Title: Imaging Solar Coronal Structure With TRACE
1Imaging Solar Coronal Structure With TRACE
ISAS - 4 Feb. 2003
2The SAO Solar-Stellar X-ray Group
- Leon Golub
- Jay Bookbinder
- Ed DeLuca
- Mark Weber
- Joe Boyd
- Paul Hamilton
- Dan Seaton
- With results from A. Van Ballegooijen, A.
Winebarger and H. Warren
3The Major Coronal Physics Problems
- 1. Why is the corona hot?
- 2. Why is the corona structured?
- 3. Why is the corona dynamic unstable?
- Emergence of B into the atmosphere,
- and response to B.
4Why Use X-rays to Observe Corona?
5Response to flux emergence
1. Vigorous EFR Dynamics. 2. Large-scale B
adjustment. 3. Strong local heating.
(30-second cadence for 24 hours)
6Outline of Talk
Loops What TRACE sees a. Non-hydrostatic
loop controversy what are we really
seeing? b. Moss and transient vs. steady
heating. c. Hot vs. cool material in ARs
7Heating Dynamics in ARs
TRACE sees four (or possibly only three) distinct
processes in active regions 1. Steady outflows
in long, cool structures. ? 2. Transient loop
brightenings in emerging flux areas. Also hot
cool material intertwined May or may not be
related to TLBs. 3. Steady heating of hot loops
(moss). ? 4. Flare-like events at QSLs (or may
be cooling events predicted by 3.).
8Examples of all four phenomena
9Another example of flows
10Same region next day(ignore the little flares
11TRACE Active Region Observations are not
Consistent With Hydrostatic Model
Figure from Aschwanden et al. 2000
12Non-HS Loops are ubiquitous
courtesy H. Warren
13Partial Listing of Recent Papers About
Non-Hydrostatic Loops
- Lenz etal 1999, ApJ, 517, L155.
- Aschwanden etal 2000, ApJ, 531, 1129.
- Winebarger etal 2001, ApJ, 553, L81.
- Schmelz etal 2001, ApJ, 556, 896.
- Chae etal 2002, ApJ, 567, L159.
- Testa etal 2002. ApJ, 580, in press.
- Martens etal 2002, ApJ, 577, L115.
- Schmelz 2002, ApJ, 578, L161.
- Aschwanden 2002 ,ApJ, 580, L79.
- Warren etal 2003, ApJ, submitted.
- Small gradient in filter ratio, high n.
- Multithread model (a la Peres etal 1994, ApJ 422,
412), footpoint heating. - Flows and transient events in non-hydrostatic
loops. - DEM spread ? const. filter ratio.
- More passbands may help.
- Large range in thread T for some loops.
- Full DEM need at each point.
- Grad T along loops w/flat filter ratio
- Contra Martens.
- Repeated heating episodes.
14What Needs to be Explained?
- 1. 195A/173A ratio is flat.
- 2. Emission extends too high for hydrostatic loop
(this is debated, though). - 3. Loop density is high by an order of magnitude.
- 4. Apparent flows (and some Doppler shifts
15Active Region 8536
16How isothermal are these loops?
17SUMER Velocities
18Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Heating
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20Static vs. Flow Model
Winebarger etal ApJL (2001)
21Best fit vs. Uniform heating
22High-Conductance Model withAsymmetric Heating
23The Effect of High Conductivity
24Footpoints in Transient Heating
1. Initial energy release along current
sheet (spotty) 2. Footpooint brightening. 3.
Evaporation, then post-flare loops.
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27Comparison Evaporative Model vs.TRACE Obs.
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30Moss as TR of Hot Loops
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33Heating Shut-off vs. Observations
34Using FLASH to model coronal loops
- FLASH is a state-of-the-art simulator code for
solving thermonuclear/astrophysical problems. - FLASH is funded under the DoE ASCI/Alliances
Program. - SAO study of coronal loops with FLASH is in
collaboration with the Palermo Astronomical
Observatory, with technical support from the
FLASH Center.
35FLASH The coronal loop application
- One-dimensional, vertical, semicircular loop with
half-length of 100 Mm - Boundary conditions T 20,000 K
ne 1010 - Hydrodynamic model ionized hydrogen plasma
gravity Spitzer conductivity and radiative
cooling (Raymond Smith, 1977 Raymond, 1978)
36Stability regime diagramAsymmetric footpoint
heating scale height vs. loop length
- Solution points from a code by van Ballegooijen
(not published). The corresponding results for
symmetric heating give a virtually identical
stability boundary. - For comparison, the plotted lines indicate the
stability thresholds predicted for symmetric
footpoint heating. The van Ballegooijen results
(for both symmetric and asymmetric heating) are
more consistent with the Serio et al. line. - The boxes indicate stable, converged FLASH trial
solutions. The leftmost box is not consistent
with the van Ballegooijen results.
