Plate tectonics: Plate geometry 3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Plate tectonics: Plate geometry 3


Hotspot tracks: Yellowstone There is no reason why plumes be exclusively under oceanic lithosphere and indeed several plumes are found in continental areas too. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Plate tectonics: Plate geometry 3

Plate tectonics Plate geometry 3
Important This chapter follows mainly on chapter
2 and
Hotspot tracks Global distribution
Volcanic chains and hotspot tracks
Hotspot tracks A view on the Pacific
A closer look at the Pacific
Hotspot tracks Hawaii
Linear increase of ages with distance along the
Hawaii-Emperor chain.
Gradual decrease in elevation with increasing
distance from the active volcano.
Hotspot tracks Hawaii
The oldest seamounts are found at the northwest
end, poised to plunge beneath the Aleutian
volcanic arc, carried downward with the oceanic
lithosphere as it is consumed.
Hotspot tracks Hawaii
  • Note the abrupt bend about 44 millions years
    before the present, which indicates a major
    reorganization of plate motion at that time.
  • While some think it was the collision of India
    with the Eurasian subcontinent, others suggest it
    was the beginning of spreading on the Antarctic
    Ridge south of Australia.

Hotspot tracks Hawaii
  • Another remarkable observation is that the
    eruption rate for Hawaiian volcanoes has remained
    quite constant over most of the 65 million years
    of preserved activity.
  • This suggests that as volcanic material being
    erupted, new material is being supplied more or
    less continuously from below.

Hotspot tracks Hawaii
  • For the 10 million years following the bend,
    very little lava erupted. This is a bit of a bad
    situation for the previous inhabitants of the
    islands, since there is very little other dry
    land for thousands of kilometers. Indeed, almost
    all of the previous life must have been
    exterminated, so that the current flora and fauna
    must have arrived more recently.

Hotspot tracks The plume model
  • Morgans plume model (Morgan, 1971)
  • Volcanic islands are produced by plumes rising
    through the mantle.
  • The plumes come from the lower mantle - and are
    therefore fixed.
  • Plume flow derives the plates.

Hotspot tracks The plume model
The topographic swell
The sea floor surrounding the Hawaii chain of
islands is anomalously shallow, relative to
normal sea floor of the same age, over an area
about 1,200 km wide and 3,000 km long.
Hotspot tracks The plume model
The topographic swell
Bathymetry of the North Atlantic. Iceland (shown
in the center) protrudes from the ocean basin
sitting on a large swell.
Hotspot tracks The plume model
Seismic tomography
Seismic images suggest that some mantle plumes
originate at the lower mantle.
Figure from Montelli et al., 2004
Hotspot tracks The plume model
  • Distinct geochemical signature
  • The content of incompatible elements is by 1 to
    2 orders of magnitude higher in Ocean Island
    basalt (OIB, e.g. Hawaii, EM-1 and HIMU) than it
    is in Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalt (MORB).
  • This implies different reservoirs for OIB and

Figure from Hofmann, 1997
Hotspot tracks The plume model
  • Distinct geochemical signature
  • In general, Nd/Nd correlates negatively with
  • MORB data are at the upper-left corner.
  • The OIB are enriched in incompatible elements
    with respect to the MORB.

Incompatible rich
Incompatible rich
Figure from Hofmann, 1997
Hotspot tracks The plume model
  • Distinct geochemical signature
  • The position of the OIB between MORB and
    continental crust suggests that OIB source may be
    the result of back mixing of continental material
    into the mantle.
  • How different chemical reservoirs may still
    exist if the mantle is undergoing global mixing
    is yet an open question.

Hotspot tracks The plume model
Association with flood basalt Morgan, in 1981,
pointed out that a number of hotspot tracks
originate in flood basalt provinces. He
explained that flood basalt was produced from a
plume head arriving at the base of the
Flood basalt are the largest known volcanic
eruptions in the geologic record, and typically
comprise basalt of the order of 1 km thick over
an area up to 2000 km across.
Hotspot tracks The plume model
  • The association of the Deccan trap in India with
    the Reunion hotspot track.
  • The flood basalt eruption is due to the arrival
    of the plume head, and the hotspot track is
    formed by the plume tail.

Figure from Dynamic Earth by G.F. Davies
Figure from White and McKenzie, 1989
Hotspot tracks The plume model
  • Summary of the arguments supporting the notion of
    a rigid plate moving atop of a deeply rooted
    mantle plume
  • The straightness of the hotspot tracks and the
    linear increase of volcanic ages along the track.
  • Topographic expression.
  • The nearly constant eruption rate for Hawaiian
    volcanoes during the past 65 million years
    suggest that as volcanic material being erupted,
    new material is being supplied more or less
    continuously from below.
  • Distinct chemistry for the OIB suggests deeper
    origin for the magma source.
  • Seismic tomography.

Hotspot tracks The fixity of hotspots
Paleo-magnetic data strongly suggests that all of
the lava solidified at 19.5 degrees north
latitude, precisely the latitude of the hotspot
today. At least with respect to latitude it would
seem that the Hawaiian hotspot has been nearly
fixed for at least the past 65 million years.
Hotspot tracks The fixity of hotspots
That portions of island chains of similar age are
parallel to each other suggests that the hotspots
themselves remain mostly fixed with respect to
each other, otherwise the chains might be expect
to trend in different directions as the plumes
generating them moved independently.
Hotspot tracks The fixity of hotspots
Parallel hotspot tracks within the Indian Ocean.
Hotspot tracks The fixity of hotspots
  • Summary of the geophysical arguments supporting
    the notion of fixity of hotspots
  • Paleo-magnetic data indicate that the hotspot
    latitude has remained fixed during the past 65
    million years.
  • Portions of island chains of similar age are
    parallel to each other suggests that the hotspots
    themselves remain mostly fixed with respect to
    each other.

Hotspot tracks Absolute plate motion
Question In previous lectures we have discussed
the relative plate motion. Can we infer absolute
plate motion as well?
  1. We have seen that the relative motion between
    plates and plumes may be inferred from the trend
    of hotspot tracks and the island ages.
  2. Plumes are almost fixed.
  3. From 1 and 2, it follows that hotspot tracks can
    be used to infer absolute plate motion.

Hotspot tracks A plume next to a mid-ocean?
Difference in age between the volcanoes and the
underlying seafloor as a function of distance
along the island chain
  • At present the age of the sea floor beneath the
    Big Island is roughly 95 millions years old.
  • From the bend north along the Emperor chain the
    age difference steadily decreases until it is
    less than 10 million years for the oldest known
    volcanoes in the chain.
  • If the trend is continued back to about 80
    million years, it would appear that the hotspot
    was building volcanoes on ocean floor of the same

Question how is that possible?
Hotspot tracks A plume next to a mid-ocean?
Iceland is a modern example to a plume co-located
with a mid-oceanic ridge.
Iceland is the only place on Earth where an
active mid-oceanic ridge is exposed on land.
Hotspot tracks Yellowstone
There is no reason why plumes be exclusively
under oceanic lithosphere and indeed several
plumes are found in continental areas too. The
Yellowstone is one such example
Hotspot tracks Darfor-Levant volcanic array
(Garfunkel, 1992)
Hotspot track in Israel
Hotspot on Mars Mt. Olympus
  • Mars has no plate tectonics, so hotspot
    volcanism results in building huge volcanoes that
    dominate the surface of the planet.
  • The moving plates on the Earth prevent any
    single volcano from sitting over the hotspot long
    enough to build such huge edifices.
  • Earth's crust is also far too thin to support a
    volcano as massive as Olympus Mt..
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