Title: grants'gov and electronic research administration eRA What is grants'gov
1grants.gov and electronic research administration
(eRA) What is grants.gov?
- A cross-agency E-Government initiative, spanning
1000 grants programs and over 400 billion in
annual awards - An E-Government initiative, covering all 26
Federal grant making agencies managed by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services - A simple, unified storefront for all customers
of Federal grants to electronically - Find grant opportunities
- Apply for grants
2grants.gov and electronic research administration
(eRA) Whose idea was grants.gov?
- Congress Public Law 106-107
- Federal Financial Assistance Management
Improvement Act of 1999 - Presidents Management Agenda (2004)
3Grants.gov addresses inefficiencies in the
current grants environment
Applicant 1
Applicant N
Applicant 3
Applicant 2
4Grants.gov centralizes access to grant
information and applications
Applicant 1
Applicant N
Applicant 3
Applicant 1
5grants.gov and electronic research administration
(eRA) When is grants.gov beingimplemented?
- Post 100 Funding Opportunities in FIND by end
of FY 2005 - APPLY
- 75 Funding Opportunities (FOAs) in FIND provide
option to apply through grants.gov by end of FY
6grants.gov and electronic research administration
(eRA) How are the agencies implementing
- NSF Optional Staged
- NASA Optional Staged
- NOAA Required All programs
- NIH Required Staged
- Etc.
7Grants.Gov is a Very Different Model Uses
Standard Forms
- The application form and instructions will now be
part of a package that each agency posts on
Grants.gov along with each funding opportunity
announcement (FOA). -
- Applicants will download the application package
for the specific FOA from within Grants.gov. - This specific application package MUST be used to
apply for the accompanying solicitation.
8Grants.Gov is a Very Different Model Application
is Prepared Off-line
- Required fields of forms filled in with PI and
institution-specific information - Required components of proposal and
certifications/assurances provided as attached
documents - Completed application delivered to OSR
- Application up-loaded to grants.gov
9Grants.Gov is a Very Different Model On-time
submission has 2 elements
- - Application accepted by Grants.gov
- Grants.gov sends
- application to agency
- - Application verified and accepted
- by sponsoring agency
10Grants.Gov is a Very Different Model Agencies
will maintain or develop agency-specific
electronic research administration systems
- NSF Fastlane
- NOAA Grants Online
- NIH eRA Commons
Each system has its own registration
requirements and validation process.
11Grants.Gov is a Very Different ModelSystem is
being improved to meet agency and user needs
12Where To Go For Help
- http//www.unh.edu/osr/e-proposals/
- e-proposals_main.html