Title: Building a Journal Collection
1Building a Journal Collection
- 2-Step Map Evaluation Approach
Tohoku University Library, Kanako Katsumoto
Aiko Watanabe
2(No Transcript)
3Tohoku University
- Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
- National university founded in
- 1907
- Research-oriented university with 10
undergraduate departments and 15 graduate schools
- Student Enrollment 17,900 Number of Faculty and
Staff 5,000 - Research First Open Door
4Sendai Mori no Miyako
nature vol.442, no.10, p714-716 (2006.8.10)
5Library System
- Main Library,4 Branch
- Libraries,13 Division Libraries
- Collection Approx. 3.7 million
- Volumes
- No. of Staff 130
6Electronic Resources Environment
- Site-wide license
- Web of Knowledge (Web of Science, JCR, ESI)
- OVID (MEDLINE, Current Contents, PsycINFO,
ERIC, Biological Abstracts, CINAHL, EBMR) -
- Resources maintained by faculty research fund
- SciFinder Scholar, CrossFire, INSPEC,
- Others
- Scopus, PubMed,
7Electronic Journal Environment
Paper version Paper version EJ
Which are essential journals?
8Electronic Journal Environment
What is the fair cost burden?
9Citations and Research Evaluation
- The need for research evaluation
- Introduction of Web of Science in 2001
- Utilization as a research evaluation tool
- The number of citations received by papers
- Impact factor of the journalpublishing those
Perhaps a little excessive?
10Cautions for Use of Citation Metrics
- Scope of journals included in the DB (Mostly
European and American, Core journals only) - Field-dependent differences (Circumstances
surrounding paper/citations) - The significance of citations (excessive
self-citations, courtesy/critical citations) - Slippage loss of counting due to variants and
journal title changes
11Cautions for Use of Impact Factors
- Average number of citations in the journal(not
each paper ) - Different citation trends by document
type(Review journals ) - Calculated for the past 2 years (Basic v.s.
applied fields ) - Differences between general and specialized
122-Step Map
- Draw an arrow to the 2 highest citing journals
(exclude self-citation) - Avoid overlapping of the arrows
- Present each journal proportionate to its
publication size
A 1.012
Receiving many arrows Core
B 2.345
C 3.242
13Advantages of 2-Step Map
- Relationships between journals can be observed
visually - Tendencies that are often missed with citation
metrics can be recognized - Journals that receive many arrows Core journals
? journals with high impact factors
Narin F, Carpenter MP, Berlt NC Interrelationship
s of scientific journals Journal of the American
Society for Information Science vol.23, p323-331,
14Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (JCR 2004)
177 Journals More than 100 papers Top 50
journals by IF Review journals not included
15Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (JCR 2004)
Physical Review B
Journal of Applied Physics
Applied Physics Letters
16Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (JCR 2004)
17Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (JCR 2004)
18Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (JCR 2004)
Acta Materialia
Materials Science Engineering A
Physical Review B
19Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (JCR 2004)
20Creating a 2-Step Map
21Journal Details
Basic Information
Detailed Calculation
22Journal Details
founded in 2002?
23Journal Details
Source data for 2-Step Map!
Review journal verification
24Journal Details
Record top 3 citing journals
25Application to Collection Development
Which are essential journals?
26Mapping Based on Subscriptions
27Journals subscribed at Agricultural Library (JCR
Agricultural Library
On campus
Drawn by Aiko WATANABE
28Journals subscribed at Agricultural Library (JCR
The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
Drawn by Aiko WATANABE
29Journals subscribed at Agricultural Library (JCR
Drawn by Aiko WATANABE
30Advantages of Maps Based on Subscriptions
- Degree of availability of journals receiving many
arrows - Gaining an understanding of the importance of a
journal - Relationships between fields and balance of
journals purchased
31Assessment by Researchers
- Gaps between the arrow concentrations and their
professional perceptions - Are maps based on subscriptions limited?
32Example Fisheries Science
Limnology and Oceanography
Marine Ecology Progress Series
33What is Causing This Gap?
- Citation data for non-subscribed journals also
needed? - Citation data for related fields also needed?
- Comparison of this map to another map including
all journals in the field
34Fisheries Marine Freshwater Biology
(JCR 2004)
Limnology and Oceanography
Drawn by Aiko WATANABE
352-Step Map of the Overall Field
- Map of all journals in the field subscription
- Facilitates the holistic picture of the field
- Helps to recognize essential journals that have
not been subscribed
36Effectiveness of 2-Step Map
- Visually recognize the trends that are difficult
to be drawn by citation metrics alone - Journals with high IF values ? Journals that
receive many arrows - Observe the relationships between journals and
categories - Observe the research trends within fields
- Utility in journal collection development by
adding subscription information - Utility for journal evaluation supplementing IF
Researchers show high level of interest!
37Issues Surrounding 2-Step Map
- Limitations due to JCR
- For 1-year sets of data, journals cited over a
long period of time are not well presented - Journals included in the JCR are limited
- Journals after title change are treated as new
38Issues Surrounding 2-Step Map
- Difficulty in Extracting Appropriate Field
- Research fields becoming interdisciplinary and
segmentalized - JCR Category ? Research focus of your institution
- Complex nature of data extraction and map
39Difficulty in Extracting Appropriate Field
- Graduate School of Agricultural Science(Plant
sciences) - Plant Sciences ? (Too broad)
- Agronomy ? (Content is irrelevant)
- Essential to know the research focus before
40Field Analysis Based on Journal Usage Survey
- Journals in Use (2005)
- Journals in which our faculty published their
work - Journals that were cited in their work
- Analysis of the use frequency and the fields of
these journals
41Extraction of Journals in Use
Publication Year Affiliation
Journal that Published Paper
Citation Information
42Analysis of Extracted Data
EJ available 100 Not available on campus 10
Items not indexed in JCR 7
1634 titles
123 titles
43Creating a Map of Extracted Fields
Used more than 10 times
Used more than once
Non-subscribed journals
Human Reproduction
44Fisheries Marine Freshwater Biology
(JCR 2004)
Drawn by Aiko WATANABE
45Effective Application to Library Collection
- Determine the field(s) you wish to analyze
- Create a 2-Step map with all journals in the
field(s) - Add subscription information
- Add usage frequency information
46Multiple Indicators for Collection Development
- Use a variety of indicators to make multi-faceted
and comprehensive evaluation - Associate with the characteristics of the
research focus - Also keep in mind the characteristics of each
journal - 2-Step Map
- Impact Factors (2, 5, 10 years)
- Statistics on Electric Journals usage (COUNTER)
- Researcher surveys
- Overcoming excessive reliance in impact factors
- Providing researchers with accurate information
- Enhancement of the JCR for utilization of
multiple indicators - Facilitating easier data extraction
- IF values longer than 2 years
- Refining category schemes
- Handling journal title changes
48Thank you!