Title: Mrs' Wills Fourth Grade
1Mrs. Wills Fourth Grade Room 3
Mrs. Wills Fourth Grade Room 3
2(No Transcript)
3School begins at 805 A.M.
School begins daily at _____ A.M.
Drop off locations
- Students eating breakfast
- ENTER here
all other students ENTER here.
4Drop off locations
School begins daily at _____ A.M.
5- Dropping off students any place around the
building is permitted. - Remind your child to use the crosswalks for
safety. - Students eating breakfast must enter through the
north door, all others must enter through the
playground gate and wait there till the morning
bell rings.
6All buses drop off students on the north side of
the building.
7- Remember to use the crosswalks for safety.
- Walkers eating breakfast must enter through the
north door, all others must enter through the
playground gate and wait there till the morning
bell rings.
8800 A.M. Morning bell 805 A.M. Tardy
bell 810-840 Reading 840-920 English 920-10
00 Spelling 1000-1010 Break 1010-1100 P.E. /
Music / Library 1100-1150 Science 1150-1240 L
unch 1245-145 Math 145-200 Recess 200-250 So
cial Studies 250-300 Assignment books
9Assignment book Spelling words Multiplication
10Assignment book
- Students will bring their book home each school
day - A parent or guardian signature is required for
each entry
11Spelling words
- Lists will go home the first day of the week
- Words need to be studied nightly Monday through
Thursday - Tests are the last day of the week, usually
Friday - Click on ducks to see this weeks words.
12Multiplication facts
- Multiplication table
- Practice site
14Students dismissed
- Time
- Regular school days 300 P.M.
- Pre-holiday / early release days 100 P.M.
- Pick-up locations
- Car
- Bus
- Walkers
15Students are not allowed to play on the
playground till after 315 P.M.
- Picking up students
- any place around
- the building is
- permitted.
- Remind your child
- to use the
- crosswalks for
- safety.
16All school busses and the YMCA vans will pick-up
students on the south side of the school building.
- All students walking home should be on their way
home by 330 P.M., unless they need to stay after
school for a school activity or teacher
18Grading scale
- A 94 - 100
- B 86 -93
- C 78 -85
- D 70 -77
- F 69 and below
Check grades
19Things to be found on
Mrs. Wills' home page
- Spelling word lists
- Calendar of events
- Assignment book for the day
- Links for practice sites
20Questions for Mrs. Wills
- Write in your students assignment book
- E-mail vwills_at_esu15.org
- Phone 308/345-3976
- Snail mail
- Central Elementary
- 604 West 1st
- McCook, Nebraska
- 69001