Title: Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support
1School-wide Positive Behavioral Support
- John Umbreit, Ph.D.
- University of Arizona
- History
- Approach
- Preparation for the rest of the meeting
- 1992 One-shot workshops
- Long-term effort
- Effective Support Model
4(No Transcript)
5Need a Proactive System for the Whole School
6Traditional Approach to School Discipline
- Too many rules
- Emphasis on nots, donts, and penalties
- Limited knowledge of rules
- Inconsistent implementation
- Students follow the real rules
7Typical Problems
- Thousands of disciplinary referrals
- Individual students with nearly 100 referrals
- Individual teachers who make hundreds of referrals
8Typical Response
- Increase monitoring of students
- Review rules and sanctions
- Extend continuum of aversives
- Improve consistency of applying aversives
- Establish bottom line
9Typical System Responses
- Zero Tolerance Policies
- Security guards, student uniforms, metal
detectors, video cameras - More suspension/expulsion
- Exclusionary options (e.g., alternative programs)
10The Aversives Trap
- Aversive situation ? aversive intervention
- Remove student
- Remove ourselves
- Modify physical environment
- Place burden for change on students and others
11The Real Outcomes
- Creates environments of control
- Occasions and reinforces antisocial behavior
- Shifts accountability away from school
- Leads to more of the same
122001 Surgeon Generals Report
- Good News
- of school homicides decreasing
- Bad News
- Assaults and other antisocial behaviors are
13Report Recommendations
- Break up antisocial networks
- Increase academic success
- Create positive school climates
- Target all students
14SWPBS Approach to School Discipline
- Goal
- To create learning environments that are both
positive and productive
15Elements of the SWPBS Approach to School
- Assess current environments (AzSET)
- Define appropriate behavior
- Teach appropriate behavior
- Support (reinforce) appropriate behavior
- Correct errors
- Use data for decision-making
16Goals of the School-wide Discipline Model
- Fewer behavior problems
- Better academic performance
- Better student, teacher, and family satisfaction
17Step 1 Secure Administrative Support
- Active support and involvement by administrators
- Includes providing for time, money, space, and
other needed resources
18Step 2 Organize a Leadership Team
- 5-10 members, including administrator
- Representative of school staff
- Often includes 1 or more parents
- Why team approach?
- Ownership
- Buy-in
- sustainability
19Step 3 Define Behavioral Expectations
- Develop 3-5 inclusive expectations
- Easy to remember
- apply to all students in all settings
- Define what each expectation means (behaviorally)
in each relevant school environment
20Step 4 Teach Behavioral Expectations
- Directly teach concrete social skills expected in
each relevant school environment
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22Step 5 Acknowledge/Reward Appropriate Behavior
- Appropriate behavior needs to payoff it needs
to work - Some use formal systems some rely on social
reinforcers (e.g., praise, recognition,
privileges) - All students acknowledged
- Goal 4-5 positives for every aversive
23Step 6 Monitor and Correct Behavioral Errors
- Clear set of consequences for problem behavior
- Correct problem behavior quickly
- Tie correction to the school expectations (what
to do instead next time)
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25Step 7 Use Information for Decision-making
- Collect data on office referrals that require
administrative involvement - Provides useful information for refining
school-wide discipline system - Provides objective evaluation of success
- Provides positive feedback to students, staff,
administration, and families
26Impact of SWPBS
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28What Does this Mean to You?
- First year developmental (some exceptions)
- Not shotgun approach
- Takes time and commitment (3-5 yrs)
- Payoff worthwhile
29Organization of ABI
- Partners
- Partner schools
- Arizona Department of Education
- University of Arizona
- Arizona State University
- Northern Arizona University
- National Center for PBIS
30Universitys Role
- Coursework for sustainability
- NAU (Web-based school-wide PBS)
- ASU (Web-based PBIS)
- UA (3 Web-based courses/Behavioral Support
Specialist training)
31Universitys Role
- Technical Assistance
- Orientation
- Training Conferences
- On-site visits
- Regional meetings
- Multiple contact formats
32Rest of the Training Conference
- Partner School presenters
- Effective Team functioning
- Data
- Quarterly Reports