Title: Accessing Remote Devices Using WebMobile ARDUMI
1Accessing Remote Devices Using
- Shailendra Bhavsar
- Department of Computer ScienceOld Dominion
- Introduction
- Project Scope
- Requirements
- Technology Overview
- X-10 Protocol
- Implementation
- Advantages
- Conclusion
- Demonstration
- ARDUM I is a home automation project that
allows you to control and monitor appliances in a
home network, via a Web Portal.
4Project Scope
- The aim of ARDUM I is to develop a secure
- Web Portal that will allow users to control
- and monitor a home lighting system.
- ARDUM I consists of two main components viz -
- Administrator Console(Admin Console)
- User Console
5 Console Specification
- Admin Console
- Ability to setup new users
- Ability to add/edit/delete users
- User Console
- Ability to remotely control devices
- Ability to add/edit/delete devices
- Ability to remotely monitor devices
- Generate an event log
6Technology Research
7 What is X10
- A communication protocol for remote control of
electrical devices - Designed for communication between X10
transmitter and X10 receiver over the standard
household wiring - Transmitter sends a X10 command such as
ON/OFF/DIM preceded by the receiving unit code - Each receiver is set to a unit code and reacts to
the command addressed to it
8 X10 Transmission
110 V
Voltage signal
1 ms X-10 information window
60 Hz
Zero Crossing Points
9X10 Transmission Contd.
3 zero crossing points for 3 phases of AC
- Binary 1
- 1 ms burst of 120 kHz at zero crossing point
- Binary 0
- Absence of burst at zero crossing point
10X10 Advantages
- Inexpensive(Lamp module kit/Controller for 50)
- Universally available
- Flexible(Supports a large variety of devices)
- Easy to install
- No additional wiring
- Control up to 256 lights and appliances
11X10 Hardware Required
- Transceiver Module Model TM751
- Lamp Module Remote Control
12X10 Hardware Setup
Transceiver Module
- The letters are called House codes
- The numbers are called Unit codes
- The letters are from A-P, Numbers are from 1-16
- Each Module can have a unique code (house code
unit code) from 256 (16 16) possible codes - Any number of units can have the same code
House Code Dial
Lamp Module
Unit Code Dial
House Code Dial
13X10 Hardware Setup Contd.
- Plug appliance into X10 lamp module
- Plug the module into an electrical outlet
- Set the house code on the lamp module.
- Set the unit code on the lamp module.
- Plug the transceiver into any other electrical
outlet - Set the proper house code on the transceiver
14How X10 Works
- The X10 signal is sent through the Web interface
via the com port, through Firecracker Model CM17A - The CM17A communicates with the computer at 4800
baud - CM17A sends a signal to X10 transceiver (TM751)
- TM751 sends a signal to Lamp Module (LM465)
- LM465 receives the X10 signal and turns the light
15Process Flow
1.Web Server 2.Database
Lamp Module
X10 Signal
X10 Signal
X10 Signal
Web Portal
16X10 Commands
- Connect a lamp to Lamp Module
- Set Transceiver at House Code A
- Set Lamp module at House Code A and Unit Code
1 - A1 ON - Turns the lamp on
- A1 OFF - Turns the lamp off
- A1 DIM25 - Turns the lamp on, but at 25 of
the normal power
17COM Port Communication
- RTS Request to Send DTR Data Terminal Ready
- At least RTS or DTR must be High at all times to
ensure power supply to Fire Cracker - Transmission Format
(Each time interval is 0.5ms)
RTS and DTR states to send Logical 1 and
Logical 0 to interface
18COM Port communication contd.
- Each transmission consists of 40 bits
- 16 bits Header - 16 bits Data - 8 bits Footer
- Header - in Hex D5 AA
- First Byte 11010101, Second Byte10101010
- Footer - in Hex AD
- Byte 10101101
- Data (Data Byte 1) (Data Byte 2)
- A1 ON in Hex 6000 01100000 00000000
- A1 OFF in Hex 6020 01100000 00100000
19COM Port communication contd.
Data Byte 1 Data Byte 2 X1
X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X 8 X1
X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
- 1 one for house codes E-L
- 2 one for house code A-D I-L
- 3 one for house codes A,B,G,H,I,J,O,P
- 4 one for house codes B,D,F,H,J,L,N,P
- 5 Always 0
- 6 one for units 9-16
- 7 Always 0
- 8 Always 0
- 1 one for BRIGHT or DIM
- 2 one for unit codes 5-8 13-16
- 3 one for OFF ( zero for ON or Bright/DIM)
- 4 one for unit codes 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 DIM
Command - 5 one for unit codes 3,4,7,8,11,12,15,16
Bright DIM commands - 6 Always 0
- 7 Always 0
- 8 Always 0
20COM Port communication contd.
