Title: Orbital November 7
1Science Working Team (SWT)
Mission Operations Status Dean Hawes
OrbitalNovember 7 8, 2007
2Our Spacecraft
3Mission Operations Org-Chart
4Ground Segment Architecture
5IBEX Ground SystemFunctional Elements and
CMDs Table Loads
Ground Network Universal Space Network (USN)
TLM Playback Data
Raw Science Data S/C SOH TLM Back Orbit TLM
S/C P/L Commands Table Loads
Pass Coverage Requests
USN Remote Tracking Station (RTS)
IBEX Science Operations Center (ISOC)
Mission Operations Center (MOC)
STF, ATS Load Confirm
- Real Time Command And Telemetry
- Ground Equipment Configuration
- Archive And Analysis (Short Term)
- Mission Planning System
- Constraints Checking
- Schedule Generation
- Spin Axis Pointing
- Generate Rotes
Real Time telemetry
Science Data
Playback Data and Files
- MAESTRO S/C Data Analysis
- Data Review
- Trend Analysis
- Performance Evaluation
Planning Files and Data
Flight Dynamics Group (FDG)
Tracking Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)
- Flight Dynamics Orbit Determination
- Orbit Determination
- Ephemeris Generation
- Thruster Calibration
- Orbit Maneuver Verification
NASA Closed Network
6Ground Segment Development
7Status of Facilities
- MOC 3 Is Now Assigned As The Ground Station For
IBEX - Both long term operations (LTO) launch early
operations (LEOPs) - Original plan called for MOC 1 or MOC 2 for LEOPs
- Changes in GEO launch schedules created conflicts
with IBEX schedule - Addition of MOC 3 de-conflicts IBEX from other
programs - MOC 3 Integration
- LTO side is now being configured
- IBEX program asset
- LTO MOC testing from 11/13/07 to 1/04/08
- Components and furniture for LEOPS side are now
in procurement - Orbital capital asset
- LEOPs MOC testing from 1/17/08 to 2/12/08
- Back Up MOC
- Back up MOC is a laptop that can be transported
to USNs facility should the MOC at Orbital go
off-line for any reason - Laptop is in-house
- MAESTRO application is loaded
8MOC 3 Schedule
9Long Term Operation Center
- Located in Building 2
- Room is divided into two halfs
- MOC 3 - LEOPS (Not shown)
- MOC 3 - LTOC
- LEO Programs
- Dawn
- Each Program receives a horse shoe console for
Daily Satellite Activities - IBEX Console contains
- Mission Planning System (MPS)
- Primary Commanding String (CMD1)
- Backup Commanding String (CMD2)
- NASA Commanding String (CMD1)
10MOC Network Connectivity
11MOC Equipment Status
- MOC Workstations Computers
- V240 servers are ready
- Network equipment is in
- User interface PCs are in procurement
- Mission Planning System
- Computer is in, and the MPS core software is now
loaded - Balance of MPS software due in January
- Have successfully completed STF interface tests
with ISOC - Secure FTP Server
- Server has been delivered
- Configuration is progressing
- VPN Network
- Components are in-house
- Configuration is progressing
- Furniture And Fixtures
- In procurement
- Due in December
12LTO MOC Server Configuration
- Open Network (USN)
- Two synchronized V240 servers
(Primary Backup) - PC with dual displays connected to each server
provides the user interface - Both servers are synced to the archives
- Closed Network (NASA)
- TDRSS interface
- Single V240 server
- PC with dual displays connected to the server
provides the user interface - Server has a local archive
13Ground Segment Status
- Current revision is at M009CF4R1
- Used throughout spacecraft CPT 2
- Loaded onto ground station machines
- MAESTRO validation test mid-November
- Mission Planning System
- Requirements analysis and Design completed
- MOC/ISOC STF Integration Test completed
- ACS Simulation ready for integration with MPS
- Beta version on schedule for 12/5/07 delivery to
the MCC - Final version on schedule for 1/4/07 delivery to
the MCC - Flight Dynamics Group
- Processing real tracking data received from
Goddard FDF (Themis), which is a high
eccentricity orbit similar to IBEX during the
orbit raising. - Reviewing Pegasus launch analysis to incorporate
into initial orbit acquisition and orbit
determination - Universal Space Network
- Contract is in place ICD is signed
- CTV testing begins 12/4
- Network interface testing begins in late November
14Mission Operations Metrics
15Operations Test Flow
- Tests described in
- S/C IT Plan (S924-PP6100)
- Ground Segment Test Plan (S924-PP1220)
- ISOC Test Plan
- Order of tests can be altered to accommodate
schedule changes
16Flight Ops Team Participation In IT
- Flight controllers will be allocated time on the
spacecraft - Gain exposure to ground station and spacecraft
operations - Exercise routine and contingency operations
procedures - Goal is to provide flight controllers with 100
hours of exposure to spacecraft and ground system - Specific activities during spacecraft and ground
system integration and test provide good learning