Title: Design of I2Space
1Design of I2Space
- I2Space is an ubiquitous computing environments
include devices ranging from tiny sensors to
large interactive board. - Major purpose of I2Space is to find better ways
to interact directly in a physical environment,
rather than indirectly through a traditional
keyboard/mouse interface. - I2Space can be considered as an experimental
space where we can research the interaction
between users and space.
3Research in I2Space
- I2Space has flexible layouts for supporting
various topics regarding ubiquitous computing
environment. - In the short term, we will conduct three types of
research projects in I2Space. They are - Smart living space
- Smart working space
- Smart learning space
4Example cases
- MIT houseN
- Stanford iWork
- Wallenberg Hall
5Living space MIT House_n
Area 12m 10m Goal The lab is placed lots of
sensors to get the
information of human behavior at
6Stanford iwork
Area 13m 6m Goal It helps people make
discussion much more efficient.
7Wallenberg Hall
Area 9m 9m. Goal It helps the students
in stanford learn more
efficiently by ubiquitous computer
8Our Design of I2Space
9User and Requirement
- Three main things we learned from the
interview - Automatic and intelligent devices
- Insufficient facilities
- Flexibility
10Low Fidelity Prototype (1)
Living space
11Low Fidelity Prototype (2)
Working space
12Low Fidelity Prototype (3)
Learning space
13Low Fidelity Prototype (4)
User testing
14High Fidelity Prototype (1)
- Living Mini microphones
- Working Function buttons
- Learning Interface redesign
15High Fidelity Prototype (2)
17I have put you through this call.
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21Thank you for listening