Unstable regime
Steady-state regime
37FLASH solution, point 1sH 39.8 Mm
- Steady siphon flow
- Initial condition corresponding steady-state
solution from van Ballegooijens code
38FLASH solution, point 2sH 25.1Mm
- Steady siphon flow
- Initial condition corresponding steady-state
solution from van Ballegooijens code
39FLASH solution, point 3sH 15.8 Mm
- Steady siphon flow
- Initial condition steady-state solution from van
Ballegooijens code for point 2, because - van Ballegooijens code does not converge to a
steady-state solution for point 3, in contrast
to FLASH, which does reach steady-state
40Further work with FLASH
- Currently running more solution points in
sequence shown on stability plot in order to
locate the instability threshold for a loop with
half-length 100 Mm. - We are collaborating with the Palermo
Astronomical Observatory to investigate dynamic
behavior of both symmetrically and asymmetrically
heated loops. - Q will we be able to reproduce observed
non-linear behaviors of hot and cool material
flowing together in TRACE active region loops?
41Microscale B vs. X
1. Complex relation between photosphere
and corona. 2. Very rapid dynamics. 3. Large
T-range to be observed.
Resolution requires Solar-B observations!
42New View of Coronal Structures
Hot Plasma
43Hot Material in the Corona
Mg XII Ly-a superposed on Fe X (log T 6.9 and
Consistent with RHESSI detection of
non-thermal electrons in quiescent active
44TRACE Flare Results
- TRACE observes Fe XXIV 192 Å highest resolution
images ever of hot flare plasma - Qualitatively consistent with flare models hot
loops form first, cool post-flare loops form
later - Evidence for hot regions 20 MK plasma is
found above 10 MK flare arcades - Fine structure in flares simulations with many
small loops are needed to reproduce the
observations - Pre-Flare observations evolution of ribbon
brightenings is complex
45A Typical Event
46July 25, 1999 M2.4 Limb Flare
Warren etal., ApJLett, 1999.
47Most of the Flare Emission is Near 10 MK June
25, 1999 M2.4
48SXT and TRACE Show 15-20 MK Loop-Top Plasma
49March 24, 2000 X1.8 Flare1600 Å and 195 Å Movies
Warren Reeves, ApJLett (2000).
50March 24, 2000 X1.8 Flare195 Å Near SXR Peak
51March 24, 2000 X1.8 Flare195/171 Filter Ratios
52Reconnection at top of flares
1. Flare heating is preceded by expansion of high
loops. 2. Hi-T source above postflare loops.
? 3. Hi-T coincident with footpoint ribbon
heating. 4. Source moves upward during course of
flare. ?
53Modeling the Evolution of the Flare Arcade (2D)
54Comparisons With SimulationTRACE 195/171 Filter
55Improved Fit with Taller Loops
57March 17, 2000 M1.1 TRACE 1600 Å Movie
Warren Warshall,ApJL (2001)
58March 17, 2000 M1.1 TRACE 1600 Å Images
59March 17, 2000 M1.1 TRACE 1600 Å Light Curves
60TRACE Footpoint vs. BATSE HXR
61The Solar-B Mission
62The Solar-B Instrument Complement
1. Solar Optical Telescope with Focal Plane
Package (FPP) - 0.5m Cassegrain, 480-650nm - VMG,
Spectrograph - FOV 164X164 arcsec 2. EUV Imaging
Spectrograph (EIS) - Stigmatic, 180-204,
240-290Å - FOV 6.0X8.5 arcmin 3. X-ray Telescope
(XRT) - 2-60Å - 1 arcsec pixel - FOV 34X34 arcmin
63XRT vs. SXT Comparison
1. Higher spatial resolution 1.0 vs. 2.5 2.
Higher data rate 512kB continuous. 3. Ten focal
plane analysis filters. 4. Extended low-T and
high-T response. 5. FIFO buffer for flare-mode
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65Science Themes
- Plasma Dynamics
- Thermal Structure and Stability
- The Onset of Large Scale Instabilities
- Non-Solar Objects
66Plasma Dynamics
- Reconnection
- loop-loop interaction
- flux emergence
- nano-flares
- AR jets
- macro-spicular jets
- filament eruption
67Plasma Dynamics
- Waves
- origin of high speed wind
- tube waves
- coronal seismology
Figures from Nakariakov et al. (1999) decaying
loop oscillations seen in TRACE can be used to
estimate the coronal dissipation coefficient. Re
6 x 105 or Rm 3 x 105 , about 8 orders of
magnitude less than classical values.
68Thermal Structure/Stability
- Physical Properties
- Te, ne, EM
- energetics
- variability timescales
- Multithermal Structure
- steady loops
- filaments
69Onset of Large Scale Instabilities
- Emerging Flux Region
- twisting/untwisting
- reconnection
- delta Spots
- current sheets
- topology changes
- Active Filaments
- Te, ne
- local heating
70Non-Solar Objects
- Jupiter
- S VII _at_ 198
- Nearby RS Cvns
- Galaxy Cluster Halos
- Comets
- Any EUVE source within 1 deg of Sun
71Science Drivers I Spatial Scales
105 km 103 km 101 - 103 km lt10
km lt10 km
- Global MHD Scales
- Active Regions
- granulation scales
- Transverse scales
- - dT, dn
- - dB and j
- Reconnection sites
- location
- size
- dynamics
RAM discovery space
72Science Drivers II Time Scales
- 10 sec
- 100 sec
- 1 - 10 sec
- 10 - 100 sec
- 1 - 100 sec
- minutes - months
- Loop Alfven time
- Sound speed vs. loop length
- Ion formation times
- Plasma instability times
- Transverse motions
- Surface B evolution times
73Optics Metric