Urban Problems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Urban Problems


Albedo is greater because of greater reflection from metallic screen wall and concrete surface ... Introduction of LPG taxi and no-rail tram; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: problems | tram | urban


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Urban Problems

Urban Problems
Urban Climate
  • The amount of radiation received on urban ground
    surface is (greater / less) than in rural area.

Albedo is greater because of greater reflection
from metallic screen wall and concrete
surface Greater scattering for more cloud cover
and dust particles
Urban Climate
  • The annual mean temperature in urban area is
    (higher / lower) than rural area.

Artificial heat sources e.g. air
conditioner Concrete surface can be heated up
nore quickly Less heat loss through latent heat
in evapotranspiration Greenhouse effect from the
concentration of CO2 and dust particles
Urban Climate
  • The relative humidity in urban area is (higher /
    lower) than rural area.

The higher temperature lower the relative
humidity Concrete surface and artificial drainage
system drain out most water. Less amount of is
moisture available.
Urban Climate
  • The occurrence of fog is (more / less) frequent
    in urban area.

More dust particles as condensation
nuclei Temperature inversion due to
pollution Lower wind speed
Urban Climate
  • Amount of precipitation received in urban area is
    (more / less).

More dust particles as condensation
nuclei Temperature inversion due to pollution The
high temperature in urban will form a low
pressure centre which brings convection current.
Urban Climate
  • The mean wind speed is (higher / lower) in urban

The tall buildings form barriers. Buildings and
streets create rugged relief which will lead to
Urban Climate
  • The visibility in urban area is (higher / lower)
    than rural area.

The presence of fog. Concentration of dust
Urban Heat Island
Impact cause by an urban heat island and urban
  • the greenhouse effect and artificial heating
    will lead to the formation of an urban heat
    island which means that the urban area,
    especially the C.B.D. and industrial centres,
    will have higher temperature than the surrounding
    rural areas.
  • The heat island at the same time makes the
    urban area a low pressure centre where all winds
    are blowing to the city centre.

  • The relatively high air pressure in rural area
    forces air to move back into the city.
  • These will lead to a closed circulation in
    the city which means pollutants cannot be
  • Concentration of pollutants will lead to smog,
    acid rain
  • Lower wind speed will prevent the diffusion of
  • Lower relative humidity and pollutants affect
    human health, especially respiration system

Conflicting interest of different parties
.'Pedestrianise" the heart of shopping
area .Introduction of LPG taxi and no-rail tram
.Using unleaded oil and fuel with low sulphur
content .Fine on excess heat emission
Support More strict control is needed Wider scope
should be covered The government and large
companies should do more.
Green Group
We have to face keen competition Those measures
will increase the cost of production. The
government should provide assistance such as
lower tax and financial support
  • more widespread green area
  • separate land use zones
  • heat emission plants on downwind location
  • control spacing between buildings and height

Do they work?
Peak flow
Lag time
Impact of urbanization on hydrograph
Before Urbanization After Urbanization
Peak Flow
Lag Time
Changes brought by urbanization
  • Deforestation, vegetation replaced by concrete
  • Which is smooth and impermeable
  • There is less retention and infiltration
  • With the aid of artificial drainage system
  • Surface runoff reaches river channel much faster

Problems brought by urbanization
  • High peak flow means high regime of the river
  • There is greater danger of flood after rain storm
  • However, the discharge becomes small at other
  • It will lead to accumulation of sediment and
    pollutants along the river courses

Efficient Transport System
  • Sufficient and stable supply of transportation
    facilities for workers and other commuters, as
    well as for freight
  • Commuters, industrial goods producers and buyers
    are able to make use of facilities without
    unnecessary difficulties, at a reasonable cost,
    and with a high degree of safety and reliability

Efficient Transport System
  • A land use layout of the whole city and within
    each section of the city that
  • Minimizes the distance of traffic flow between
    activity centres
  • Discourages unnecessary traffic flows without
    affecting industrial output
  • A well maintained transportation system that
    ensures the above-mentioned conditions

Major causes
  • Improper and insufficient land use and transport
  • Mismanagement of transport facilities
  • Improper and insufficient land use control
  • Sudden surge of traffic demand due to
  • Lack of an inductive business environment to
    promote transport improvement
  • Poverty and lack of fiscal ability for transport

Suggested Solution
  • build more roads to accommodate the growing
    number of cars
  • increase the flow capacity of existing roads by
    better management (e.g. 'tidal flow' scheme that
    was once used by Lion Rock Tunnel, or build
    flyovers that separate pedestrians and cars)
  • improve public transport or give priority to
    public transport(bus lane) so that fewer people
    feel the need to drive

Suggested Solution
  • restrict the inefficient road users (e.g.
    Singapore's policy to charge private cars with
    less than 4 people inside when they entre the
    C.B. D. during the rush hour)
  • control the number of private cars by imposing
    high tax on owning a car
  • reduce the number of parking space so as to
    discourage people from driving into some area
    (e.g. the beaches of Hong Kong Island in summer)

Suggested Solution
  • encourage major employers to modify their working
  • land use control in newly developed area, so that
    people need not travel long distance to work or
    to school.

