Title: 2004 Handheld Software: Assignment Management
12004 Handheld Software Assignment Management
Short Form Questionnaire
- Jean Sebold
- Decennial Development Team Leader
- Technologies Management Office
- Feb. 28, 2005
- Overview of Handheld Computer (HHC) System used
in the 2004 test - Assignment Management System
- functionality
- Challenges
- Lessons learned
- Short Form Questionnaire
- functionality
- Challenges
- Lessons learned
- Q A
3Census 2004 NRFU Test
- - 1000 enumerators
- - 2 sites 1 urban/ 1 rural
- - test started April 2004 and ended July 2004
- Goals included
- Automating the Non-response Follow-up (NRFU)
questionnaire in both English and Spanish - Developing an Assignment Management System (AMS)
to manage the enumerator workload - Transmitting data to/from the device via a 56K
modem - Allowing the user to capture GPS coordinates
- Displaying TIGER map files using a COTS product,
ArcPad - Encrypting Census data on the HHC
42004 Test Telecommunications/Data Transmission
5Development Environment
- - Visual Studio .NET
- - C Programming Language
- NRFU Questionnaire
- - SQL Server CE
- Shared DB among AMS NRFU Inst
- - XML
- All transmitted files were in XML format
6What is the Assignment Management System (AMS)?
- A Control System that is on the Handheld Device
and used by enumerators to access and manage
their assigned workload. - Contains a Quality Control component as well as a
Training application/DB that can be refreshed
as needed
72004 Functionality of AMS
- Provides the capability to store and display an
enumerators workload - Provides the ability to add/remove cases from the
enumerators workload - Displays case status codes
- Ability to access the Address Reference list
- Provides workload counts (ex. Interviewed, not
started, transmitted, etc) - Displays mail messages sent from the offices
- Provides sort, search filter capability
82004 Functionality of AMS Contd
- Provide the capability to invoke the
questionnaire for each case - Ability to collect GPS for each structure
containing a living quarter - Ability to add living quarters not identified in
the enumerators assignment area - Allows Data entry (notes, contact info.) for each
case - Provides the ability to restart a case
- Allow the enumerator to perform either a preset
or immediate transmission
92004 HHC Transmission process
- - Enumerator plugs in modem initiates a dial-up
transmission selects either immediate or preset - - An xml file is created that includes completed
work to be sent to the HQ control system - - The device dials authenticates to the
telecommunications system - - The completed work is uploaded to the control
system - - Any software updates are sent to the device
- - Any new assignments or cases that need to be
removed are downloaded to the device - - The device disconnects from the server
- - Software updates are applied
- - New assignments, mail messages, and adjustments
to the workload are made - - Cases that have been transmitted are marked as
transmitted and an entry is made to the
transmission log
102004 Challenges for AMS
- 1. Address Reference List a complete list of
all addresses surnames in an area including HUs
that have mailed the questionnaire- used in
apartment mixups adding HUs - Challenges
- - If an enumerator is assigned cases from
multiple areas (language specialist), they would
receive all addresses for all areas assigned - - The surnames need to be updated as Late
Questionnaires are received in the Data capture
center - 2. Lack of Institutional Experience in the HHC
112004 Lessons Learned for AMS
- 1. Transmission application
- Problems
- -Too many steps (23 steps) the process is too
complex - -Not enough messaging
- -Too many moving parts
- Plan for 2006
- -Make transmission application stand alone from
Start menu more user friendly not as many
steps - -added a more robust messaging system that
displays more meaningful messages to the user
122004 Lessons Learned for AMS
- 2. Crew Leader (CL) Management
- Problem
- CL needed some automated tools to manage their
crew from the field - Plan for 2006
- Add a CL assignment management system that will
allow the CL to perform the following - - Access reports of enumerators within their crew
- - Allow CL to make assignments/reassignments from
the HHC - - Allow the CL to review/accept/reject work of
their crew before the cases are sent to the
operational control system (OCS)
132004 Lessons Learned for AMS
- 3. of cases on HHC
- Problem
- Cases remained on the enumerators HHC for the
life of the operation - Plan for 2006
- Cases will be removed from the HHC after a
confirmation is received that the case was
received in HQ processing without errors.
14What is the Short Form Questionnaire?
- The automated questionnaire used by enumerators
to collect census data in the Non-Response
Follow-Up (NRFU) operation. - Also referred to as the instrument
- Contains a Quality Control component
152004 Short Form Functionality
- - Provides the ability to toggle from English to
Spanish at any point within the questionnaire - - Structured as a person-based questionnaire
- - Allows enumerator to add/delete people to the
HH roster - - Provides some basic edits (ex. Age/DOB)
- - Assigns each case with a status code. The
enumerator is not allowed to set the status
codes the questionnaire assigns the code based
on the provided responses - - Allows the enumerator to access/add to the
shared case notes - - Collects additional information that is used
for evaluation purposes. (Ex attempt history)
16Questionnaire Challenges
- - Screen size (2 x 3)
- - Consistent look feel
- - Usability no scrolling, limited use of the
virtual keyboard - - Lack of experience developing for a HHC
- - No industry standard questionnaire development
tools (ie, Cases, Blaise)
17Questionnaire Form Design
Title Bar
Text Panel
Custom Controls
Response Pane
Command Bar
18Controls used for Usability
- 1. Tagged text into 5 categories
- - normal text
- - spoken bold
- - parenthetical gray
- - Action blue italic
- - instruction underlined
- 2. Hidden Dont Know/ Refused
- - used the context menu function
- - available on every screen and grayed out when
not required for a screen
19Controls used for Usability (contd)
- 3. More button
- - Used on the text/response panes when the text
does not fit on the screen - - The button grays out when it is the last screen
- - A More left/right button appear when the
user advances to the next screen - 4. Hyperlink
- - Used for responses that have sub-categories
- - Click on the blue arrow to display the sub
categories - 5. Number control
- - Customized to limit the number selection
depending on the data being entered. Ex.restricts
from entering February 31st
20Lesson Learned
- - not to underestimate the level of effort
involved in developing the Questionnaire!
Automated Spec
Paper Questionnaire
21Additional Functionality for 2006
- - Automated Address Canvassing operation
- - Crew Leader Functionality
- - Automated payroll application
- - Provide a topic-based questionnaire
22Q A???