- The implementation will consists of the following
steps - Database Design
- Admin Console
- User Console
- Hardware and Software Integration
22Implementation DB Design
- ID
- User_Name
- Password
- First_Name
- Last_Name
- Email_Address
- CreationDate
- UserName
- DeviceName
- DeviceDescription
- Status
- Date
- Host
- ID
- UserName
- Name (Device)
- Description (Device)
- House
- Unit
- Status
23Implementation Code Snippet
- lt
- dbPath "C/Inetpub/wwwroot/msproject/ardum/DB/AR
DUM.mdb" - set Conn server.createobject("adodb.connection")
SOURCE" dbPath - gt
24Admin Sequence Diagram
(Invalid user)
(valid user)
25User Sequence Diagram
(Invalid User)
(Valid User)
26Implementation-Port Communication
- Define required Properties and Methods
- Create a compiled VC object (dll)
- Register the dll with a computer running the Web
Server (IIS) - regsvr32 i C\ARDUM.dll,
- regsvr32 u C\ARDUM.dll
27Ardum.dll - Definition
- VC Project ARDUM Interface Iproject
- Interface Properties Interface Methods
- (Put) Port(BSTR) TurnOn()
- (Put) HouseCode(int) TurnOff()
- (Put) UnitCode(int)
- ATL Class -Project (Methods)
- SetComm() SetDTR()
- SetRTS() SendByte()
- Close() SendByte()
28Ardum.dll - Code Snippet
- STDMETHODIMP projectput_UnitCode(int newVal)
- vUnitCode newVal
- return S_OK
- void projectSendByte(BYTE vdata)
- for (BYTE bBit 0x80bBit gt 0bBit gtgt 1)
- if (vdata bBit)
- SetDTR(false)
- else
- SetRTS(false)
- Sleep(1)
- SetDTR(true)
- SetRTS(true)
- Sleep(1)
29Ardum.dll - Code Snippet
- STDMETHODIMP projectTurnOn()
- vRequest ON
- BYTE hc
- // Change the house code to lowercase
- // Change it to use as an index into the
housecodes array - hc houseCodes(BYTE(vHouseCode) 0x20) -
'a' - vUnitCode--
- if (vUnitCode gt 7)
- hc 0x4
- vUnitCode- 8
- SetDTR(false) // Reset
- SetRTS(false)
- Sleep(30)
30Ardum.dll - Code Snippet
- STDMETHODIMP projectTurnOn() Contd.
- SetDTR(true) // Put FireCracker into ready
mode - SetRTS(true)
- Sleep(30)
- SendByte(0xD5) // Send first byte of header
11010101 - SendByte(0xAA) // and then the second byte
10101010 - SendByte(hc) // Send the house code
- SendByte(unitCodesvUnitCode) // Send the
unit code - SendByte(0xAD) // Send the Footer 10101101
- Sleep(30)
- return S_OK
- set objX10server.CreateObject("ARDUM.project")
- objX10.Port "COM1
- objX10.HouseCode HouseCode
- objX10.UnitCode Unit
- objX10.TurnOn
2. set objX10server.CreateObject("ARDUM.project"
) objX10.Port "COM1 objX10.HouseCode
HouseCode objX10.UnitCode Unit objX10.TurnOff
32Implementation-Web Portal
33Implementation-Web Portal
34Technical Challenges
- Setting up home controller
- Serial port communication
- Controller and X10 Integration
35ARDUM I Benefits
- Convenience
- Safety
- Lighting control
- Energy savings
- Fun
- ARDUM-I Demonstrates that the internet is no
longer just an information super-highway, but can
also be used as a medium to access remote devices - ARDUM-I is secure and easy to use
- ARDUM-I can further be extended by adding
mobility. It can also be used for motion
detection, security systems etc. - ARDUM-I has potential for commercial development
- http//www.x10.com
- http//www.smarthome.com
- http//www.controlhome.net
- http//www.microsoft.com
- http//www.homeseer.com
- Introduction to X10 Home Automation
- Ajay Gupta
- Project Guide,
- Old Dominion University
- Irwin Levinstein
- Assistant Professor,
- Old Dominion University
- A live demonstration of the system via the