Title: Electronic Grant Submission: What you need to know
1"Electronic Grant SubmissionWhat you need to
- Stephanie Wasserman, M.S.
- Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
- Steve Berry, Ph.D.
- Director, Academic Research Computing
- Marie Vrabel
- Associate Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
- Hernan Santana
- Research Administrator, Department of Medicine
- Overview of eSubmission
- Technical Aspects
- eSubmission Concepts SF424 Form
- Grants.gov and NIH eRA Commons Â
3eSubmission OverviewÂ
- Starting with December 1, 2005 submission
deadline, all competing research grant mechanisms
(such as R01, R03, etc.) will transition from PHS
398 paper to electronic submission through
Grants.gov using the Standard Form 424 Research
and Research Related SF424 (RR). Applicants
should review Transition Timeline to ensure use
of appropriate application form and transmission.
Applications for the transition submission date
of a mechanism must use the SF424 (RR) form and
be submitted electronically through Grants.gov.Â
Once a mechanism transitions, the change applies
to all subsequent Requests for Applications and
Program Announcements. No paper applications
will be accepted for transitioned mechanisms!
4eSubmission Setup
- Institutional setup is complete
- Grants.gov, CCR, etc.
- Point of Contact (POC) responsible for management
of grant activities and assigning privileges is
complete - Authorized Organization Representative (AOR)
submits grants on behalf of the organization - Investigator prepares grant applicationbut does
not submit
5Submission Process
- Impact of Grants.gov on internal deadlines to
ensure timely eSubmission (revised submission
timeline to OSP) - BIDMC business process impact (e.g. proposal
routing) - Grants.gov submission, approval process impact on
internal deadlines
6Communication, Outreach, Training
- Education training of all staff
- New form requirements for reporting budgets,
effort, etc. - Exploring new and different communication methods
to increase awareness - Support of existing PureEdge submissions for
interim milestones
7How to Prepare for Upcoming Events and Deadlines
- Establish a NIH eCommons accountif you dont
already have one (contact OSP at
resadmin_at_bidmc.harvard.edu) - Contact your Research Administrator as soon as
you plan to respond to a solicitation that will
require eSubmission - Direct questions to Stephanie Wasserman at
swasserm_at_bidmc.harvard.edu - Working together we shall get through this!
8Where to go for Help
- BIDMC Grants.gov information sitehttp//research.
sp - General info on Electronic Submission
SF424http//era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt - Grants.gov registration, submission PureEdge
questions - http//www.grants.gov/CustomerSupport
- Grants.gov Customer Service
- Email support_at_grants.gov Phone
1-800-518-4726 - eRA Commons registration post submission
questions - http//era.nih.gov/commons/index.cfm
- eRA Commons Help Desk
- Email commons_at_od.nih.gov Phone 866-504-9552
OR 301-402-7469 - Transition questions on NIHs plan for
electronic receipt - NIH Grants Information
- Email grantsinfo_at_nih.gov Phone 301-435-0714
9Technical Aspects of the New Process
- Stephen Berry, PhDDirectorAcademic and Research
10Why Grants.gov ?
Grant Applicants
Applicant 3
Applicant 2
Applicant N
- Part of Federal Cost Control Mandate
- Facilitate System-to-System (S2S) Data Exchange
- ? Costs, ? Productivity
- Identify commonalities among
agency-specific data
Grants.gov Trusted Broker
Granting Agencies
Benefits Both Grant Applicants (green) and
Agencies (blue)
11eSubmission Technical Aspect
- Applicant Organizations have two methods of
completing submitting grant applications to
Grants.gov - PureEdge Forms and Viewer
- System to System (S2S)
12eSubmission Technical Aspect
- PureEdge Forms and Viewer
- Federal agencies post PureEdge funding
opportunities applications (FOA) on web - Researcher finds FOA and saves locally
- Use PureEdge to open complete package
- Add text, converted to PDF, as attachments
- Issues
- Must install client (does not work on Mac)
- Manage and protect the package
- PDF conversion issues
- Duplicate data entry unable to extract
13eSubmission Technical Aspect
- System to System (S2S)
- Use BI existing submission process
- Researcher selects FOA, system gets data form
requirements - Document Management system for text files
- OSP approval creates electronic package and
transfers to Grants.gov - Issues
- Must Buy or Build! (significant time / costly)
- Eliminates redundant data entry
- Tighter integration between our Submission System
Applications sent to Grants.gov
14eSubmission Technical Aspect
- BIDMC eSubmission Current State
- Preparing S2S Solution Options
- Review Commercial App Cost options
- Develop Build Project Plan and Timeline
- Both options will take time to implement
- Implement PureEdge Solution
- Especially for immediate deadline 6/06
- In parallel with development of S2S
- Train and equip the RA and PI community
15eSubmission Technical Aspect
- PureEdge Project Outline
- Working on a Metaframe solution for all
Researchers (PureEdge Acrobat) - Use eSubmission folder on Research (R) drive for
common shared storage - Check-in file process to link PureEdge documents
to electronic submission - Access via document anywhere but only one person
at a time - Workflow will move completed package to read-only
16eSubmission Information Sharing
- Communication Web Site
- http//research.bidmc.harvard.edu/ost/NIHeSubmiss
ion.asp - NIH and Grants.gov announcements
- BIDMC Communication information
- Training links and schedules
- Technology links
- Technical Documentation links
17Electronic Submission A Primer
- Marie Vrabel
- Paper No More, Use 424 (RR)
18What is Grants.gov ?
