Title: Southwest Research Institute November 8, 2006
1Southwest Research InstituteNovember 8, 2006
IBEX Team Meeting
IBEX Science Operations Center (ISOC) Chelle Reno
- Top-Level ISOC Requirement
- Overview
- Payload Operations
- Database and Web Interface
- Data Processing
- Data Analysis Modules
- Changes Since IGPP 06
- Problems Solved Since IGPP 06
- Conclusions
3Review Top-Level ISOC Requirement
- To receive S/C data from the MOC and perform the
following tasks - Sequence data
- Identify data gaps and remove redundant data
- Process to higher level data products
- Archive and make data products available to the
IBEX Science Team and the greater scientific
community - Also responsible for IBEX payload commanding,
performance trending and parameter modifications
over the course of the IBEX mission
4Review IBEX Data Flow
5Review Orbit in the Life of the ISOC
- Provide orbit-specific payload command list to
Orbital MOC - Receive raw SSR and near-real time SOH from the
Orbital MOC ingest into ISOC database - Remove CCSDS headers (Level 0)
- Sequence data, identify data gaps remove
redundant data using MAESTRO (Level 0.5) - Generate Level 1 data ingest into ISOC database
- Includes derived fields such as spin phase, look
direction, background as a function of look
direction - Accumulate Level 1 data into Level 2 maps
- perform magnetospheric/heliospheric segregation,
separate species, find velocity direction,
identify and cull any backgrounds - ISOC remotely views real-time SOH during perigee
6Review ISOC Organization
ISOC Lead Chelle Reno SwRI (FTE)
Mission Ops Manager Bill Tittley (Orbital)
Science Analysis Modules Nathan Schwadron Boston
Univ. (.25 FTE)
Payload Operations Mark Tapley SwRI (.2 FTE)
Data Processing Software Jillian Redfern SwRI (.5
Database Web Interface Software Ratna Sardar
SwRI (.5 FTE)
PLFW John Hanley Greg Dunn Brad Trantham SwRI
(.06 FTE)
Brent Randol Brian Stuart Jameson Passuite Boston
Univ. (.33 FTE)
Christina Prested Cara Battersby Boston Univ. (.5
FTE Yearly Average
7Payload OperationsCommand Load Generation
- 2 - 8 P/L commands per orbit
- P/L commanding is macro driven
- Variable parameters are set in Look Up Tables and
called by macros - Simplifies command load generation and validation
- Most orbits will only have 2 P/L commands
8Payload Operations Payload Command Load Template
Used Every Orbit
9Nominal Operations Timeline
10Nomenclature - Science
- Energy Step one ESA setting
- 2 spins (ESA step every 30 seconds _at_ 4rpm)
- Energy Sweep 6 (8) E steps for Hi (Lo)
- Hi 12 spins 6 min.
- Lo 16 spins 8 min.
- Energy Frame 4 E sweeps
- Hi 720 spins 12 min.
- Lo 960 spins 16 min.
- Syncing of Energy Frames every 48 min.
