Title: I/O%20Efficient%20Directed%20Model%20Checking
1I/O Efficient Directed Model Checking
- Shahid Jabbar
- and
- Stefan Edelkamp,
- Computer Science Department
- University of Dortmund, Germany
- In explicit-state model checking, most real-world
models require enormous amount of memory. - How to cope with this state space explosion
problem ?
3Directed Model Checking (Edelkamp, Leue,
Lluch-Lafuente, 2004)
- A guided search in the state space.
- Usually by some heuristic estimate.
- Only promising states are explored.
- Under-certain conditions proved to be complete.
4A Closer look at different strategies
Depth first
Breadth first
Best first
5Advantages of Directed Model Checking
- Partial exploration of the state space.
- Shorter error trails
- Better for human comprehension
- Problem
- The inevitable demands of the model .. Space,
space and space.
6Possible Solution
- Use Virtual Memory.
- Assume a bigger address space divided into pages.
- Saved on the hard disk but are moved back to the
main memory whenever they are called Page
Faults. - Pages are mapped to physical locations within the
main memory and the desired content is returned
from the main memory location.
7Problem with the Virtual Memory
Virtual Address Space
Memory Page
8External Memory Model (Aggarwal and Vitter)
If the input size is very large, running time
depends on the I/Os rather than on the number of
Input of size N and N gtgt M
9External Memory Graph Algorithms
- External breadth first search Munagala and
Ranade, 2001 - Generated states flushed to the disk for every
BFS level. - No hash table.
- Duplicates are removed by sorting the nodes
according to the indices and doing an scan and
compaction phase. - Before expanding a layer t, the nodes in the
layer t-1 and t-2 are subtracted from t. - O(V sort(V E)) I/Os.
- where sort(N) O(N / B logM/B N / B) I/Os
- Korf, 2003 presented the breadth first search
version for implicit graphs.
10A Algorithm
- A.k.a Goal-directed Dijkstra
- A heuristic estimate is used to guide the search.
- E.g. Straight line distance from the current node
to the goal in case of a graph with a geometric
layout. - Reweighing w(u,v) w(u,v) h(u) h(v)
- Problems
- A needs to store all the states during
exploration. - A generates large amount of duplicates that can
be removed using an internal hash table only if
it can fit in the main memory. - A do not exhibit any locality of expansion. For
large state spaces, standard virtual memory
management can result in excessive page faults.
11Take a closer look
- Implicit, unweighted, undirected graphs
- Consistent
- heuristic
- estimates.
- gt ?h -1,0,1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Its a Bucket !!
- A Bucket is a set of states, residing on the
disk, having the same (g, h) value, - Where, g number of transitions needed to
transform the initial state to the states of the
bucket, - and h Estimated distance of the buckets state
to the goal - No state is inserted again in a bucket that is
expanded. - If Active (being read or written), represented
internally by a small buffer. -
13External A Edelkamp, Jabbar, and Schroedl,
- Buckets represent temporal locality cache
efficient order of expansion. - If we store the states in the same bucket
together we can exploit the spatial locality. - Munagala and Ranades BFS and Korfs delayed
duplicate detection for implicit graphs.
External A
14Complexity Analysis
- Internal A gt Each edge is looked at most once.
- Duplicates Removal
- Sorting the green bucket having one state for
every edge from the 3 black buckets. - Scanning and compaction.
- O(sort(E))
- Subtraction
- Removing states of orange buckets (duplicates
free) from the green one. - O(scan(V) scan(E))
15I/O Performance of External A
- Theorem The complexity of External A in an
implicit unweighted and undirected graph with a
consistent estimate is bounded by O(sort(E)
scan(V)) I/Os.
16Directed Graphs in Model Checking
- In undirected graphs, we are required to look at
only two layers for duplicate detection. - But in model checking, we are mainly concerned
with directed graphs. - Result by Zhou Hansen, 2004
- Duplicate detection scope Locality of the
search - Locality max\delta(s,u)-\delta(s,v), 0 for
all edges (u, v) - \delta denotes the shortest path.
- In directed graphs, scope corresponds to the
largest cycle in the graph. - Largest cycle Sum of the largest cycles in
individual processes.
- SPIN A well-known model checker.
- HSF-SPIN (Edelkamp, Leue, Lluch-Lafuente)
Directed Model Checking Extension of SPIN. - IO-HSF-SPIN External HSF-SPIN.
- Incorporates External A in HSF-SPIN.
- Successfully implemented for deadlock detection.
- Active process heuristic is used to guide the
18Experimental Results -1
- Deadlock Detection in Dining Philosophers
Philoso-phers Solution Depth stored sates expanded states transitions Space
100 402 980,003 19,503 999,504 2.29 GB
150 603 3,330,003 44,253 3,374,254 10.4 GB
19Experimental Results -2
- Deadlock Detection in Optical Telegraph
Sta-tions Solution Depth stored sates expanded states transitions Space
5 33 10,874 4,945 24,583 3.85 MB
7 45 333,848 115,631 820,319 137 MB
8 50 420,498 103,667 917,011 186 MB
9 57 9,293,203 2,534,517 23,499,519 4.29 GB
20Experimental Results -3
- CORBA GIOP 1 Server, N Clients
Clients Solution Depth stored sates expanded states transitions Space
2 58 48,009 39,260 126,478 33.5 MB
3 70 825,789 670,679 2,416,823 0.57 GB
4 75 7,343,358 5,727,909 22,809,278 5.17 GB
21Experimental Results -4
- CORBA GIOP 2 Servers, N Clients
Clients Solution Depth stored sates expanded states transitions Space
2 64 158,561 125,514 466,339 0.12 GB
3 76 2,705,766 2,134,724 8,705,588 2.1 GB
4 81 26,340,417 20,861,609 88,030,774 20.7 GB
22Pause and Resume
- What if even your harddisk becomes full ?
- Solution Since the states are stored on the
disk, the algorithm can be stopped at any time
and resumed from the last working diagonal.
- State space explosion problem can be circumvented
by Directed Model Checking. - But even Directed Model Checking can fail for the
state spaces that cannot fit into the main
memory. - External A helps in overcoming this problem.
- Extended for directed graphs as appear in Model
checking. - First external directed model checker
IO-HSF-SPIN. - Problem having a state space size of 20.7 GB is
successfully solved.