Active Region Magnetic Fields in the Solar Interior - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Active Region Magnetic Fields in the Solar Interior


Active Region Magnetic Fields in the Solar Interior W.P. Abbett UC Berkeley SSL The Importance of Active Region Magnetic Fields The Importance of Active Region ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Active Region Magnetic Fields in the Solar Interior

Active Region Magnetic Fields in the Solar
  • W.P. Abbett
  • UC Berkeley SSL

The Importance of Active Region Magnetic Fields
Jan 15, 1996 CME as captured by the LASCO C3
TRACE movie of the coronal response to a
rotating structure
  • Active regions represent the largest
    concentrations of magnetic flux at the solar
  • Many, if not all, space weather events (e.g., SEP
    events triggered by flares or CME shock fronts)
    are associated with active regions

The Importance of Active Region Magnetic Fields
  • The magnetic field we observe at the visible
    surface of the Sun is ultimately governed by
    forces acting on magnetic structures at and below
    the photosphere, in the turbulent interior.
  • The evolution of active region magnetic fields at
    the surface provide important constraints on
    theories and models of CME initiation, and
    ultimately provide the lower boundary conditions
    for large-scale coupled models of the
    Sun-to-earth system.

From V. Abramenko BBSO 2004 RHESSI Sonoma
  • In this review, I will discuss
  • what has been learned about the evolution of
    active region magnetic fields deep in the solar
  • what aspects of the observations can be explained
    in terms of theoretical and computational models,
  • and what remains mysterious.

I will then suggest directions for future
research in this area.
Observational Characteristics of Active Region
Magnetic Fields
Left SOHO EIT image of coronal plasma at
1.3MK Right Timeseries of MDI LOS magnetograms
taken between Oct.22 and Nov 15 1998 (a time of
heightened solar activity)
  • Roughly speaking, active regions are confined to
    symmetric latitudinal bands across the solar
  • These bands move poleward as the 11-year solar
    cycle progresses, but on average do not venture
    farther than 35 degrees away from mid-latitude

  • Leading polarities of active regions in a given
    hemisphere are the same, and oppose those of the
    opposite hemisphere
  • Active region bipoles are oriented nearly
    parallel to the E-W direction (Hales Law 1919)

MDI magnetogram from May 11, 2000
  • On average, the leading polarity of an active
    region is positioned closer to the equator than
    the trailing polarity.
  • The mean tilt angle of active regions increases
    with latitude (Joys Law)

Fisher et al. 1995
Implications of the Observed Behavior of Active
  • Hales Law implies that the underlying field
    geometry is torodial (aligned in the E-W
  • Since Hales Law persists over multiple solar
    cycles, the toroidal layer must lie deep in the
    interior in a region relatively free from
    convective turbulence.
  • The natural place for active region magnetic
    fields to be stored is at or near the place where
    they are thought to be generated the
    tachocline, where the differentially rotating
    convection zone transitions into the stable
    radiative layers

Interpretations Based on Observations
  • Many active regions emerge as simple bipoles.
    These structures can be interpreted as the tops
    of large Omega-shaped flux tubes anchored deep in
    the convection zone.
  • Active regions exhibiting non-Hale configurations
    (e.g., delta spots) are often interpreted as
    twisted, or writhed flux tubes

From Fisher et al. 2000
A Theoretical Interpretation
  • Derive an equation of motion for a flux tube
    moving in a field-free background model
    convection zone given the following constraints
  • As the tube moves, it retains its identity i.e.,
    the tube remains cohesive and does not disperse
    or fragment
  • The tube is thin i.e., its cross-section is
    small relative to all other relevant length
    scales of the problem
  • Quasi-static pressure balance is maintained
    across the diameter of the tube at all times

The Thin Flux Tube Approximation
  • Here, FB refers to the magnetic buoyancy force,
    FT the force due to magnetic tension, FC the
    Coriolis force, and FD the force resulting from
    aerodynamic drag (?e and ?i refer to the gas
    density external to the tube, and in the tubes
    interior respectively)

(Spruit 1981, Moreno-Insertis 1986, Ferriz-Mas
Schussler 1993, Caligari et al.1995)
Studies Using the Thin Flux Tube Model
  • Coriolis force deflects tube toward the poles as
    it tries to rise radially

