Title: Interference between independent cold atom systems
1Interference between independent cold atom
Anatoli Polkovnikov, Boston University
Ehud Altman - The Weizmann Institute of
Science Eugene Demler - Harvard
University Vladimir Gritsev - Harvard
Workshop on Quantum Noise in Strongly Correlated
Systems. Weizmann Institute, Jan. 2008
2Interference between independent
sources. (Hanbury-Brown Twiss effect)
3Interference between independent
sources. (Hanbury-Brown Twiss effect)
Origin of interference superposition principle.
Intensity-intensity correlator survives!
HBT effect is the classical wave phenomenon!
4From classical waves to quantum particles
Origin of interference superposition principle.
Interference term drops out for uncorrelated
5 Interference between two condensates.
6What do we observe?
7(No Transcript)
8Define an observable (interference amplitude
squared )
9Interference from multiple sources
Having many particles in each condensate does not
reduce noise in the interference amplitude.
10Extended Condensates.
11Scaling with L two limiting cases
12Formal derivation
13Intermediate case (quasi long-range order).
1D condensates (Luttinger liquids)
Repulsive bosons with short range interactions
Finite temperature
14Observing the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition
Above KT transition
15 Higher Moments (More in talk by V. Gritsev)
is an observable quantum operator
16Two simple limits
Strongly interacting Tonks-Girardeau regime
Central limit theorem! Also at finite T.
17Connection to the impurity in a Luttinger liquid
(more in V. Gritsev talk on Thursday).
18Evolution of the distribution function.
19Universal Gumbel distribution at large K
20Generalized extreme value distribution
21Detecting fermionic superfluidity (D-wave)
22Can go to 4th order correlation functions. Shot
noise will kill us.
Two ways around
23Fermions on a lattice.
Different orientations of imaging beams give
strong angular dependence of the signal in D-wave
Can detect even the sign of the pairing gap using
two different imaging beams for BL and BR and
having one D-condensate and one S-condensate.
Two sources of noise in the interference a)
thermal or quantum fluctuationsb) shot
noise Mean amplitude of interference contains
information on two-particle correlation
functions. Higher moments contain additional
information. Interference is a powerful tool for
studying correlated cold atom systems.