- What is Grants.gov?Grants.gov is a cross-agency
initiative spanning 900 grant programs in 26
grant-making agencies, more than 350 billion
in annual awards. Single source to find Federal
government-wide competitive grant opportunities.
It is the Federal government's single, online
portal for any person, business, or State, Local
and Tribal government to electronically find
grant opportunities and apply for grants. - What functionality does Grants.gov
provide?Grants.gov provides robust functionality
for the grant community, including - "Find Grant Opportunities" allows users to search
for available grant opportunities and register to
receive notification of grant opportunities. - "Apply for Grants" allows users to search for and
download application packages, complete
application packages offline, submit completed
application packages and track the status of
submitted applications. - See also Grants.gov Web site
19Grants.gov Agencies (26 federal agencies)
20Why Transition?
- Public Law (PL) 106-107
- Federal Financial Assistance Management
Improvement Act of 1999 - Improve the effectiveness and performance of
Federal financial assistance programs - Simplify Federal financial assistance application
and reporting requirements - Improve the delivery of services to the public
- Presidents Management Agenda (2002)
- Agencies to allow applicants for Federal Grants
to apply for, and ultimately manage, grant funds
online through a common web site, simplifying
grants management and eliminating redundancies .
. .
21Why Now?
- Its been a long time coming. Its time.
- OMB has set the following FY 2006 Goal for
Agencies Post 75 of Funding Opportunities in
Grants.gov Find on Apply - The PHS 398 OMB clearance expires in September,
24Benefits of electronic submission
- Benefits of electronic submission include
- Facilitates efficiencies to shorten the cycle
from application receipt to award - Provides clear, color grant image
- Creates a comprehensive repository of data that
can be mined by knowledge management and other
portfolio tools - Improves data quality (e.g., enforcement of
business validations) - Saves gt200,000,000 pieces of paper/year
(estimated) and countless hours of human effort - Reduces scanning, printing and data-entry costs
25Multiple Systems Working Together
- Grants.gov Federal governments single on-line
portal to find apply for grant funding - Used by all 26 Federal grant-making agencies.
- Used by NIH and other HHS components.
- eRA Commons the NIH electronic Research
Administration system that allows
applicants/grantees to electronically receive and
transmit application and award information
Each system has its own registration
requirements and validation process
26Electronic Submission Information
27Funding Opportunity Announcements
- FOAs simultaneously posted to Grants.gov along
with appropriate application package - Note must search Grants.gov by opportunity
number rather than CFDA number - New model changes use of NIH form website
- Funding opportunities continue to be posted in
the NIH Guide and Contracts (http//grants2.nih.go
v/grants/guide/) - Button on NIH Guide announcement allows access
Grants.gov application package - NIH continue to use RFAs and PAs, but
solicitations will be referred to as funding
opportunity announcements (FOA) in Grants.gov
28Grants.gov Home Page
29LIST of CFDA s, etc
30Parent R21 Program Announcement (PA) Number
31Parent R21 as it appears in Grants.gov Find
32Funding Opportunity
33New TerminologyType of Application
RR Type of Application also include
Continuation. This is equivalent to our
Progress Report or T-5. NIH will not use the RR
for progress reports.
