Title: Spacecraft Translational Motion
1Spacecraft Translational Motion
- The two-body problem involves the motion of a
satellite caused by the gravitational attraction
of a central body - The circular orbit solution is well-known and is
useful for many satellite applications - This analysis is about the translational motion
of a satellite close to a circular orbit
2Pop Quiz
3Pop Quiz (2)
4Pop Quiz (3)
5Generalized Eigenvectors
6Repeated Eigenvalues with Complete Set of
7Repeated Eigenvalues with Complete Set of
Eigenvectors (2)
8Repeated Eigenvalues with Incomplete Set of
9Repeated Eigenvalues with Incomplete Set of
Eigenvectors (2)
10Translational Motion Equations for a Satellite
11Orbital Frame
- Same as roll-pitch-yaw frame, for spacecraft
- The o3 axis is in the nadir direction
- The o2 axis is in the negative orbit normal
direction - The o1 axis completes the triad, and is in the
velocity vector direction for circular orbits
12Translational Motion Equations for a Satellite
13Translational Motion Equations for a Satellite
14Verify that Circular Orbit is an Equilibrium
15Standard Form for EOM
16Linearize About Circular Orbit
17Linearize About Circular Orbit (2)
18Linearized System Near Circular Orbit
- Completing the partial derivatives and
simplifying leads to
Clearly this system is controllable and
stabilizable (exercise) Also, the system is in a
decoupled form that is common for mechanical
19Linearized System Is Decoupled
- Two rows and columns are decoupled from the rest
These two states are decoupled from the rest and
so the system can be arranged into a 2?2 system
and a 4?4 system
20Linearized System Is Decoupled (2)