Title: Do Plumes Exist?
1Do Plumes Exist?
Durham University GEOL 4061 Frontiers of Earth
2What is a plume?
- A plume is a bottom-heated convective upwelling
that rises through its own thermal buoyancy. - Plumes almost certainly must rise from a thermal
boundary layer, i.e., from material that lies
just above a hot body.
31971 Plumes were invented to explain
- excess volcanism
- hot spots fixed relative to one-another
- linear island chains
Morgan (1971)
4Later the plume-head, plume-tail model developed
- Griffiths Campbell (1990)
- Plumes created by injecting syrup/water mix (to
be less dense) into the tank.
- There is little evidence that hot spots are hot
- Some have very small melt volumes
- They are not fixed relative to one-another
- Many chains not time-progressive
- Seismology does not reliably detect them in the
lower mantle
6An unfalsifiable hypothesis
- However, study of melting anomaly origins has
not progressed because of plume belief
7Are hot spots hot?
- What does hot mean?
- 200 - 300 K is the minimum required for a plume
- How hot are hot spots?
8Example mantle potential temperature, Iceland
9Can plumes explain the melt volumes observed?
10Modeling LIP volumes
Cordery et al. (1997)
11Hot spots are not fixed
12Hot spots are not fixed
- Hawaii relative to Atlantic hot spots
13Seismology does not reliably detect them in the
lower mantle
14Examplewhole-mantle tomography Iceland
Ritsema et al. 1999
15But what other theories are there?
16Plate Tectonic Processes
- lithospheric extension
- mantle heterogeneity
- variable magmatic fecundity
17PTP Lithospheric extension
- Intraplate deformation
- Mid-ocean ridges (1/3 of all hot spots)
18PTP Mantle heterogeneity
- Possible sources
- recycling of subducted slabs in upper mantle
Peacock (2000)
19PTP Mantle heterogeneity
- Possible sources
- delamination of continental lithosphere
Bertram Schott et al. (2000)
20Melt fraction Temperature
A 30/70 eclogite-peridotite mixture can generate
several times as much melt as peridotite
Yaxley (2000)
21PTP model Iceland
- Geochemistry indicates recycled Iapetus crust in
source -
- Eclogite more fertile than peridotite
- Geochemistry melt volume could come from
recycled Iapetus slabs
Closure of Iapetus
22Other theories
23Plate-boundary junctions
- Extensional stresses occur at RT and RRR
intersections and can permit volcanism - e.g., Amsterdam/St. Paul, Easter
24Meteorite impacts
- Recent modeling suggests that meteorites 10 - 30
km in diameter could form LIPs - e.g., Bushveldt, Ontong Java
25Lithospheric delamination
- Overthickening of the crust causes
eclogitisation, delamination and triggers LIP
volcanism - e.g., Siberian Traps
26EDGE convection
e.g., Tristan
27Current problems
- Origin of excess melt
- source consistent with geochemistry
- energy budget to melt large volumes must either
- accumulate melt over long period of time and
retain in the mantle, or - melt very rapidly - a melt-as-erupted basis
- Hawaii
28Student seminars
- What is a plume?
- Are plumes predicted by realistic convection
experiments and numerical simulations? - What is the origin of ocean island basalt (OIB)?
- Are the predictions of the plume hypothesis borne
out by observation? 1. Temperature - Are the predictions of the plume hypothesis borne
out by observation? 2. Uplift - What is the origin of high 3He/4He?
- Have plumes been detected seismologically?
- What alternatives are there to the plume
hypothesis? - Can the plume hypothesis be tested, and if so
how? - How can the Plate Tectonic Processes theory be