34New Terminology
35SF424 (RR) Few Data Issues
- Item 8, Type of Application - New Terminology
- New is the same
- Resubmission is equivalent to Revision (a
revised or amended application) - Renewal is equivalent to Competing Continuation
- Continuation is equivalent to Progress Report.
For the purposes of NIH other PHS agencies,
box for Continuation will not be used and should
not be checked. - Revision is somewhat equivalent to a Competing
Supplement - Terminology cross-walk in instructions
36Parent R21 application packet
37Agency-specific Components (a.k.a. PHS 398
- PHS398 Cover Letter File
- PSH398 Cover Page Supplement (supplements the RR
Cover) - PHS 398 Modular Budget
- PHS 398 Research Plan
- PHS 398 Checklist
38Component PHS398 Cover Letter
- Provides a text attachment for a cover letter
- Instructions to applicant remain the same as in
the PHS398 - Stored separately in eRA Grant Folder, not a part
of main application grant image - Seen only by appropriate NIH staff not peer
reviewers - Required when submitting a Changed/ Corrected
Application - If revising the cover letter for a Changed/
Corrected application, include all previous
submitted letter text
39(No Transcript)
40SF424 (RR) Cover Component Page 1
41Component PHS398 Cover Page Supplement
- Companion form to (RR) Cover Component
- Includes New Investigator Code Degree fields
(Note PD/PI info is pre-filled. Provided here
for reference only) - Includes Clinical Trial Phase-III defined
clinical trial indicators - Business Official Contact, includes complete
information (title mailing address missing from
section 5 of the RR Cover) - Includes Human Embryonic Stem Cells section
42PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement Page 1
43Component Research and Related Budget, General
- Applicant prepares a detailed budget for every
budget period - There is no summary budget page like the PHS398
Form Page 5 - A detailed Cumulative budget is system-generated
44Component Research and Related Budget, Sections
- Personnel separated into 2 sections
- A. Senior/Key Person
- Allows 8 named individuals (structured data)
- gt8 provided as an attachment (not structured
data, just text) - Info for PD/PI must be entered even if 0
- B. Other Personnel
- Postdocs, Grad Students, Undergrads captures
only - NIH will request more detail in Budget
Justification - Business Process Change fromPercent Effort to
Person Months - NIH incorporating this business process change
throughout - Other Support documentation Interim change to
PHS398 PHS2590 Progress Report in process
45RR Budget Sections A B
46PHS 398 Modular Budget
47Component Research and Related Senior/Key Person
- Credential Must enter eRA Commons User NameFor
PD/PI, this is a mandatory field for NIH
submissions. (1 Validation Failure to date) - Biosketch is attached for each person
- Same data requirements exist however, page
limits change to just 4 pages - Eliminating 2 page limit for subsections
- Note, Attachment for Current Pending Support
(a.k.a. Other Support) will not be used at time
of submission unless specified in FOA. For most
applications, this will continue to be a
Just-In-Time submission
48Senior/Key Person Profile
49Component Research Related Other Project
- Includes information on involvement of Human
Subjects, Vertebrate Animals, Environmental
Impact, Foreign Involvement - Includes separate PDF attachments for
- Project Summary/Abstract
- Project Narrative
- NIH will use for Relevance section of Abstract
- Separate component developed for Research Plan
- Bibliography References (previously section G.
Literature cited) - Facilities Other Resources
- Equipment resources
Equivalent to PHS 398 Resources Format Page
50Other Project Information
51PHS 398 Research Plan
52Component RR Subaward Budget Attachment Form
- Used for detailed budget from any consortium
grantee - Allows up to 10 budget attachments - one for each
consortium grantee - Applicant sends RR budget component to
consortium grantee for completion returned to
applicant applicant attaches in there component - Applicant still needs to include the total costs
for all consortiums in their own detailed budget,
Section F.5
53(No Transcript)
54Component PHS 398 Checklist
- Captures additional information currently
captured in PHS398 Checklist - Change of PI
- Change of Grantee Institution
- Inventions Patents
- Program Income
- PDF Text Upload for and Assurances/Certifications
55PHS398 Checklist Page 1
56Finding Help Application Preparation
- Review application instruction guide(s)
- Contact Grants Info
- Grants Info
- Phone 301-435-0714
- 301-451-0088 (TTY)
- Email GrantsInfo_at_nih.gov
- All these help resources are found at
57Collecting User Feedback
- NIH has established an e-mail address to collect
comments and/or suggestions - NIHElectronicSubmiss_at_mail.nih.gov.
