Title: ppt title
1Innovation in the Public SectorStephen
EdwardsA/Government Industry ManagerMicrosoft
2The Innovation Centre chemistry
3History Funding
- Special Whole of Government Licensing Arrangement
with Economic Development
4Life of an Innovation Centre Project
Project approval
includes sponsor and user
includes cost outline
Learnings doc
Establish core team
Final ST event
Project kick-off
3 - 5 months
formal promotion
Show and Tells x3
Vision Scope doc
Prototyping starts
defines aim and goal
5Local Industry development
- Partners that have actively worked on projects to
date include - Alcidion
- Kaz Computing
- Better Software
- HP
- Electus
- Planet Software
- Prism
- Strategic Data Management
- Kaz The opportunity for Aspect staff to work
closely with Microsoft staff and have access to
their internal resources has provided a great
opportunity for skills transfer. So much more
can be learnt about the inner-workings of a
product and the best way to implement it by
tapping into the knowledge of the people who
build the product Stephen Laheney,
Consultant, Kaz
Strategic Data Management - Through the
Innovation Centre, weve had tremendous exposure
not only to several South Australian Government
departments, but also to different markets
outside of South Australia including Microsoft
in Redmond, with whom were having ongoing
business discussions. The commercialisation of
the products we developed for the Innovation
Centre has also led to us doubling our revenues
and hiring an additional 26 staff, bringing staff
numbers to 45, to cope with the increased
workload in the past year. Jamie Potter,
Marketing Manager, Strategic Data Management.
- EDS involvement in the Centre was on the
Executive Knowledge System (EKS) project within
the Department of Treasury and Finance. - As the manager of the Governments IT
infrastructure EDS is always looking for new and
innovative ways to add value to the client. This
project has allowed us to work with Microsoft in
a collaborative way to provide better Executive
communication within the Department of Treasury
and Finance. - Bruce Linn, Manager of EDS.
- Melbourne based partner OBS launched an office
here in Adelaide on 5 December 2002, as a result
of the SharePoint Portal Server solution they
developed for the Department of Treasury and
Finance, through the Centre. This solution, DTF
Central has been showcased at Microsoft national
events both in Sydney and Adelaide.
Whole of Government Innovation Centre Application
Web Services Hub
Records Integration
Clinical Risk Management System - RADAR
Service Broker System
CAA Judicial Workbench
Outlook Customer Contact
SA Central
Value Added Messaging
Employee Self Service
Artlab Education Portal
FPU Address Matching
Executive Knowledge
DTF Central
9Contact details
- For further information on the South Australia
Innovation Centre please contact - Michael Duhne - mduhne_at_microsoft.com
- Tel 08 8217 7400
- Mobile 0413 752 512
- URL http//www.ic.sa.gov.au/
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