Title: NDIA Brief
1CAPT Tom OKeefe JPM Information Systems Joint
Program Executive Office for Chemical and
Biological Defense Thomas.OKeefe_at_navy.mil
2JPM Information Systems Mission Statement
- The mission of the Joint Project Manager for
Information Systems (JPM IS) provides the
information architecture and applications
required to shape the battle space in the face of
a chemical/biological threat.  JPM IS provides
the warfighter with integrated early warning
capability, an accredited hazard prediction
model, state-of-the-art consequence management,
and course of action analysis tools.Â
3Chemical/Biological Defense Program History
Joint Program Office for Biological
1995 - 2001
Program Executive Office for Chemical and
Biological Defense
2001 April 21, 2003
Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and
Biological Defense
April 22, 2003
4Chem/Bio Defense Program Acquisition
Organizations - Past
Joint Chiefs of Staff
ASBREM Committee Co-chaired by ASD (HA) and DDRE
Executive Secretary
OSD CB Defense Steering Committee
ASBREM Steering Committee
Secretary of the Army Executive Agent for CBDP
Joint NBC Defense Board Co-Chaired by ASA (ALT)
and VCSA
- JSIG (Joint Service Integration Group)
- Joint Modernization Plan
- Joint Requirements
- Joint Doctrine
- Joint Professional Training
- Joint Priority List
- Joint Future Operational Capabilities
- Modeling Simulation
- JSMG (Joint Service Materiel Group)
- Joint Research, Development and Acquisition
- Joint Logistics Support Plan
- Sustainment
Joint Service Technology Panel Chemical
Biological Defense
JTCG 3 Chemical
Source Document Joint Service Chemical and
Biological Defense Program FY00-FY01, Page 6
JTCG 4 Biological
5Chem/Bio Defense Program Acquisition
Organizations - Present
Defense Acquisition Executive (USD-ATL)
OSD Oversight
Joint Requirements Office J-8
Army Acquisition Executive (ASA-ALT)
Science Technology
Defense Threat Reduction Agency - Chem/ Bio
Joint Program Executive Officer
Joint Doctrine Training
Joint Staff
Test Evaluation
Test Evaluation Executive (DUSA-OR)
US Army Chemical School
Joint Project Managers
6Joint Program Executive Office ForChemical And
Biological Defense
7Policy, Oversight, Requirements
Combatant Commanders
DUSD(TSP/CP) Allocation Cmte
Validated Requirements
J8 Joint Requirements Office
Day to Day Oversight
Other Requirements Generators
Dept. of Health Human Services
Dept. of Homeland Security
Joint ST Executive (DTRA)
Other U.S. Government Agencies
Joint Combat Developer
8Joint Requirements Office J-8Requirements
Development Interaction
Battlefield Capabilities and Joint Project
- CBRN Detection
- Point
- Stand-off
- Reconnaissance
- Protection
- Percutaneous
- Respiratory
- Ocular
- Prophylaxis
- Biological
- Chemical
- Radiological
- Collective Protection
- Mobil
- Transportable
- Fixed
JPM NBC Contamination Avoidance
Battle Analysis Battle Management Modeling Simulat
ion - Training Integrated Early Warning Medical
- Decontamination
- Individual
- Equipment
- Fixed Site
- Medical Diagnosis/ Therapeutics
- Chemical
- Biological
- Radiological
JPM Decontamination
JPM Information Systems
JPM Individual Protection
JPM CB Medical Systems
JPM CB Medical Systems
JPM CB Medical Systems
JPM Collective Protection
9JPM IS Warfighter Needs
- Principal Capabilities
- Information Systems is ranked 2
- Operational Capabilities
- Battlespace Information Management is ranked 1
- Battlespace Analysis and Planning is ranked 5
- Enabling Capabilities
- Real time visualization of the Battlespace is
ranked 1 - CBRN Analysis and Planning tools is ranked 3
10JPM IS - Program OverviewEnd-to-End Capability
Common Operational Picture (COP)
Preformatted NBC Reports
HPC Reach-back capability
11JWARN Mission Statement
- JWARN Mission Provide the Joint Force Commander
with the capability to - Report CBRN and Toxic Industrial Materials (TIM)
hazard detection - Analyze the detections to enable identification
of the hazard and the affected locations - Disseminate warning information to affected units
in near real time
12JWARN Core Capabilities
- Automatic detection of NBC material release
- Automatic communication of detection event (via
JCID) to host C2 platform - Wired or wireless network
- Sensor management
- False alarm reduction
- Automatic formatting of warning messages to
- units in affected area
- Automatic correlation of multiple detections
- Automatic generation of ATP-45 hazard warning
area - Generation of more detailed hazard area plots
using JEM - Interconnected to weather and medical databases
- Automatic retrieval and archiving of event data
to enable post-operations forensic evaluation
13NCA To The Foxhole
14Theater View
JWARN Joint Sensor to C4I
15JWARN Functional Configuration
JCID JWARN Component Interface Device
Master JCID
Warning Hazard Prediction Situational
Awareness Battle Management
Collect Analyze Identify Locate Reporting
Network Transport
JWARN Joint Sensor to C4I
16JWARN Initial Capability (JIC)
- Purposes
- Support early Warfighter involvement with JWARN,
Joint Effects Model (JEM), and Joint Operational
Effects Federation (JOEF) technologies - Support of User Interface requirements
- Support Technical Demonstrations and Experiments
- Support early Integration and Data Management of
an integrated System - May be used by OTAs for Early Operational
Assessment - Provide a venue to validate and refine Measures
of Performance (MOPs) and Measures of
Effectiveness (MOEs) - Provide an opportunity to refine the Services
CONOPS and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
JIC will be used to generate operationally
relevant feedback to the developer.
