Title: Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
1Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
- looking at Washington Irving 2009-2010
2What is PBIS?
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
(PBIS) is a proactive systems approach for
creating and maintaining safe and effective
learning environments in schools, and ensuring
that all students have the social/emotional
skills needed to ensure their success at school
and beyond.
- Increase consistent use of positive teaching
and reinforcement strategies among all school
staff at school-wide, classroom and individual
student levels. - Reduce use of reactive discipline measures in
schools (office discipline referrals, detentions,
suspensions, and/or expulsions) for all students.
4More Goals
- Increase data-based decision-making about
behavior and academic instruction and
reinforcement across all school settings. - Implement effective comprehension
support/services/interventions for students with
the most intensive behavioral/emotional needs
through wraparound plans that address home,
school, and community settings.
5Four Elements
- Systems Supporting Staff Behavior
- Data - Supporting Decision Making
- Practices Supporting Student Behavior
- Outcomes - Support Social Competence and Academic
6Social Competence and Academic Achievement
Supporting Decision Making
Supporting Staff Behavior
Supporting Student Behavior
7Critical Elements
- Careful acknowledgement, consideration, and
achievement of outcomes that are valued by
careful stakeholders. - Adoption and sustained use of research-validated
practices and curricula that maximize achievement
of students and teacher outcomes - Application of data-based decision-making at many
levels with multiple individuals across contexts
and with multiple outcomes - Development of systems that are needed to ensure
consideration of valued outcomes, research
validated practices, and data-based decision
8School-Wide Systems for Student SuccessA
Response to Intervention (RtI) Model
Academic Systems
Behavioral Systems
- Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions 1-5
- Individual students
- Assessment-based
- High intensity
- 1-5 Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions
- Individual students
- Assessment-based
- Intense, durable procedures
- Tier 2/Secondary Interventions 5-15
- Some students (at-risk)
- High efficiency
- Rapid response
- Small group interventions
- Some individualizing
- 5-15 Tier 2/Secondary Interventions
- Some students (at-risk)
- High efficiency
- Rapid response
- Small group interventions
- Some individualizing
- Tier 1/Universal Interventions 80-90
- All students
- Preventive, proactive
- 80-90 Tier 1/Universal Interventions
- All settings, all students
- Preventive, proactive
Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008.
Adapted from What is school-wide PBS? OSEP
Technical Assistance Center on Positive
Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed
at http//pbis.org/schoolwide.htm
9The Team
- Felicia Starks External Coach
- John Hodge Administrator
- Mona Youngblood Staff (O.T.)
- Kila Bell-Bey Staff (Social Worker)
- Billie Lara Family Voice / Parent
- Nick Sakellaris Internal Coach
10Universal Expectations
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Peaceful
- Be Safe
- Everywhere.
These are the Eagle Essentials
11Self Assessment Survey
- Taking a good look at the numbers
- Note the priorities/hot spots.
- Raffles each week for staff and students
- Celebrations for the school at the end of each
12What does it look like in/on the
- Cafeteria
- Bus
- Hallways
- Playground
- Classroom
- Lockers
- Arrival/Dismissal
- Stairways
- Washrooms
- Lining up / Walking in Line
13Creating a Cool Tool
- A behavioral lesson plan for teaching expected
behaviors - We had a Cool Tools Assembly the first week of
school! - We will revisit them each trimester so the
students can be reminded
- Teacher Evaluations
- Student Evaluations
- At the end of each trimester!