The Design Process in Architecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Design Process in Architecture


... Presentation should present the central idea of the design- what we may call its ... Form and space- solids and voids, interior and exterior. Perceptual Ordering ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Design Process in Architecture

The Design Process in Architecture
  • Mr. Shaibu Bala Garba

What is Design?
  • Design is-
  • Optimum solution to the sum of the true needs of
    a particular circumstance (Matchett,1968)
  • To initiate change in man-made things (Jones,
  • The Performing of a complicated act of faith
    (Jones, 1966)
  • Creation and organization of form elements in a
    work of art (Ching, 1997)

I guess we will not benefit much in trying to
define what design really is!
What is Architectural Design?
  • Design the context Architecture is simply the
    activity of generating proposals that change
    something that already exist into something that
    is better
  • It is a three part process
  • Initial state
  • A method or process of transformation
  • An imagined future state

Some Notes on Design
  • Design Problems
  • Problems can never be comprehensively stated
  • Design problems require subjective (personal)
  • Design Problems tend to be organized
    hierarchically, meaning you could increase or
    decrease the scope of the problem by for instance
    designing a door, instead of a door handle

Some Notes on Design
  • Design Solutions
  • There are an inexhaustible number of different
    solutions to any design problem
  • There are no optimal (or perfect) solutions to
    design problems- solutions usually compromise on
    one or more important objectives
  • We, therefore, have only acceptable solutions to
    design problems

Some Notes on Design
  • The Design Process
  • The process operates in a loop and is endless
  • There is no any defined correct process of design
  • The design process involves finding as well as
    solving problems- a designer must be able to
    subjectively define the problem he is solving
  • Design involves subjective (personal) value
  • Design is a prescriptive activity

The Design Process in Architecture
  • Design in the context of architectural education
    is a 4 step process
  • Analysis or Initiation and preparation
  • Synthesis or Proposals generation
  • Proposal evaluation and selection
  • Proposal Presentation

The design process is not a straight forward
process that moves from step 1 through to 4. The
process is usually iterative, in that you finish
one step and move to the next step, only to
discover that you missing some information and
have to go back to previous steps
Step 1 Analysis or Initiation and preparation
  • This stage is concerned with collecting
    information on the design problem at hand
  • The information to be collected covers the
  • Building program- spaces, sizes and their
  • Building type study, including collecting
    information on similar existing building types
  • Information on the site, local climate, social
    and cultural factors and available construction
  • Information on legal and code requirements
  • The information collected should enable the
    identification of the important considerations in
    designing the problem at hand
  • The important consideration will then serve as a
    performance specification or objectives for the
    project and will provide the means to evaluate
    any design proposal

Step 2 Synthesis or Proposal generation
  • Synthesis means bringing together
  • In this stage the variety of issues in design
    have to be brought together in a design that
    meets the design criteria or objectives
  • These consideration include client preferences,
    program requirements, site conditions, context
    (physical and social), preferences of the design,
  • Each element is usually first analyzed alone to
    determine its possibilities
  • These are then layered together to generate a
  • A concept is usually the element that ties up all
    the numerous considerations

One of the first necessary steps in design is to
take the spaces in the program and study the
requirements for the design of the individual
Step 2 Program Analysis
Step 2 Program Analysis
Checking the sizes of spaces
Step 2 Program Analysis
Checking that areas will fit to site
Step 2 Relationship Diagram
Establishes the need for connection between the
various spaces in a program
It is possible to study the need for various
types of connection or communication
Step 2 Relationship Diagram
Step 2 Bubble Diagrams
Shows relationship between spaces
Step 2 Bubble Diagrams
Step 2 Bubble Diagrams
Distortion of connection to begin to identify
possible arrangements
Generating more concrete arrangements and also
taking into account room sizes
Step 2 Bubble Diagrams
Step 2 Bubble Diagrams
Another example
Step 2 Bubble Diagrams
Bubbles drawn to scale
Site is another place to begin the search for a
design proposal
Identifying the most suitable site for building
Step 2 Site Analysis
Addresses views, wind direction, sun direction,
access, slope, etc
Step 2 Site Analysis
Analysis may yield a potential site arrangement
Step 2 Site Planning and Concept
Studies of existing building types can generate
images for you to assist you in developing your
proposals. Studies may be of similar building
types or of applicable construction system
Step 2 Case Studies
Step 2 Conceptual Images
Conceptual images help in catalyzing the
generation of ideas
A good design environment should have all the
analysis and synthesis data displayed openly
Step 2 An Ideal Design Environment
Concept The thing that ties it all up
  • Concept is what ties up all the various issues
    that is generated in the synthesis stage
  • A concept could come at any stage of the design

Concept can come from many sources There is no
one place or right way to derive a concept
You may also need to develop many concepts for
any design exercise The concept address some of
the elements that is studied in the analysis
stage such as building role, functional
clustering, arrangement on site, circulation,
zoning, room layouts, building form etc
Step 3 Proposal Evaluation and Selection
  • It is possible during the synthesis stage to
    generate one or more design alternatives
  • Step 3 is the stage where these alternatives are
    evaluated to check how they solve the design
    problem or meet the objectives or criteria that
    were developed in stage 1
  • The selected designed is further refined to
    address any shortcoming
  • It is the set for the last stage

Step 4 Proposal Presentation
  • Solving a design problem is only one half of the
    design task in architecture
  • The next step is to effectively communicate that
    solution to the client
  • There are certain basic requirements for a good
  • The Presentation should present the central idea
    of the design- what we may call its spirit
  • It should have a logical and comprehensible
    arrangement of integrated graphics and verbal
    information, with constant scale/format/medium/tec
  • Should have continuity from one sheet to another
  • Should present information efficiently by using
    minimum number of sheet required

Good presentation has to integrate graphics and
text very well Text should as much as possible be
linked to graphic elements
You should also have a consistent way of
arranging you drawings on the sheet
A grid may help in the layout of drawings
Step 4 Proposal Presentation
The best way for preparing for a presentation is
to prepare a mock-up of the presentation before
starting the final work The mock-up should
address the choice of size of paper, scale of
presentation, medium of rendering and arrangement
of sheets
(No Transcript)
A Note on Design Evaluation
  • Before considering how design is evaluated, let
    us first define what architecture is
  • Architecture is
  • Space
  • Structure
  • And Enclosure
  • Experienced through
  • Movement in Space-Time
  • Achieved by Means of
  • Technology
  • Accommodating
  • A program
  • Compatible with
  • It context

A Note on Design Evaluation
  • Architectural form can be ordered in 3-ways
  • Physical ordering
  • Form and space- solids and voids, interior and
  • Perceptual Ordering
  • Sensory perception and recognition of the
    physical elements by experiencing them
    sequentially in time
  • Conceptual
  • Comprehension of the ordered or disordered
    relationship among a buildings element and
    systems, and responding to the meaning they evoke

A Note on Design Evaluation
  • All the issues raised in the above definition of
    architecture play a significant role in the
    assessment of design projects
  • In our specific case, the following criteria is
    going to be given to the jury members to evaluate
    your project
  • Program analysis
  • Site analysis and design
  • Space organization
  • Form Organization
  • Technical Considerations
  • Project completion
  • Presentation
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