- USD (ATL) signed the JWARN Block II Milestone B
decision July 11 2003 - Acquisition Strategy (AS) approved by USD (ATL)
March 18 2004 - JWARN Initial Capability (JIC) operational
prototype successfully demonstrated at World-Wide
Chemical Conference November 2004 - Sensor Network Successfully Demonstrated
- Successful completion of the JWARN Block 2, Phase
1 Critical Design Review - Successful completion of five JWARN User
Assessments - JWARN Block II Phase 1 Software Completed
Engineering Developmental Test (EDT) May 2004.
Currently Conducting Governmental Testing - JWARN Test and Evaluation Master Plan nearing
approval - JWARN ORD revision in process
18Joint Effects Model (JEM)
19JEM Program Overview
- JEM is an ACAT III Modeling Simulation Program
that will provide a single, validated capability
to predict the transport and dispersion of CBRN /
TIH events and their effects - JEM will be accredited for all uses currently
supported by the three interim accredited DoD ST
Hazard Prediction Models - Legacy models HPAC, VLSTRACK, D2PUFF Interim
Accredited for specific uses - VLSTRACK - weaponized CB attacks on military
forces - HPAC - U.S. attacks on NBC facilities and for
consequence management of terrorist NBC attacks - D2PUFF - U.S. chemical stockpile accidents and
incidents - JEM will be integrated with Service Command
Control Systems
20JEM Acquisition Approach
- Block 1
- Baselining the DOD CBRN Hazard prediction
technologies - Transition ST and reuse source code of HPAC,
VLSTRACK, and D2PUFF - Spiral development, SEI CMM Level 3 processes
- Flexible and Extendable System Architecture
- Development through MS C with NGIT
- Post Deployment Software Support for all blocks
using the consolidated CBRN Software Support
Activity (SSA) - Block 2 and beyond
- Diverse sources for required technologies
(Government, Industry, International) - Software Development and System Integration
contracts - DTRA CB ST integrated into Block 2/3
21JEM Block 1 Requirements Summary
- Provide one model combining the most advanced
hazard area and effects prediction capabilities
of the three current DOD Interim Standard NBC
Hazard Prediction Models (VLSTRACK, HPAC, and
D2PUFF) - Model CBRN agents and Toxic Industrial Matrials
(ITF-40) - Model initial nuclear and residual nuclear
effects - Model hazard areas for Standard Non Standard
WMD incidents - Reduce the likelihood of being Falsely Warned and
Falsely Not Warned in comparison to ATP-45 hazard
areas - Refine hazard areas by using updated information
22JEM Block 1 Requirements Summary Contd
- Estimate basic human effects (protected and
unprotected) - Forecast sheltering stay-times
- All data capable of display on a standard
Geographic Information System (GIS) system - Interoperable with JWARN
- Integrated with C4I systems
- Automatically receive input data from C4I systems
- Historical climatology, local observations /
weather forecasts - Terrain and population data
- Intelligence
- JEM shall be interoperable with allied and
coalition forces and other US agencies - Operate in both unclassified and classified
environments - Provide embedded training
23JEM Block 2Technology Transition Process
- Block 2 funded beginning FY 06
- Block 2 RFP expected Summer 2005
24Joint Operational Effects Federation (JOEF)
25JOEF Program Overview
- Decision Aids for Deliberate and Crisis Planners
- Assessment of Mission Capability Given CBRN
Threat - Evaluation of Candidate Courses of Action
- Sensor Employment
- Logistics Requirements (Medical, IPE, CPE)
- Personnel Readiness (Vaccination, Training)
- Decision Aid for Analysts
- Value of Suggested Systems or Technologies
(Acquisition) - Effectiveness of Existing or Proposed TTPs
- Decision Aid for Consequence Management Support
- Checklists as Reminders of Operating
Procedures/Equipment - Templates for Logging and Reporting
26JOEFs Technology Transition
- Radiological, Nuclear Medical Effects, and
Secondary Biological Infection - Resource Limitation on Medical Care
- Â SPOD Ship Model
- CBRN Effects on Roll-on/Roll-off cargo thru-put
- Integration of Geo-Graphic Information System
(GIS) - Mobile Forces
- Combat power measurement before/after CBRN attack
- Individual and Crew Served Weapons and Equipment
- Aircraft, Air Defense Artillery, Anti-Armor
Weapons, Indirect Fire Systems - Tracked Vehicles, Wheeled Vehicles
- C4I support Battlefield Real-Time Imagery
Processing and Display System - Logistics Support Optimize Distribution
Networks, Facility Location/Operation and
Inventories - Sensor Optimization
- Estimate Engagement Results Using Table Look-Ups
27JOEFs Technology Transition Contd
- Â
- User Friendly Framework to Integrate Consequent
Management Tools - Military - Decision Support checklists and templates
- CHEMRAT Data Certification
- Certification of Key CBRN data
- User Friendly Framework to Integrate Consequent
Tools - Civilian - Representation of Medical Surveillance Trend data
(as parameter) - Development of XML Framework for Reach-back
- Network Centric Enterprise Services (NCES)
28Points of Contact
CAPT Tom OKeefe, JPM IS (858)
537-0120 Thomas.OKeefe_at_navy.mil CAPT Scott
White, Deputy JPM IS (858)
537-0214 Scott.White_at_jpmis.mil Mr. Rob Walker,
Director of Operations (858)
537-8665 Robert.Walker_at_jpmis.mil Mr. Chuck
Walker, JWARN APM (858)
537-0215 Chuck.Walker_at_jpmis.mil Mr. Scott Carey,
JEM APM (571)
243-9541 careysa_at_spawar.navy.mil Dr. Jerry
Hoffman, JOEF APM (858)
537-0125 Jerome.Hoffman_at_navy.mil