Title: Diapositiva 1
Sixth Meeting of the NAME Science Working
Group Tucson, AZ
Miguel Cortez-Vázquez
2SMN Participation in NAME
a) SMN Current Meteorological Infrastructure
79 synoptic stations 16 radiosonde
sites 84 automated weather stations 12 radars (4
in northwestern Mexico) b) Historical and near
real-time data c) Working group during NAME
(meteorologists, observers, and technicians) d)
Technical and logistical support
379 Synoptic Stations Operation activities
4Historical Data Bases Improvements
- Activities
- Recovering historical data from paper reports
- Digitalization historical hourly data from the
79 synoptic stations - Period 1981 - 2002
- Data will be available after July 2004
5Radiosonde Sites
Twoice Daily Observations Twoice Daily Observations
All year round July to October
Mexico City Mazatlán, Mérida, Acapulco
6SMN Automated Weather Stations (EMAs)
60 - EMAs with transmitions every 3 hrs (20
after 1998 and 40 after 1999)
14 - EMAs with transmitions every hour (14
after 2002 and 10 after 2003)
10 - EMAs with GSM technology and transmition
every hour
7CNA Automated Weather Stations Networks (SMN
Hydrological Department GASIR)
In operation, 10 Out of service, 2
9Integration of the Meteorological Automated
Station Networks Information
CNA Hydrological Department, (GASIR)
International Boundary Water Commission (CILA)
Mexican Navy SEMAR
Local Governments Hidalgo