework
Flexible Private Self-directed
Structured Monitored Mandatory
24And from our perspectiveKeys to success?
The positives
- Access home or work
- No heavy folder
- Immediate review for admin / supervisor
- Email (messaging) communication
- Advertising local events / information
- Admin functions local control monitoring
- Speed of support development changes
- Enthusiastic champion(s)
- Local support
- Deanery (or equivalent) taking charge
- Communication particularly with supervisors
- Feedback to NES team re requirements /
modifications - Co-ordinated administration
- Willingness to give it a go
25And from our perspectiveKeys to success?
The negatives
- Enthusiastic champion(s)
- Local support
- Deanery (or equivalent) taking charge
- Communication particularly with supervisors
- Feedback to NES team re requirements /
modifications - Co-ordinated administration
- Willingness to give it a go
- Lack of information (top down)
- Local tweaking needed time commitment
- Lack of confidence with computers (supervisors)
- Increasing demands on supervisors and
administrators - The MTAS experience
26And from our perspectiveKeys to success?
And from our perspective Barriers to success
- Problems with co-ordination at strategic level
- Lack of communication with end users (
administrators) - Assumptions expectations
- Missing/incorrect information (specification/user
s) - Limited or rushed pilots
- Implementation time underestimated
- Shifting sands
- Enthusiastic champion(s)
- Local support
- Deanery (or equivalent) taking charge
- Communication particularly with supervisors
- Feedback to NES team re requirements /
modifications - Co-ordinated administration
- Willingness to give it a go
27And from our perspectiveKeys to success?
And from our perspectiveKeys to success?
- Enthusiastic champion(s)
- Local support
- Deanery (or equivalent) taking charge
- Communication particularly with supervisors
- Feedback to NES team re requirements /
modifications - Co-ordinated administration
- Willingness to give it a go
- Detailed requirements (avoid tbc)
- Rigorous piloting phased roll-out
- Defined and agreed roles (decision-makers)
- Enthusiastic champion(s)
- Regular communication re expectations
- Training ongoing requirement
- Realistic timescales
- Willingness to give it a go
282008 - New platform
292008 workload?
- Scotland only
- Dental trainees/PDP group
- Community nurses
- Nurse mentors
- Chaplains
- Clinical psychology
- Undergraduate dentistry
- RGU undergraduate nurses, pharmacists, life
- UK wide
- All foundation doctors
- All CMT doctors
- Radiologists
- 29 medical subspecialties
- Obstetricians gynaecologists
- Anaesthetists
- Emergency medicine
- Paediatrics
- Ophthalmologists
30 31ContactAlex Haigalex.haig_at_nes.scot.nhs.ukKare
n Beggskaren.beggs_at_nes.scot.nhs.uk? (0131)