From Fan Fisher 1996
Studies Using the Thin Flux Tube Model
  • What is the magnetic field strength of the
    toroidal layer at the base of the solar
    convection zone?
  • Thermally or magnetically unstable toroidal flux
    rings with field strengths between 3x104 and
    105 G at the base of a model convection zone
    (significantly higher than the equipartition
    value) give rise to buoyant Omega-loops that
    emerge at latitudes consistent with observations.
  • What is the physical origin of Joys Law?
  • Thin flux tube simulations have shown that active
    region tilts could be explained by the Coriolis
    force acting on rising, expanding flux ropes

Since this work was done, Tian Liu (2003) have
updated these results with magnetic fluxes
instead of polarity separations.
Studies Using the Thin Flux Tube Model
  • What is the physical basis of asymmetric spot
  • Plasma entrained in an emerging flux rope will
    conserve its angular momentum, resulting in a
    distorted Omega-loop the leading leg is less
    vertically inclined than the trailing leg,
    resulting in a more rapid motion of the leading
    polarity away from the neutral line.

From Caligari et al. 1995
Studies Using the Thin Flux Tube Model
  • The dispersion of tilt versus AR size (Longcope
    Fisher 1996)
  • Morphological asymmetries of active regions
    (leading polarity is generally more compact than
    the trailing polarity)
  • Helicity distributions of active regions with
    latitude (Longcope et al. 1998)

Beyond the Thin Flux Tube Model
  • MHD simulations of magnetic flux tubes in the
    solar interior
  • 2D results show that without substantial
    fieldline twist (far more than is, on average,
    observed), flux tubes fragment and are unable to
    reach the surface.

Boussinesq simulations of Longcope et al 1996
From Fan et al. 1998
3D MHD Simulations of Flux Tubes
  • Simulations of buoyant magnetic flux tubes in a
    stratified background model convection zone show
  • The fragmentation problem is a result of the
    axisymmetric assumption in 3D only a modest
    amount of twist is required for the flux tube to
    remain cohesive

From Abbett et al. 2000
3D MHD Simulations of Flux Tubes
  • When Coriolis effects are considered, the amount
    of twist necessary for emergence is essentially
  • Asymmetries predicted by thin flux tube
    calculations are borne out by 3D MHD simulations
    in a rotating, stratified model convection zone

From Abbett et al. 2001
Highly Twisted Flux Tubes
  • Properties of delta-spot active regions (often
    the source of the strongest flares and CMEs)
  • Sunspot umbrae of opposite polarity in a common
  • Strong shear along the neutral line
  • Rotates as it emerges
  • Interpretation The geometry of a kinked flux
    rope can explain the rotation and shear observed
    in delta spot active regions

Tanaka 1991, Linton et al. 1999, Fan et al. 1999
Active Region Fields in a Convectively Unstable
Background State
  • Q What are the conditions for the tube to retain
    its cohesion?
  • Fieldline twist is relatively unimportant what
    matters is the axial field strength relative to
    the kinetic energy density of strong downdrafts

From Fan et al. 2003
Active Region Fields in a Convectively Unstable
Background State
From Abbett et al. 2004
  • Q Is an active region-scale magnetic flux tube
    susceptible to flux pumping?

Turbulent Pumping
  • A robust property of compressible, penetrative
    convection magnetic flux is preferentially
    transported to the base of the convection zone at
    timescales characteristic of convective turnover

Images from Tobias et al. 2001
Tobias et al. 1998, 2001, Dorch Nordlund 2001
  • Are relatively weak active region-scale magnetic
    flux tubes susceptible to turbulent pumping in
    the absence of an overshoot layer?