11Science AcquisitionHigh-Level Timeline
12ISOC Database Web InterfaceDatabase
- MySQL Database
- Each APID has its own database table
- Raw Level 1 data inserted into database
- IBEX Database Backups
- 2 Linux Boxes in ISOC
- Backed up daily
- Transcribed to tape and stored
- Backup database at Boston University
13ISOC Database Web InterfaceWeb Interface
- Query database using user defined filters
- Filter by sensor, energy, look direction,
background, etc. - Displays plot Download plot filtered data set
- Team page password protected
- Varying levels of data access
- Comply with ITAR restrictions
- Ensure data validity
- Can submit request for additional data
- Forum for discussion of results
- Instrument effects, anomaly reports
14IBEX Data Processing Overview
Sequence Data
Level 0.5 Data
Attach header information
Raw Data (CCSDS)
Level 1 Data
Level 0 Data
Identify Data Gaps
Create Derived Fields
Remove Redundant Data
Cull Magnetospheric Data
Remove Backgrounds
Global ENA Maps Filter by Sensor, Energy, Look
Direction, Background Level Overlay Moon,
Planets, UV Stars
Level 2 Data
Data processing
Data Products
- Faux data streams used to generate test data
processing software
15IBEX Data Processing Overview
Sequence Data
Level 0.5 Data
Attach header information
Raw Data (CCSDS)
Level 1 Data
Level 0 Data
Identify Data Gaps
Create Derived Fields
Remove Redundant Data
Cull Magnetospheric Data
Remove Backgrounds
Global ENA Maps Filter by Sensor, Energy, Look
Direction, Background Level Overlay Moon,
Planets, UV Stars
Level 2 Data
Data processing
Data Products
- Faux data streams used to generate test data
processing software
16Raw to Level 0.5 Data
17Level 0.5 to Level 1 Data
18Data Analysis Modules
- Pixel Viewing algorithm
- Sky coverage analysis
- ENA event generation of faux data streams
- Data processing software testing
- Database insertion software generation testing
- Web interface software generation testing
- PLFW DE prioritization testing
- Expected sources documentation
- ENA forward model
- Use data analysis and existing models to predict
what IBEX will see - Community modeling interface documentation
In progress
19Changes Since IGPP 06
- ISOC database changed from Flat Files to MySQL
- ISOC database changed to Linux platform
- MOC-ISOC Interface Changed
- Near real-time Remote display of Analyst MAESTRO
server using VNC during passes - Post pass SOH and SSR data Secure ftp transfer
from MOC server
20Problems Solved Since IGPP 06Direct Event
Prioritization Scheme
- PLFW team working with ISOC and Boston University
(BU) team to assess DE culling schemes - BU provides absolute time-tagged and raw direct
event information based on heliospheric models - Heliospheric only data
- Heliospheric magnetospheric data
- PLFW team runs the combined data file through
high-level language (Python) program to try
different algorithms quickly and generate
filtered output - Compare filtered data files with heliospheric
only data files
- Similar simulation path can be used to check ISOC
Data Path
21Problems Solved Since IGPP 06Star Tracker
Outage Analysis
- Simulated pixel viewing time for 10 degree
keepout angle - Assumed all data lost during star tracker outages
- Even if all data is lost we get acceptable
statistics - In reality we will be able to recover the data
- Lo star sensor data can be used for look
direction - Star tracker continues to generate spin pulse
- IBEX Operationally Simple
- Open data policy
- Small data volume
- Data made available to team quickly
- Ahead of curve software design
- ISOC software available to public
23Stay Tuned
- Feedback wanted on IBEX Data Site
- Testing of prototype IBEX data site
- Post faux data to play with
- Improvements additions
24Backup Charts
IBEX Science Operations Center (ISOC) Backup
25ISOC Lab Space
- Computers with monitors keyboards
- MAESTRO workstation
- GSEOS Laptop - 2
- Data Processing Computer - 2
- Computers for other uses - 3
- STK license
- Additional Office equipment
- Conference Table to seat at least 8
- Desks/chairs for computers
- Filing Cabinets - 3
- Bookshelf Cabinet - 4
- Phone
- Conference Phone
- Projection Screen
- Projector
- Routers
- CPU only
