Title: CassiniHuygens Spacecraft
1Cassini-Huygens Spacecraft
2The Cassini-Huygens is a satellite that has
recently traveled to the planet Saturn. It was
built by the American space agency (NASA), the
European space agency (ESA), and the Italian
space agency (ASI).
3 The orbiter, which explored Saturn, was named
after the Italian astronomer, Giovanni Domenico
Giovanni Domenico Cassini
The probe, which was used to explore Saturns
largest moon, Titan, was named after the
Dutch astronomer, Christian Huygens.
Christian Huygens
4The spacecraft has two main parts the Cassini
orbiter, built by NASA, and the Huygens probe,
built by ESA.
Cassini orbiter
Huygens probe
5The Cassini-Huygens was launched in 1997 and
reached Saturn in 2004. The probe separated from
the spacecraft and used a parachute to fall to
the surface of Saturns largest moon named Titan.
It sent back information for a brief period of
time. The Cassini orbiter studied Saturns moons,
its rings, the planets rotation, and the
planets atmosphere. Â
Cassini Orbiter and Huygens Probe aboard the
Titan IV
Huygens on Titan's Surface
artist rendition
artist rendition
6The Cassini was the first spacecraft to orbit
Saturn and the fourth spacecraft to visit Saturn.
7Show What You Know!
  How long did it take the Cassini-Huygens
spacecraft to reach Saturn after it was
launched from the Earth? 16 days 7
years 1 Year 4 months  Â
Click your mouse on the correct answer.
8Your Turn Again!
What did the Huygens probe do? Orbited
Saturn for 7 years. Fell into two of Saturns
moons. Did not work properly. Parachuted into
the moon known as Titan.
Click your mouse on the correct answer.
9One More Time!
The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft was built by 3
space agencies. built by the Italians and the
Dutch. built by the Chinese, sold to Wal-Mart,
bought and launched by the Italians. built
by Giovanni Cassini.
Click your mouse on the correct answer.
10Last One!
- How large is the Cassini-Huygens
Spacecraft? - About the size of a car
- About the size of a cruise ship
- About the size of a school bus
- About the size of a bicycle
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19Did you remember
- The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft was launched in
20Did you remember
- The spacecraft reached Saturn in 2004.
21Did you remember
3 agencies worked together to build the satellite.
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