- Share your experiences successes and challenges
- Share specific suggestions for improvement
- What resources are most useful (Targeted e-mails,
FAQs, Tips Tools, Commons Alerts, Training
59Agenda eRA
- 24 E-Government Initiatives
- eRA Commons
- eRA Commons Registration Requirements
- Grants.gov and eRA Commons interaction
- Create, Verify an Account and update your
Personal Profile - eRA Roles and Structure
- eSNAP Electronic Progress Report Submission
60What is eRA Commons?
- NIH leader in electronic government
- eRA is NIH's model for conducting interactive
electronic transactions for the receipt, review,
monitoring, and administration of NIH grant
awards to biomedical investigators worldwide. eRA
integrates two parallel systems, the NIH Commons
and IMPAC II. The Commons enables communication
with NIH's partners in the research community,
whereas IMPAC II is used by NIH staff. The NIH
Commons will mesh with the Federal Commons.
NIH Commons is the External face of eRA
61Registration Requirements
- Principal Investigators (PIs) do not need to
register with Grants.gov - The PI must hold a PI account and be affiliated
with the applicant organization in eRa Commons - PIs currently registered only for Internet
Assisted Review (IAR) must request full eRA
Commons registration
62Agencies Grant Community
63Agencies Grant Community
64Agencies Grant Community
65How Grants.gov interacts with eRA Common
eRA Services eRA
Grants.gov basic validation and virus
check Processing
Pure Edge Forms
eRA Services Business Validation DB Load Image
Validation Results Notification
eRA COMMONS Interface Status Validation
results Image Verification Automatic Sign-Off
after 2 days
Web forms interface
66Search for and identify a Funding Opportunity
Announcement (FOA) on Grants.gov
Download the grant application package in Pure
Posted 2 month before submission date
Complete the application and Save a copyon a
secure computer
PI/SO verify (Optional) the application. After
2 days the applications is accepted
eRA Commons saves the data and grant image,
and NIH begins processing the application
Within 2 business days of availability in eRA
The PI and SO find out if the grant
applicationpassed or failed the rule check
Signing Official reviews and submits the
application to Grants.gov
Track Application Statusin eRA Commons
Grants.gov response to application submission -
up to 2 business days
eRA Commons response to application submission -
up to 2 business days
Email Tracking
E-mail Tracking
67Creating an eRA account
- Contact Marie Vrabel
- resadmin_at_bidmc.harvard.edu
- Web Sites
- Commons Home Page http//commons.era.nih.gov
- eRA Home Page
- http//era.nih.gov
- Commons Support Page
- http//era.nih.gov/commons/
- Revamp of websites is underway
69Advice from Experience
- Read and follow all application instructions!
- Failure to follow instructions has resulted in
applicants having to submit corrected
applications. - There are application fields not marked as
mandatory on the federal-wide form but that are
required by NIH - For example, the credential field of the RR
Senior/Key Person Profile component MUST contain
the PIs assigned eRA Commons User ID for NIH to
process the application submission
70Advice from Experience
- Register now to be prepared
- Allow time for corrections
- See it through to verification in eRA Commons to
complete the application process - When seeking support, be prepared to provide
identifying information for your application and
organization - Network with colleagues at other institutions to
strategize ways to implement the change to NIH
e-submission at your organization
71Educational Links
- Frequently Asked Questions http//era.nih.gov/Elec
tronicReceipt/faq.htm - Electronic Submission Timeline http//era.nih.gov/
ElectronicReceipt/strategy_timeline.htm - Tips and Tools http//era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceip
t/tips_tools.htm - Communications and Outreach resources (brochures,
presentations, drop-in newsletter articles)
.htm - SF424 (RR) application guides, sample
application packages and related resources
m - Grants.govs How to Complete An Application
Package Demo http//www.grants.gov/CompleteApplica
tiondemo - Demo Facility By April, NIH plans to have an
end-to-end demo facility for applicants to
practice the entire process from finding an
opportunity in Grants.gov through verifying a
submitted application in the eRA Commons.