From Abbett et al. 2004
(No Transcript)
The Transport of Magnetic Flux
  • Over the lifetime of an active region-scale
    magnetic structure, there seems to be no
    systematic tendency for a net transport of signed
    magnetic flux into either the upper or lower half
    of the model convection zone (in the absence of
    an overshoot layer)

The Transport of Magnetic Flux
To qualitatively understand this behavior, lets
neglect the effects of Lorentz forces and
magnetic diffusion, and consider the ideal MHD
induction equation
Applying Stokes theorem gives
Since we are interested how signed flux is
redistributed through the domain, lets consider
a closed circuit encompassing the lower half of a
single vertical slice. Our horizontal boundaries
are periodic, and vz and Bz are assumed
anti-symmetric across the lower boundary. Thus,
the line integral becomes
The Transport of Magnetic Flux
The initial horizontal magnetic field is constant
(of the form B B0x) thus, the only way the
total amount of magnetic flux above or below the
mid-plane of a vertical slice can change, is by
the interaction of vertical flows with the
horizontal layer of flux. Then the average time
rate of change of signed magnetic flux in the
lower half of the domain can initially be
expressed as
If there are no bulk flows, or net vertical
pulsations in the domain (as is the case in our
dynamically relaxed model convection zone), then
And we should expect no initial tendency for a
horizontal flux layer to be preferentially
transported in one direction over the other,
solely as a result of the presence of an
asymmetric vertical flow field.
  • There are two important time scales to keep in
  • The convective time scale Hr / vc
  • The flux expulsion timescale --- i.e., the
    amount of time necessary for the field to reach
    its equilibrium distribution

After the flux distribution becomes significantly
non-uniform, there is a net downward transport
of flux (a weak pumping mechanism uncorrelated
with vertical flow asymmetries) while the flux
is redistributed to its equilibrium
From Abbett et al. 2004
The Effects of Spherical Geometry
Fan, Y., 2005 SHINE meeting
Dynamic Disconnection
Understanding the transition between active
region evolution in terms of emerging flux tubes
versus active region decay as described by
passive flux transport models (Schüssler Rempel
  • As magnetic flux breaks through the
    photosphere, sunspots form and the initial
    coronal magnetic field is established
  • As the plasma in the spots cools and sinks, and
    the buoyant plasma from below emerges, the upper
    parts of these flux tubes are blown apart and are
    then controlled by convective motions. Passive
    flux transport models then describe the surface
    evolution of the active region field

Closer to the Surface
From Abbett et al. 2003
Closer to the Surface
  • The emergence of active region magnetic fields
    into the solar atmosphere

From Magara 2004
From Fan 2001
Successes of Sub-surface Models
  • Equatorial zone of avoidance of active regions
  • Hales law and Joys law (active region
  • The dependence of active region tilt on AR size
  • The dispersion of tilt versus AR size
  • Asymmetric spot motions (leading vs. following)
  • Morphological asymmetry
  • Helicity distribution of active regions with
  • Stability of active region flux tubes (O-loops)
    in 3D
  • The transition between active region flux tube
    dynamics and flux transport models (new result)
  • d-spot active regions as highly twisted kinking
    flux tubes (maybe)

Open Questions
  • What triggers the eruption of active regions from
    the base of the convection zone? Instability,
    secular heating, convective overshoot, or
    something else?
  • Most active regions exhibit only small amounts of
    twist, and are consistent with a tube lying
    initially at the base of the convection zone with
    no twist. How then do the island d-spot regions
    acquire so much twist?
  • How is the free energy from sub-surface fields
    transported into the corona?

Open Questions
  • What is the magnetic connection between different
    active regions? Are active regions magnetically
    connected to each other in the dynamo region, or
    are they all separate?
  • How do we relate active longitudes and active
    nests to a magnetic picture of the large-scale
    dynamo region at the base of the convection zone?
  • Is the magnetic flux that gives birth to active
    regions in a smooth, slab-like geometry, or is
    the flux already pre-existing in the form of

Open Questions
  • What happens when active region flux tubes
    collide in the solar interior? What happens when
    a new active region emerges into an old one?
  • How do active region flux tubes interact with the
    small scale field in the Quiet Sun?
  • What is the 3D analogue of the surface flux
    transport models? How does the following
    polarity from decaying, emerged active regions
    return to the dynamo regions? What happens to
    the magnetic roots of an emerged active region
    once the active region begins decaying?

Open Questions
  • Can we infer the sub-surface structure of an
    active region by studying its surface evolution?
  • Can we predict the emergence of new active
    regions before it happens, either from
    helioseismic observation, or from a better
    knowledge of the physics of magnetic evolution
    below the photosphere?
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