- Primary Archive computer
- Secondary Archive computer
- Other
- Outlets on 3 walls
- Outlets under conference table
- Ethernet jacks on at least 2 walls
- One must be outside firewall
- Hardware
- Spacecraft Bus Sim (3'x2'x4')
- CEU Sim
26Detailed Document Status
- Flight Software (FSW) SCB Software
- Payload Firmware (PLFW) CEU Software
- High Altitude Science Ops (HASO) (gt 10 Re)
- Low Altitude Housekeeping Ops (LAHO) (lt10 Re)
- State of Health (SOH) (SCB P/L) SOH
- Channel D IBEX-Hi background monitor
- Star Tracker SCB Star Tracker
- Star Sensor IBEX-Lo star sensor
28Payload OperationsCommand Load Validation
- Software constraint checks for
- Potentially hazardous commands
- HV turn-on
- Large commanded voltage jumps
- Operational constraints
- Sensors in standby below 10 RE
- Sensors off during HPS maneuvers
- Order of operations
- Garbled commands
- Human checks
- In addition to software checks, MOC and ISOC
personnel will manually check command loads
before uplink
29ISOC Verification Matrix
- Command Load Generation Test
- Data Processing Software Test
- Database Web Interface Software Test
- ISOC-MOC Interface Test
- Mission Simulation
- In Thermal Vacuum Testing
- An Orbit in the Life
- Mission Rehearsal
- Remote participation from ISOC
- P/L Initialization and Checkout
- Entrance to Nominal Operations
30EPR Action Items
31Document Status Summary
- Plans
- Number planned 2
- Percent complete 50
- Test Procedures
- Number planned 6
- Percent complete 0
- Engineering Memos/Analyses
- Number planned 3
- Percent complete 67
32Science Operations Staffing
- ISOC Staffing
- Mission Design - Planners
- ISOC Lead, ISOC Lead (Chelle Reno)
- Payload Operations Lead (Mark Tapley)
- Science Mission Planner - P/L command load
generation and verification - Software - Executers
- Database Data Processing Software (Jillian
Redfern, Ratna Sardar) - Database insertion software
- Level 0, 1, 2 processing software
- P/L trending software
- Toolkit Software
- Data Analysis Modules (Nathan Schwadron, Brian
Stuart, Brent Randol, Jamison Passuite, Cara
Battersby) - Simple Physics-based inversions for Termination
Shock Strength, Structure - More detailed modeling for energetic particle
energy spectra and energy partitions - Analysis modules for understanding interstellar O
flow speed, direction, temperature, and the
secondary population - Payload Flight Software (John Hanley, Greg Dunn)
- Flight Software Changes
- LUT Changes
- MAESTRO work station
- Command load generation and test
- Real-time housekeeping
- Real-time science data
34IBEX Data Products
- Raw Data
- Stored at VCDU level in ISOC database
- Level 0 Data
- Identify missing redundant packets in MAESTRO
workstation - Level 0.5 Data -
- MAESTRO output delimited text file
- SSR Fields Only
35IBEX Data Products
- Level 1 Data - Contains Derived Fields
- Ingested into ISOC database
36MPS Command Load Data Flow
37Star Tracker Outage Analysis
- Star Tracker FOV 23º half angle
- Cant star tracker 13º off -Z axis
- Keepout angle
- 23º - cant angle
38Simulated Data - w/ Magnetosphere
39Simulated Data - No Magnetosphere
- Comparing data files with and without will allow
testing of the PLFW DE prioritization software
- is this the right direction, chelle?
40Simulated Data - Level 0.5 Output
000000000 0 101101 5 0
4 000000006 0 101101 5
0 4 000000013 0 111011 5
0 4 000000020 0 100011
0 0 4 000000026 0
100011 0 0 4 000000033 0
011101 0 0 4 000000041
0 010011 1 0
4 000000047 0 101011 1 0
4 000000054 0 010101 1
0 4 000000068 0 110011
2 0 4 000000075 0 001011
2 0 4 000000083 0
100000 4 0 4 000000089 0
000011 4 0 4 000000096
0 010010 4 0 4
41Future Work
- ISOC laboratory
- Detailed planning and equipment procurement
- ISOC IT network and infrastructure procurement
setup - Develop IT security approach
- P/L Initialization Checkout
- Detailed planning of P/L IOC which includes the
approach to transmitter thermal constraints - Community science models into ISOC
- Create interface document to easily incorporate
various models into the ISOC
42Action Item Detail
44ISOC Schedule
P/L Delivery to S/C
Start P/L IT
IBEX Launch 6-15-2008
Program Milestones
IT and Mission Rehearsals
Hi Lo Cal
P/L Delivery
Payload (ISOC)