Your group's choice? Why?
Hong Kong Case
  • Hong Kong Moving Ahead A transport strategy for
    the future
  • http//www.info.gov.hk/tb/highlight/index.htm
  • Railway Development Strategy 2000
  • http//www.info.gov.hk/tb/highlight/index.htm

How transport problems affect the growth of a
  • increase in congestion leads to an increase in
    transport cost and a decrease in economic
  • congestion leads to a distorted land use pattern
    in the long run, causing more serious transport
    problems in the future
  • transport problems discourage decentralization
    and re-distribution of economic activities and

  • increase in traffic demand caused by the influx
    of 'migrants' hinders the smooth implementation
    of urban transport development plans
  • insufficient 'space' available within the built
    up areas to allow large scale urban transport
    improvement programmes, thus hindering future
  • the lack of proper inter-modal coordination leads
    to increase in transport cost as well as
    reduction in overall urban productivity

Criteria for the assessment of housing quality
  • Scenic beauty / view
  • Relative position
  • Accessibility
  • Access to shopping facilities
  • Social and public facilities
  • Neighbourhood environment
  • Open space and green area
  • Free from pollution

Criteria for the assessment of housing quality
  • Internal structure
  • Ventilation, brightness, spacious
  • Basic services such as electricity, water,
  • Social environment / socio-economic status
  • School net
  • Reasonable / affordable cost

Common housing problems
  • Housing shortage
  • Overcrowding conditions
  • Poor sanitation
  • Environmental pollution
  • Fire hazard
  • Unaffordable rent / value
  • Social problems (family conflicts, mental
    distresses, theft, crime, etc.)

Common housing problem features
  • Urban slums
  • Urban ghetto
  • squatters

Causes of housing problems
  • Rapid population growth because of large natural
  • High birth rate and relatively low death rate
    resulted from improved sanitation, upgrading
    medical facilities, control of diseases, better
    nutrition and absence of war
  • Large rural-urban migration

Causes of housing problems
  • Slums are found in transition zones next to CBD
    where houses are deteriorating and without
    adequate amenities and the tenants are too poor
    to improve the living conditions
  • Over-crowdedness results when a tenant rent part
    of a dwelling from the owner and then sub-let
    parts of this rented accommodation to others

  • Environmental pollution results because workshops
    and retail units intermingle with residential
  • Housing is scare because of poor financial
    support from government and feeble capital
    investment from private developers
  • Even when public housing schemes are provided,
    they are frequently inappropriate to the urban
    poor in that most of them are located at urban
    fringe which means high costs to work and fewer
    employment opportunities

  • Squatters are found on roof tops, hillslopes
    fringing the urban areas and on silts ot boats in
    sheltered coastal areas near the city
  • They are usually the result of large influx of
    new-comers to the city
  • These squatter huts are built of wood and
    cardboard, there is no surfaced road, no
    electricity, no water nor sewage facilities
    creating fire and health risks
  • Poor financial situation and administration of
    local government

  • Kinship and clanship persist here and there
    resulting in ethnic and social segregation
  • Lack of town planning in the early stage of
  • Urban decay
  • Social segregation

Developed Countries Developing Countries
Slum clearance Squatter clearance
Renewal/redevelopment Self-help schemes
Provision of better public utilities Renewal/redevelopment
Encourage private investment Birth control and family planning
New town development New town development
Rehabilitation More balanced economic development
Need for Urban renewal
  • At present, there are about 9 300 private
    buildings in the Metro Area (i.e. Hong Kong
    Island, Kowloon, Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing) which
    are 30 years' old and above. In ten years' time,
    the number of buildings over 30 years' old will
    increase by 50. The problem of ageing buildings
    is most serious in older urban areas

Urban renewal can help alleviate urban problems
  • thinner the population density of the inner urban
    decentralization of population can solve the
    over-crowding problem
  • improve the living environment more open space,
    green area, and community facilities are provided
  • get rid of the worn-out buildings which impose
    danger of collapse to the residents

  • refresh the poor looking of the old developed
    areas so to improve the impression of the city as
    a whole
  • increase accessibility and improve traffic
    problems by road-widening, redesign of street
    pattern and more parking space
  • provide more land for developers, then more
    economic activities can be found
  • Land use planning land use zoning policy can be
    adopted in the process of renewal. Offensive land
    use can be relocated or isolated. Different land
    uses will be separated.

  • redistribution of population low income class
    may be resettled and better new buildings and
    better living environment will attract higher
    social classes to live in the area. The
    socio-economic status of the area becomes higher
    and a balanced community can be attained.

Interests and needs of different social groups
  • The landlords demand for higher compensation and
    acquire land ownership after redevelopment.
  • The old residents of the area want to preserve
    the social bonds and neighborhood relationships.
    The small business owners do have fear of loss
    small business. They want to have resettlement in
    the same district. They are reluctant to leave.

  • The lower income class has fear of loss of
    existing employment opportunities. They are
    unwilling to pay for higher rents after
    redevelopment and they are unable to afford the
    higher living expenses after redevelopment.
    Higher compensation is demanded.
  • Land developers want to raise the economic
    potential of the area. Therefore, improvement of
    accessibility, land and facilities for economic
    activities are important. They also emphasis on
    the balance on cost and benefit on redevelopment.

  • Town planners emphasis on a balanced community
    and land use zoning. The lowering of population
    density is also important. Adequate open space
    and green area should be kept.
  • Environmentalists emphasis on the maintenance of
    urban ecological balance. The preservation of
    historical landmarks and buildings is important.
    The social life and tradition of the community
    should also be considered.

  • The government officers concern the time and cost
    of land acquisition. The problems involved in the
    process of redevelopment such as traffic
    congestion and pollution should be settled.
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