Title: Markov%20Random%20Fields%20%20with%20Efficient%20Approximations
1Markov Random Fields with Efficient
- Yuri Boykov, Olga Veksler, Ramin Zabih
- Computer Science Department
- MAP-MRF approach
- (Maximum Aposteriori Probability estimation of
MRF) - Bayesian framework suitable for problems in
Computer Vision (Geman and Geman, 1984) - Problem High computational cost. Standard
methods (simulated annealing) are very slow.
3Outline of the talk
- Models where MAP-MRF estimation is equivalent to
min-cut problem on a graph - generalized Potts model
- linear clique potential model
- Efficient methods for solving the corresponding
graph problems - Experimental results
- stereo, image restoration
4MRF framework in the context of stereo
- neighborhood relationships (n-links)
MRF defining property
Hammersley-Clifford Theorem
5MAP estimation of MRF configuration
6Energy minimization
7Generalized Potts model
8Static clues - selecting
Stereo Image White Rectangle in front of
the black background
9Minimization of E(f) via graph cuts
p-vertices (pixels)
10Multiway cut
vertices V pixels terminals
Remove a subset of edges C
edges E n-links t-links
- C is a multiway cut if terminals are separated
in G(C)
11Main Result (generalized Potts model)
- Under some technical conditions on
the multiway min-cut C on G gives___
that minimizes E( f ) - the posterior energy
function for the generalized Potts model.
- Multiway cut Problem find minimum cost
multiway cut C graph G
12Solving multiway cut problem
- Case of two terminals
- max-flow algorithm (Ford, Fulkerson 1964)
- polinomial time (almost linear in practice).
- NP-complete if the number of labels gt2
- (Dahlhaus et al., 1992)
- Efficient approximation algorithms that are
optimal within a factor of 2
13Our algorithm
Initialize at arbitrary multiway cut C
1. Choose a pair of terminals
2. Consider connected pixels
14Our algorithm
Initialize at arbitrary multiway cut C
1. Choose a pair of terminals
2. Consider connected pixels
3. Reallocate pixels between two terminals
by running max-flow algorithm
15Our algorithm
Initialize at arbitrary multiway cut C
1. Choose a pair of terminals
2. Consider connected pixels
3. Reallocate pixels between two terminals
by running max-flow algorithm
4. New multiway cut C is obtained
Iterate until no pair of terminals improves the
cost of the cut
16Experimental results (generalized Potts model)
- Extensive benchmarking on synthetic images and on
real imagery with dense ground truth - From University of Tsukuba
- Comparisons with other algorithms
17Synthetic example
18Real imagery with ground truth
Ground truth
Our results
19Comparison with ground truth
20Gross errors (gt 1 disparity)
21Comparative results normalized correlation
Gross errors
23Related work (generalized Potts model)
- Greig et al., 1986 is a special case of our
method (two labels) - Two solutions with sensor noise (function g)
highly restricted - Ferrari et al., 1995, 1997
24Linear clique potential model
25Minimization of via graph cuts
26Main Result (linear clique potential model)
- Under some technical conditions on
the min-cut C on gives that
minimizes - the posterior energy
function for the linear clique potential model.
27Related work (linear clique potential model)
- Ishikawa and Geiger, 1998
- earlier independently obtained a very similar
result on a directed graph - Roy and Cox, 1998
- undirected graph with the same structure
- no optimality properties since edge weights are
not theoretically justified
28Experimental results (linear clique potential
- Benchmarking on real imagery with dense ground
truth - From University of Tsukuba
- Image restoration of synthetic data
29Ground truth stereo image
30Image restoration